Center of Applied Information and Communication Technology, Copenhagen Business School, Fredriksberg, Denmark
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Use Of Blockchain As A Resource For Combating Corruption In Global Shipping: An Interpretive Case Study00.342021
Emergence of collective digital innovations through the process of control point driven network reconfiguration and reframing: the case of mobile payment00.342020
Platformization and Internationalization in the LEGO Group.00.342020
How TradeLens Delivers Business ValueWith Blockchain Technology.00.342019
Dynamic Capability Building in the LEGO Group - Prospective Activities vs. Reflective Learning in preparation for a turbulent Digital Future.00.342019
Antecedents and Effects of Green IS Adoptions: Insights from Nordea00.342018
Governing Open Data Platforms to Cultivate Innovation Ecosystems - The Case of the Government of Buenos Aires.00.342018
Digital Trade Infrastructures: A Framework for Analysis.00.342018
A review of information system integration in mergers and acquisitions.10.342018
The Paradox of Post-Acquisition IS Integration Preparation: Preparing Under Incomplete Information00.342018
How Enterprise Architecture Maturity Enables Post-Merger IT Integration.00.342017
Merging Platform Ecosystems in Technology Acquisitions: a Governance Perspective.00.342017
Sports Digitalization: A Review and A Research Agenda.00.342017
Overcoming blockages to Collective Innovation in Digital Infrastructures: the Case of Mobile Payment.00.342017
The Information Infrastructures Design Space: A Literature Review.00.342017
The Anatomy of Digital Trade Infrastructures.10.362017
Managing the Technology Acquisition Integration Paradox at SAP.00.342016
An Approach for Assessing the Benefits of IT Investments in Global supply Chains.00.342016
Reinventing The Platform Core Through Acquisition: A Case Study00.342016
Developing ecological sustainability: a green IS response model20.372016
Understanding Information Systems Integration Deficiencies in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Configurational Perspective.00.342016
IT Consultants in Acquisition IT Integration - A Resource-Based View.00.342016
Managing It Integration Risk In Acquisitions00.342016
Acquisition IT Integration: The Roles of Temporary Agency Workers00.342015
Late to the Game: Assessing IT Integration Risk after the Acquisition Target Has Been Identified00.342015
The new normal: Market cooperation in the mobile payments ecosystem.20.402015
Taking Stock and looking Forward: a scientometric Analysis of is/IT Integration Challenges in Mergers.30.452014
Technology-based Transformation of Digital Ecosystems: The DETT Framework00.342014
Evolution Of Business Models: A Case Study Of SAP.30.382013
An introspection for the field of IS integration challenges in M&A.10.352013
"Ready To Acquire": The It Resources Required For A Growth-By-Acquisition Business Strategy110.572013
Competition and collaboration shaping the digital payment infrastructure50.442012
Information Systems Integration in the Food Industry.10.352012
International E-Customs Standardization from the Perspective of a Global Company00.342012
Organizational Self-Renewal: The Role of Green IS in Developing Eco-Effectiveness.30.372012
Three Strategies for Green IT50.462011
Inscription of behaviour and flexible interpretation in Information Infrastructures: The case of European e-Customs170.742011
The next generation information infrastructure for international trade30.472011
Managing the IT Integration of Acquisitions by Multi-Business Organizations.70.472011
A Dual View on IT Challenges in Corporate Divestments and Acquisitions.20.372011
The Essential Dynamics of Information Infrastructures.80.492011
Accentuated Factors of Handheld Computing.20.372011
The Dysiim Model For Managing Is Integration In Mergers And Acquisitions110.552011
Socio-technical IS design science research: developing design theory for IS integration management381.102011
Developing Mobile Information Systems: Managing Additional Aspects.100.682010
Resource Dependencies In Socio-Technical Information Systems Design Research60.432010
A Design Proposition for the Information Infrastructure of International Trade.10.362010
Industry-Wide Supply Chain Information Integration: The Lack Of Management And Disjoint Economic Responsibility50.532010
Developing an Information Infrastructure for International Trade.10.362010
Barriers to IT-driven Governmental Transformation.50.452010
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