Univ Calif San Diego, San Diego Supercomp Ctr, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA
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A New Weighted Imputed Neighborhood-Regularized Tri-Factorization One-Class Collaborative Filtering Algorithm: Application to Target Gene Prediction of Transcription Factors00.342021
A cross-level information transmission network for hierarchical omics data integration and phenotype prediction from a new genotype00.342021
Transynergy: Mechanism-Driven Interpretable Deep Neural Network For The Synergistic Prediction And Pathway Deconvolution Of Drug Combinations00.342021
A Bayesian approach to accurate and robust signature detection on LINCS L1000 data.10.412020
Structural insights into characterizing binding sites in EGFR kinase mutants.00.342019
Biological representation of chemicals using latent target interaction profile.10.352019
Structural Insights into Characterizing Binding Sites in Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Kinase Mutants00.342019
Predicting serious rare adverse reactions of novel chemicals.20.362018
The International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine (ICIBM) 2018: bioinformatics towards translational applications.00.342018
ANTENNA, a Multi-Rank, Multi-Layered Recommender System for Inferring Reliable Drug-Gene-Disease Associations: Repurposing Diazoxide as a Targeted Anti-Cancer Therapy.10.352018
Target Gene Prediction of Transcription Factor Using a New Neighborhood-regularized Tri-factorization One-class Collaborative Filtering Algorithm.00.342018
A new insight into underlying disease mechanism through semi-parametric latent differential network model.10.372018
Cross-Dependency Inference in Multi-Layered Networks: A Collaborative Filtering Perspective00.342017
JDINAC: joint density-based non-parametric differential interaction network analysis and classification using high-dimensional sparse omics data.20.382017
Varifunnet, An Integrated Multiscale Modeling Framework To Study The Effects Of Rare Non-Coding Variants In Genome-Wide Association Studies: Applied To Alzheimer'S Disease00.342017
Confused or not Confused?: Disentangling Brain Activity from EEG Data Using Bidirectional LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks50.472017
Mining Fda Resources To Compute Population-Specific Frequencies Of Adverse Drug Reactions00.342017
PDID: database of molecular-level putative protein-drug interactions in the structural human proteome.70.472016
Large-Scale Off-Target Identification Using Fast and Accurate Dual Regularized One-Class Collaborative Filtering and Its Application to Drug Repurposing.50.432016
FASCINATE: Fast Cross-Layer Dependency Inference on Multi-layered Networks180.642016
Toward High-Throughput Predictive Modeling of Protein Binding/Unbinding Kinetics.00.342016
Drug repurposing to target Ebola virus replication and virulence using structural systems pharmacology.10.382016
Towards Structural Systems Pharmacology To Study Complex Diseases And Personalized Medicine40.432014
Antibacterial mechanisms identified through structural systems pharmacology.70.392013
An integrated workflow for proteome-wide off-target identification and polypharmacology drug design00.342012
Drug Discovery Using Chemical Systems Biology: Weak Inhibition Of Multiple Kinases May Contribute To The Anti-Cancer Effect Of Nelfinavir231.142011
A Machine Learning-Based Method To Improve Docking Scoring Functions and Its Application to Drug Repurposing.301.172011
A Multidimensional Strategy To Detect Polypharmacological Targets In The Absence Of Structural And Sequence Homology120.892010
Drug Off-Target Effects Predicted Using Structural Analysis In The Context Of A Metabolic Network Model331.822010
Smap-Ws: A Parallel Web Service For Structural Proteome-Wide Ligand-Binding Site Comparison120.732010
A Decentralized Storage Scheme for Multi-Dimensional Range Queries over Sensor Networks00.342009
Drug Discovery Using Chemical Systems Biology: Identification Of The Protein-Ligand Binding Network To Explain The Side Effects Of Cetp Inhibitors302.632009
Drug Discovery Using Chemical Systems Biology: Repositioning The Safe Medicine Comtan To Treat Multi-Drug And Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis492.792009
A unified statistical model to support local sequence order independent similarity searching for ligand-binding sites and its application to genome-based drug discovery.241.282009
A clustering-based approximation scheme for in-network aggregation over sensor networks00.342007
In Silico Elucidation Of The Molecular Mechanism Defining The Adverse Effect Of Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators191.552007
A robust and efficient algorithm for the shape description of protein structures and its application in predicting ligand binding sites.602.602007
The RCSB PDB information portal for structural genomics.668.332006
Energy-Efficient multi-query optimization over large-scale sensor networks40.402006
Functional Coverage Of The Human Genome By Existing Structures, Structural Genomics Targets, And Homology Models243.992005