Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
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Streaming Convolutional Neural Networks for End-to-End Learning With Multi-Megapixel Images00.342022
Tailoring automated data augmentation to H&E-stained histopathology.00.342021
Residual cyclegan for robust domain transformation of histopathological tissue slides20.442021
Detection of prostate cancer in whole-slide images through end-to-end training with image-level labels00.342021
Deep Learning Methods for Lung Cancer Segmentation in Whole-Slide Histopathology Images—The ACDC@LungHP Challenge 201910.352021
Efficient Out-of-Distribution Detection in Digital Pathology Using Multi-Head Convolutional Neural Networks.00.342020
High resolution whole prostate biopsy classification using streaming stochastic gradient descent.00.342019
Dealing with Label Scarcity in Computational Pathology: A Use Case in Prostate Cancer Classification.00.342019
Quantifying the effects of data augmentation and stain color normalization in convolutional neural networks for computational pathology.90.932019
A large annotated medical image dataset for the development and evaluation of segmentation algorithms.90.482019
From Detection of Individual Metastases to Classification of Lymph Node Status at the Patient Level: The CAMELYON17 Challenge.80.472019
Stain-Transforming Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for Improved Segmentation of Renal Histopathology.00.342019
Learning to detect lymphocytes in immunohistochemistry with deep learning.40.382019
Automated segmentation of epithelial tissue in prostatectomy slides using deep learning.00.342018
Computer-aided diagnosis of lung carcinoma using deep learning - a pilot study.00.342018
Unsupervised Prostate Cancer Detection on H&E using Convolutional Adversarial Autoencoders.00.342018
H&E stain augmentation improves generalization of convolutional networks for histopathological mitosis detection.00.342018
Automatic color unmixing of IHC stained whole slide images.00.342018
Epithelium Segmentation Using Deep Learning In H&E-Stained Prostate Specimens With Immunohistochemistry As Reference Standard20.422018
Automatic segmentation of histopathological slides of renal tissue using deep learning.10.372018
Training convolutional neural networks with megapixel images.00.342018
Neural Image Compression for Gigapixel Histopathology Image Analysis40.542018
Whole-Slide Mitosis Detection in H&E Breast Histology Using PHH3 as a Reference to Train Distilled Stain-Invariant Convolutional Networks.80.562018
The importance of stain normalization in colorectal tissue classification with convolutional networks130.652017
Large scale deep learning for computer aided detection of mammographic lesions.712.402017
Evaluation of tongue squamous cell carcinoma resection margins using ex-vivo MR.00.342017
A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis.61721.682017
Context-aware stacked convolutional neural networks for classification of breast carcinomas in whole-slide histopathology images.60.612017
Location Sensitive Deep Convolutional Neural Networks For Segmentation Of White Matter Hyperintensities220.862016
Stain Specific Standardization of Whole-Slide Histopathological Images.271.322016
Pulmonary nodule detection in CT images: false positive reduction using multi-view convolutional networks461.482016
Automated Detection of DCIS in Whole-Slide H&E Stained Breast Histopathology Images.130.782016
Automated robust registration of grossly misregistered whole-slide images with varying stains.00.342016
A multi-scale superpixel classification approach to the detection of regions of interest in whole slide histopathology images40.432015
Automated detection of prostate cancer in digitized whole-slide images of H and E-stained biopsy specimens00.342015
Distinguishing prostate cancer from benign confounders via a cascaded classifier on multi-parametric MRI20.412014
Evaluation of prostate segmentation algorithms for MRI: the PROMISE12 challenge.552.732014
Distinguishing benign confounding treatment changes from residual prostate cancer on MRI following laser ablation00.342014
Computer-Aided Detection of Prostate Cancer in MRI452.622014
Automated computer-aided detection of prostate cancer in MR images: from a whole-organ to a zone-based approach50.942012
A pattern recognition approach to zonal segmentation of the prostate on MRI.91.012012
Required accuracy of MR-US registration for prostate biopsies40.542011
Automatic computer aided detection of abnormalities in multi-parametric prostate MRI90.962011
Computer aided detection of prostate cancer using T2, DWI and DCE MRI: methods and clinical applications00.342010
Simulation of nodules and diffuse infiltrates in chest radiographs using CT templates00.342010