Technion--Israel Institute of Technology
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Machine-learned epidemiology: real-time detection of foodborne illness at scale.10.432018
The BIG Web Track Chairs' Welcome & Organization.00.342018
A Review of Relational Machine Learning for Knowledge Graphs2104.852016
STEPS: Predicting place attributes via spatio-temporal analysis.00.342016
Constructing and Mining Web-scale Knowledge Graphs.30.392016
Knowledge-Based Trust: Estimating the Trustworthiness of Web Sources.471.112015
Knowledge-Based Trust: Estimating the Trustworthiness of Web Sources.00.342015
Getting More for Less: Optimized Crowdsourcing with Dynamic Tasks and Goals130.552015
On the Effect of Human-Computer Interfaces on Language Expression00.342015
A Review of Relational Machine Learning for Knowledge Graphs: From Multi-Relational Link Prediction to Automated Knowledge Graph Construction.381.392015
A Compositional Framework for Grounding Language Inference, Generation, and Acquisition in Video.120.692015
Wikipedia-based semantic interpretation for natural language processing1434.442014
From Data Fusion to Knowledge Fusion.00.342014
Knowledge base completion via search-based question answering731.852014
Knowledge vault: a web-scale approach to probabilistic knowledge fusion.44011.512014
Quizz: targeted crowdsourcing with a billion (potential) users511.342014
From Data Fusion to Knowledge Fusion.621.582014
Trust, but verify: predicting contribution quality for knowledge base construction and curation70.572014
Constructing and mining web-scale knowledge graphs: KDD 2014 tutorial180.652014
Report on the sixth workshop on exploiting semantic annotations in information retrieval (ESAIR'13)20.402014
ERD'14: entity recognition and disambiguation challenge501.922014
Interactive policy learning through confidence-based autonomy642.352014
Sixth workshop on exploiting semantic annotations in information retrieval (ESAIR'13)30.512013
To each his own: personalized content selection based on text comprehensibility200.902012
Mining, searching and exploiting collaboratively generated content on the web00.342012
Large-scale learning of word relatedness with constraints551.442012
Introduction to the Special Section on Computational Models of Collective Intelligence in the Social Web00.342012
Joint relevance and freshness learning from clickthroughs for news search60.472012
Information organization and retrieval with collaboratively generated content00.342011
Ad retrieval systems in vitro and in vivo: knowledge-based approaches to computational advertising40.562011
Web Page Summarization for Just-in-Time Contextual Advertising70.552011
Retrieval models for audience selection in display advertising80.522011
A word at a time: computing word relatedness using temporal semantic analysis1614.872011
Generalized link suggestions via web site clustering20.432011
Bid generation for advanced match in sponsored search70.662011
Concept-Based Information Retrieval Using Explicit Semantic Analysis1203.312011
Predicting web searcher satisfaction with existing community-based answers291.202011
Information retrieval challenges in computational advertising10.342011
Measuring the reusability of test collections160.672010
The anatomy of an ad: structured indexing and retrieval for sponsored search70.482010
Automatic generation of bid phrases for online advertising220.962010
Using the past to score the present: extending term weighting models through revision history analysis170.842010
Competing for users' attention: on the interplay between organic and sponsored search results130.622010
Exploiting site-level information to improve web search110.632010
Anatomy of the long tail: ordinary people with extraordinary tastes602.702010
Using landing pages for sponsored search ad selection200.802010
What happens after an ad click?: quantifying the impact of landing pages in web advertising131.342009
Classifying search queries using the Web as a source of knowledge251.062009
Translating relevance scores to probabilities for contextual advertising30.392009
Context transfer in search advertising90.642009
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