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Equalizing the spatial accessibility of emergency medical services in Shanghai: A trade-off perspective00.342022
onlineBcp: An R package for online change point detection using a Bayesian approach00.342022
OpenMedIA: Open-Source Medical Image Analysis Toolbox and Benchmark Under Heterogeneous AI Computing Platforms.00.342022
MemHC: An Optimized GPU Memory Management Framework for Accelerating Many-body Correlation00.342022
RGA-SOBAR - Second-Order Block Arnoldi Method Based on Relative Gain Array for Model Order Reduction of MIMO RCS Circuits.00.342021
Data Segmentation Methods for Activity Recognition in Ambient Assisted Living.00.342021
Incremental Learning of Infrared Vehicle Detection Method Based on SSD00.342020
Network Adjacency Matrix Blocked-compressive Sensing: A Novel Algorithm for Link Prediction00.342019
Profit-Driven Adaptive Moving Targets Search with UAV Swarms00.342019
Performance Differences of an Electromagnetic Flow Sensor With Nonideal Electrodes Based on Different-Dimensional Weight Functions.00.342018
Sentinel-1 InSAR Measurements of Elevation Changes over Yedoma Uplands on Sobo-Sise Island, Lena Delta.00.342018
Fault-Tolerant Scheduling for Scientific Workflow with Task Replication Method in Cloud.00.342018
A Robust DS Combination Method Based on Evidence Correction and Conflict Redistribution.00.342018
Distributed Cooperative Fault Detection for Multiagent Systems: A Mixed $H_{\infty }/H_2$ Optimization Approach20.362018
Model Interpretation: A Unified Derivative-based Framework for Nonparametric Regression and Supervised Machine Learning.00.342018
A battery monitoring IC with an isolated communication interface for electric vehicles [IEICE Electronics Express Vol. 15(2018) No. 12 pp. 20180513].00.342018
SRN: Side-Output Residual Network for Object Reflection Symmetry Detection and Beyond00.342018
Design of A Novel Wearable LIPUS Treatment Device for Mental Health Treatment.00.342018
A Low Complexity Feature Extraction for the RF Fingerprinting Process.00.342018
Model-driven online parameter adjustment for zero-attracting LMS.10.352018
Improvement of DS Evidence Theory for Multi-Sensor Conflicting Information.40.392017
Queue Theory based Response Time Analyses for Geo-Information Processing Chain.00.342016
Perspectives on refactoring planning and practice: an empirical study00.342016
HEp-2 Cell Classification: The Role of Gaussian Scale Space Theory as A Pre-processing Approach20.372015
Eppdc: An Efficient Privacy-Preserving Scheme For Data Collection In Smart Grid20.372015
Factors promoting and Hindering Informatization of Nursing Institutions for the aged: a toe Theoretic Perspective.00.342014
Exploring Dynamic Redundancy to Resuscitate Faulty PCM Blocks.60.512014
Group Key Agreement in Multimedia Service for Machine Type Communication00.342014
Airborne geographically referenced stripmap SAR data processing00.342014
Refactoring planning and practice in agile software development: an empirical study20.382014
Multi-robot active sensing of non-stationary gaussian process-based environmental phenomena150.692014
A Fast Summation Tree Code for Matérn Kernel.20.392014
CC-Hunter: Uncovering Covert Timing Channels on Shared Processor Hardware371.092014
Arable Land Quality Assessment System Development and Its Application Based on ArcGIS Engine.00.342013
Through-Wall Shape Estimation Based on UWB-SP Radar10.392013
Adaptive explicit congestion control based on bandwidth estimation for high bandwidth-delay product networks.120.542013
Watts-inside: A hardware-software cooperative approach for Multicore Power Debugging30.382013
Understanding and modeling of internal transient latch-up susceptibility in CMOS inverters due to microwave pulses.30.592013
DLDE at web track: ad-hoc task.00.342013
Parallelizing the Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Multilevel Toeplitz Systems.10.402013
Learning multiple codebooks for low bit rate mobile visual search.60.452012
Dynamic Group Based Authentication Protocol for Machine Type Communications90.542012
Wetland vegetation biomass inversion using polarimetric RADARSAT-2 data00.342012
Vital Sign Detection Method Based on Multiple Higher Order Cumulant for Ultrawideband Radar201.142012
Nature image feature extraction using several sparse variants of non-negative matrix factorization algorithm00.342012
A research of glacier change in West Kunlun through remote sensing00.342012
Close-proximity, real-time thermoacoustic sensors: Design, characterization, and testing.10.632012
Automatic Offloading C++ Expression Templates to CUDA Enabled GPUs40.592012
Mmdb: 3d Structures And Macromolecular Interactions120.902012
Prediction of rain attenuation series based on discretized spectral model00.342012
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