MIT Media Laboratory, Cambridge, MA
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CommunityLM: Probing Partisan Worldviews from Language Models.00.342022
Perspective-Taking to Reduce Affective Polarization on Social Media00.342022
Technology-assisted coaching can increase engagement with learning technology at home and caregivers’ awareness of it00.342022
Child-driven, machine-guided: Automatic scaffolding of constructionist-inspired early literacy play00.342022
Engaging Politically Diverse Audiences on Social Media00.342022
Lifelong Knowledge-Enriched Social Event Representation Learning.00.342021
Balanced Influence Maximization in the Presence of Homophily00.342021
The Structure of Toxic Conversations on Twitter00.342021
Constructing Embodied Algebra by Sketching00.342021
Modeling Human Motives and Emotions from Personal Narratives Using External Knowledge And Entity Tracking00.342021
Keeper: An Online Synchronous Conversation Environment Informed by In-Person Facilitation Practices00.342020
Exploring aspects of similarity between spoken personal narratives by disentangling them into narrative clause types00.342020
DAPPER - Learning Domain-Adapted Persona Representation Using Pretrained BERT and External Memory.00.342020
RadioTalk: A Large-Scale Corpus of Talk Radio Transcripts00.342019
Learning Personas from Dialogue with Attentive Memory Networks.10.352018
Children-Centered Sensing in Early Childhood Classrooms.00.342018
Context is Key: New Approaches to Neural Coherence Modeling.00.342018
TweetVista: An AI-Powered Interactive Tool for Exploring Conversations on Twitter.00.342017
Bilingual SpeechBlocks: Investigating How Bilingual Children Tinker with Words in English and Spanish.00.342017
Mapping Twitter Conversation Landscapes.00.342017
Auris: creating affective virtual spaces from music10.382017
Twitter Demographic Classification Using Deep Multi-Modal Multi-Task Learning30.402017
Nasty, Brutish, and Short: What Makes Election News Popular on Twitter?00.342017
Generalized Grounding Graphs: A Probabilistic Framework for Understanding Grounded Commands.00.342017
DeepSpace: Mood-Based Image Texture Generation for Virtual Reality from Music.00.342017
Digital Stylometry: Linking Profiles Across Social Networks.10.342016
Automatic Detection and Categorization of Election-Related Tweets.50.622016
Human Atlas: A Tool for Mapping Social Networks.00.342016
DeepStance at SemEval-2016 Task 6: Detecting Stance in Tweets Using Character and Word-Level CNNs.90.592016
Tracking the Yak: An Empirical Study of Yik Yak.20.462016
Tweet Acts: A Speech Act Classifier for Twitter.80.602016
Enhanced Twitter Sentiment Classification Using Contextual Information90.522016
A Semi-automatic Method for Efficient Detection of Stories on Social Media.30.432016
Enhanced Twitter Sentiment Classification Using Contextual Information.00.342015
A Human-Machine Collaborative System for Identifying Rumors on Twitter.40.432015
Grounding language models in spatiotemporal context.20.392014
Understanding Speech in Interactive Narratives with Crowdsourced Data.70.492012
Relating Activity Contexts to Early Word Learning in Dense Longitudinal Data.50.622012
A portable audio/video recorder for longitudinal study of child development10.352012
Extracting aspects of determiner meaning from dialogue in a virtual world environment20.392011
An Interface for Visualization and Exploration of Spatial Distributions.00.342011
Grounded semantic composition for visual scenes393.062011
Grounding spatial language for video search20.412010
Learning Meanings of Words and Constructions, Grounded in a Virtual Game.60.722010
Semi-automated dialogue act classification for situated social agents in games60.632010
Toward understanding natural language directions1275.352010
Grounding Verbs of Motion in Natural Language Commands to Robots.60.482010
Capturing and generating social behavior with the restaurant game00.342010
An immersive system for browsing and visualizing surveillance video100.622010
Behavior Compilation for AI in Games.40.482010
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