École Polytechnique de Montréal and GERAD, 3000 Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montreal, Que., Canada H3T 2A7
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An improved formulation for the inventory routing problem with time-varying demands00.342022
Exact Branch-Price-and-Cut for a Hospital Therapist Scheduling Problem with Flexible Service Locations and Time-Dependent Location Capacity00.342022
A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for the Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows00.342022
Deep-Learning-Based Partial Pricing In A Branch-And-Price Algorithm For Personalized Crew Rostering00.342022
Branch-and-cut-and-price for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, Piecewise-Linear Recharging and Capacitated Recharging Stations00.342022
Stabilized Column Generation Via the Dynamic Separation of Aggregated Rows00.342022
The Joint Network Vehicle Routing Game With Optional Customers00.342021
The Inventory Routing Problem with Demand Moves.00.342021
Branch-Price-And-Cut Algorithms For The Vehicle Routing Problem With Stochastic And Correlated Travel Times00.342021
Real-time bi-objective personnel re-scheduling in the retail industry00.342021
Preference-Based And Cyclic Bus Driver Rostering Problem With Fixed Days Off00.342021
The Traveling Salesman Problem With Time Windows In Postal Services10.342021
Addressing Orientation Symmetry In The Time Window Assignment Vehicle Routing Problem00.342021
Integrated And Sequential Solution Methods For The Cyclic Bus Driver Rostering Problem00.342021
An Improved Integral Column Generation Algorithm Using Machine Learning for Aircrew Pairing00.342021
Accelerating Benders decomposition for short-term hydropower maintenance scheduling10.352021
Machine-Learning-Based Column Selection For Column Generation00.342021
Selective Arc-Ng Pricing For Vehicle Routing00.342021
Routing electric vehicles with a single recharge per route.00.342020
Dynamic Constraint Aggregation for Solving Very Large-scale Airline Crew Pairing Problems.00.342020
A branch-and-price heuristic for the crew pairing problem with language constraints00.342020
Variable Fixing for Two-Arc Sequences in Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithms on Path-Based Models00.342020
Improving Air Crew Rostering by Considering Crew Preferences in the Crew Pairing Problem00.342020
Introduction to the special issue on combining optimization and machine learning: Application in vehicle routing, network design and crew scheduling00.342020
Integrated Liner Shipping Network Design and Scheduling00.342020
A two-stage solution approach for personalized multi-department multi-day shift scheduling.00.342020
Column generation for vehicle routing problems with multiple synchronization constraints.00.342019
A decomposition-based heuristic for large employee scheduling problems with inter-department transfers.00.342019
Integral column generation for the set partitioning problem10.372019
Selective pricing in branch-price-and-cut algorithms for vehicle routing10.362019
A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for a Production-Routing Problem with Short-Life-Span Products00.342019
Daily course pattern formulation and valid inequalities for the curriculum-based course timetabling problem20.402019
Daily course pattern formulation and valid inequalities for the curriculum-based course timetabling problem20.402019
The vehicle routing problem with hard time windows and stochastic service times80.482018
The daily tail assignment problem under operational uncertainty using look-ahead maintenance constraints.00.342018
Minimizing the logistic ratio in the inventory routing problem.10.352017
Linear fractional approximations for master problems in column generation.00.342017
Two decomposition algorithms for solving a minimum weight maximum clique model for the air conflict resolution problem.10.372017
New Enhancements For The Exact Solution Of The Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows110.542017
Solving the Air Conflict Resolution Problem Under Uncertainty Using an Iterative Biobjective Mixed Integer Programming Approach.00.342017
The pickup and delivery problem with time windows and handling operations.30.402017
A new heuristic branching scheme for the crew pairing problem with base constraints.40.392017
A priori optimization with recourse for the vehicle routing problem with hard time windows and stochastic service times.210.692016
A Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for the Inventory-Routing Problem220.892016
Exact algorithms for electric vehicle-routing problems with time windows30.422016
Branch-price-and-cut algorithms for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and multiple stacks.70.462016
A Column Generation Heuristic for Districting the Price of a Financial Product20.672015
A New Variant of the Minimum-Weight Maximum-Cardinality Clique Problem to Solve Conflicts between Aircraft10.362015
Branch-Price-and-Cut Algorithms for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Last-in-First-Out Loading130.602015
A New Formulation Based on Customer Delivery Patterns for a Maritime Inventory Routing Problem40.392015
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