Natl Cent Univ, Dept Comp Sci & Informat Engn, Jhongli 320, Taiwan
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A large-scale investigation and identification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus based on peaks binning of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight MS spectra00.342021
Characterization and identification of antimicrobial peptides with different functional activities.00.342020
EuLoc: a web-server for accurately predict protein subcellular localization in eukaryotes by incorporating various features of sequence segments into the general form of Chou's PseAAC.10.352013
An enhanced computational platform for investigating the roles of regulatory RNA and for identifying functional RNA motifs.90.412013
Characterization and prediction of mRNA polyadenylation sites in human genes.70.672011
A System to Discover Correlations within a Biological Pathway between the Expression Levels of Genes00.342011
A Prediction of mRNA Polyadenylation Sites in Human Genes00.342011
An expert system to identify co-regulated gene groups from time-lagged gene clusters using cell cycle expression data20.362010
Prediction of small non-coding RNA in bacterial genomes using support vector machines20.382010
Detecting LTR structures in human genomic sequences using profile hidden Markov models10.352009
An expert system to predict protein thermostability using decision tree70.522009
An expert system to classify microarray gene expression data using gene selection by decision tree230.802009
Incorporating structural characteristics for identification of protein methylation sites.241.002009
A Human DNA Methylation Site Predictor Based on SVM00.342009
An expert system to identify transcription factor binding target genes by phylogenetic footprinting00.342009
Ribosw - A Web Server For Identifying Rna Riboswitches00.342009
A computation to integrate the analysis of genetic variations occurring within regulatory elements and their possible effects.00.342009
Incorporating support vector machine for identifying protein tyrosine sulfation sites.160.752009
Identifying discriminative amino acids within the hemagglutinin of human influenza A H5N1 virus using a decision tree.20.562008
RNALogo: a new approach to display structural RNA alignment.110.862008
Integrated Paper Slide in Classroom to Enhance Interaction Using Digital Pens00.342007
Primer design for multiplex PCR using a genetic algorithm20.412007
RNAMST: efficient and flexible approach for identifying RNA structural homologs.70.832006
Biological data warehousing system for identifying transcriptional regulatory sites from gene expressions of microarray data.10.362006
Database to dynamically aid probe design for virus identification.10.362006
Detection of discriminative sequence motifs in proteins obtained from prokaryotes grown at various temperatures.00.342006
Building a Relational Robot to be Student's Private Learning Secretary00.342006
An agent-based system to discover protein-protein interactions, identify protein complexes and proteins with multiple peptide mass fingerprints.10.392006
Discovering Common Structural Motifs Of Ribosomal Rna Secondary Structures In Prokaryotes10.362005
A database to aid probe design for virus identification00.342005
Supporting Activity Awareness for Teams-Games-Tournaments with GSM Network30.402005
Incorporating hidden Markov models for identifying protein kinase-specific phosphorylation sites.221.562005
Primer design for multiplex PCR using a genetic algorithm10.372005
Kinasephos: A Web Tool For Identifying Protein Kinase-Specific Phosphorylation Sites552.912005
Spliceinfo: An Information Repository For Mrna Alternative Splicing In Human Genome91.192005
PGTdb: a database providing growth temperatures of prokaryotes.91.782004
Performance evaluation of a database of repetitive elements in complete genomes00.342004
RgS-Miner: A Biological Data Warehousing, Analyzing and Mining System for Identifying Transcriptional Regulatory Sites in Human Genome10.382004
A Computational Approach to Discover Differential Cooperation of Regulartory Sites in Functionally Related Genes in Yeast Genome00.342004
Identifying the combination of genetic factors that determine susceptibility to cervical cancer.00.342004
Identifying transcriptional regulatory sites in the human genome using an integrated computation00.342004
Applying evolutionary algorithms to materialized view selection in a data warehouse.100.492003
A Data Mining Method to Predict Transcriptional Regulatory Sites Based on Differentially Expressed Genes in Human Genome30.462003
Computing motif correlations in proteins.00.342003
Location query based on moving behavior40.462003
A decomposition approach for fixed channel assignment problems in large-scale cellular networks.00.342003
Using Mobile Techniques In Improving Information Awareness To Promote Learning Performance50.452003
Database of repetitive elements in complete genomes and data mining using transcription factor binding sites.40.742003
Web Based Peer Assessment Using Knowledge Acquisition Techniques: Tools for Supporting Contexture Awareness20.512002
The repetitive sequence database and mining putative regulatory elements in gene promoter regions.90.722002
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