Charite, Dept Neurol, D-13353 Berlin, Germany
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Separating Neural Oscillations from Aperiodic 1/f Activity: Challenges and Recommendations.00.342022
EEG-Based Assessment of Perceived Quality in Complex Natural Images00.342020
EEG-Based Assessment of Perceived Realness in Stylized Face Images00.342020
Assessing Perceived Image Quality Using Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials and Spatio-Spectral Decomposition.60.502018
On the Stimulation Frequency in SSVEP-based Image Quality Assessment10.362018
On optimal spatial filtering for the detection of phase coupling in multivariate neural recordings.00.342017
Multiscale temporal neural dynamics predict performance in a complex sensorimotor task.00.342016
Correlates of a single cortical action potential in the epidural EEG.20.402015
A next step towards measuring perceived quality of speech through physiology.00.342014
Using Electroencephalography to Measure Perceived Video Quality40.572014
It is not all about phase: Amplitude dynamics in corticomuscular interactions.80.632013
Distinction between added-energy and phase-resetting mechanisms in non-invasively detected somatosensory evoked responses.10.362013
No somatotopy of sensorimotor alpha-oscillation responses to differential finger stimulation.10.372013
Analyzing Speech Quality Perception Using Electroencephalography.231.852012
Brain-Computer Interfaces - Prinzip und Perspektiven einer neuen Mensch-Maschine Schnittstelle.00.342012
Toward a direct measure of video quality perception using EEG.462.442012
Enhanced performance by a hybrid NIRS-EEG brain computer interface.753.282012
Towards the influence of vibration on evaluation of speech utterances in mobile devices.00.342011
A novel method for reliable and fast extraction of neuronal EEG/MEG oscillations on the basis of spatio-spectral decomposition.351.702011
A Physiological Approach to Determine Video Quality50.952011
Optimal imaging of cortico-muscular coherence through a novel regression technique based on multi-channel EEG and un-rectified EMG.50.532011
Novel applications of BCI technology: Psychophysiological optimization of working conditions in industry40.622010
Neurophysiological predictor of SMR-based BCI performance.865.532010
Ultrahigh-frequency EEG during fMRI: Pushing the limits of imaging-artifact correction.161.102009
Now you'll feel it, now you won't: EEG rhythms predict the effectiveness of perceptual masking.101.072009
A generalized framework for quantifying the dynamics of EEG event-related desynchronization.80.732009
The Berlin brain-computer interface10.432008
The human thalamus is crucially involved in executive control operations.30.542008
Dynamics of cortical neurovascular coupling analyzed by simultaneous DC-magnetoencephalography and time-resolved near-infrared spectroscopy100.962008
High-frequency (600 Hz) population spikes in human EEG delineate thalamic and cortical fMRI activation sites.70.582008
MEG/EEG sources of the 170-ms response to faces are co-localized in the fusiform gyrus.221.722007
The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface (BBCI) --- towards a new communication channel for online control in gaming applications535.112007
The non-invasive Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: fast acquisition of effective performance in untrained subjects.20417.862007
Berlin Brain-Computer Interface-The HCI communication channel for discovery120.912007
Identifying mutual information transfer in the brain with differential-algebraic modeling: Evidence for fast oscillatory coupling between cortical somatosensory areas 3b and 1.20.562007
The Berlin Brain-Computer Interface: Machine Learning Based Detection of User Specific Brain States326.562006
Aggregating Classification Accuracy across Time: Application to Single Trial EEG10.382006
Enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio of ICA-based extracted ERPs81.302006
Optimizing spatio-temporal filters for improving Brain-Computer Interfacing164.292005
The BCI Competition 2003: progress and perspectives in detection and discrimination of EEG single trials.18248.332004
BCI Competition 2003--Data set III: probabilistic modeling of sensorimotor mu rhythms for classification of imaginary hand movements.488.602004
Binary On-line Classification Based on Temporally Integrated Information10.422004
Increase Information Transfer Rates in BCI by CSP Extension to Multi-class308.692003
Combining Features for BCI217.722002
Single Trial Detection of EEG Error Potentials: A Tool for Increasing BCI Transmission Rates141.312002
Classifying Single Trial EEG: Towards Brain Computer Interfacing15444.912001
Artifact reduction in magnetoneurography based on time-delayed second-order correlations.4411.412000
Independent component analysis of noninvasively recorded cortical magnetic DC-fields in humans.193.392000