Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Florida, ENB 118, 4202 East Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL 33620, USA
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Predicting Success for Computer Science Students in CS2 using Grades in Previous Courses00.342019
A Structural Equation Model Analysis of Computing Identity Sub-Constructs and Student Academic Persistence.00.342018
Reducing Power Use and Enabling Oversubscription in Multi-tenant Data Centers Using Local Price20.362017
Local power distribution with nanogrids40.662013
Think Globally, Distribute Power Locally: The Promise of Nanogrids50.792012
A new analysis of the false positive rate of a Bloom filter401.632010
Greener PCs for the Enterprise231.642009
Ethernet Adaptive Link Rate (Alr): Analysis Of A Buffer Threshold Policy294.782006
A special issue on a hot topic00.342006
CSE volunteers: a service learning program to provide IT support to the hillsborough county school district62.002006
Ethernet Adaptive Link Rate: System Design And Performance Evaluation203.532006
Performance evaluation of new scheduling methods for the RR/RR CICQ switch00.342005
Managing energy consumption costs in desktop PCs and LAN switches with proxying, split TCP connections, and scaling of link speed13116.542005
The next frontier for communications networks: power management9213.152004
Testing large scale streaming internet applications over wireless LANs10.592004
A parallel packet switch with multiplexors containing virtual input queues90.972004
Power Management in Networked Devices224.342004
Performance Evaluation of Packet-to-Cell Segmentation Schemes in Input Buffered Packet Switches00.342004
TSGen: a tool for modeling of frame loss in streaming video20.392004
Managing routing tables for URL routers in content distribution networks91.872004
Characterizing and reducing route oscillations in the Internet20.412003
Special Issue: Performance Evaluation of IP Networks and Services00.342003
Design of a high-speed overlapped round robin (ORR) arbiter10.352003
Characterization of the Burst Stabilization Protocol for the RR/RR CICQ Switch30.432003
Parallel packet switching using multiplexors with virtual input queues131.012002
Efficient summarization of URLs using CRC32 for implementing URL switching30.512002
Special issue: issues and trends in terabit switching00.342002
RATE control for bandwidth allocated services in IEEE 802.3 Ethernet00.342001
A Single System Image Server Cluster using Duplicated MAC and IP Addresses130.932001
The directed reverse path join (DRPJ) protocol: an efficient multicast routing protocol.10.382001
Challenges in URL switching for implementing globally distributed Web sites4212.362000
Efficient transmission of stored video for improved management of network bandwidth80.782000
Using selective discard to improve real-time video quality on an ethernet local area network50.641999
Improving The Simulation Process In Model-Based Codesign With Remote Execution With Load Observation And Distribution (Reload)00.341999
An Algorithm for Playout of Packet Voice Based on Adaptive Adjustment of Talkspurt Silence Periods232.481999
New methods for shortest path selection for multimedia traffic with two delay constraints00.341999
The New Shortest Best Path Tree (SBPT) Algorithm for Dynamic Multicast Trees80.691999
Enabling power management for network-attached computers274.261998
Efficient computation of packet CRC from partial CRCs with application to the Cells-In-Frames protocol10.441998
A Simulation Study Of Enhanced Arbitration Methods For Improving Ethernet Performance31.041998
The effects of controlling capture on multimedia traffic for shared Ethernet systems50.591998
Reduction of self-similarity by application-level traffic shaping120.791997
Prediction of future world wide web traffic characteristics for capacity planning10.351997
A New Explicit Rate-Based Congestion Control Scheme for ABR Services10.371997
Emerging Trends - Full-Duplex and the Switched LAN10.371994
Parallel channel token ring local area networks.10.381992