, Hamburg, Germany
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Anwendungsszenarien für die Blockchain-Technologie in der Industrie
Cloud Service Billing and Service Level Agreement Monitoring based on Blockchain.10.372018
Introduction to the Special Issue on Smart Service Engineering.00.342018
Eyetracking-Forschung in Wirtschaftsinformatik und Information Systems Research - Literaturanalyse und Anwendungspotenziale.00.342015
Information Needs of the Mobile Technical Customer Service -- A Case Study in the Field of Machinery and Plant Engineering40.422015
Extending different Business Process Modeling Languages with Domain Specific Concepts: The Case of Internal Controls in EPC and BPMN.00.342015
Design of User-Oriented Mobile Service Support Systems - Analyzing the Eligibility of a Use Case Catalog to Guide System Development.00.342015
Artifact-Centered Planning and Assessing of Large Design Science Research Projects - A Case Study.00.342015
Efficient visual notations for efficient stakeholder communication00.342014
Supporting Technical Customer Service Processes: A Design-Centered Approach.10.352014
Improving Structure: Logical Sequencing of Mined Process Models20.422014
Conceptual Model of Accounts - Closing the Gap between Financial Statements and Business Process Modeling.10.352014
Who is Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf - Structuring Large Design Science Research Projects.20.362014
Preliminary Results on the Understandability of i* Notations.00.342014
Acceptance of Professional Web 2.0 Platforms in Regional SME Networks: An Evaluation Based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology10.372013
Elicitation and Consolidation of Requirements for Mobile Technical Customer Services Support Systems - A Multi-Method Approach.40.462013
Towards a Mobile Technical Customer Service Support Platform.70.582013
Geschäftsprozessorientierte Prüfung von IT-Systemen.00.342013
Towards Automated Analysis of Business Processes for Financial Audits.40.392013
Überprüfung der Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Anwendungssoftware.10.352013
Business Process Mining and Reconstruction for Financial Audits90.542012
Key Information Requirements for Process Audits - an Expert Perspective.100.592012
Tackling Complexity: Process Reconstruction and Graph Transformation for Financial Audits.20.372012
XBRL: Impacts, Issues and Future Research Directions.20.392012
Assessing the quality of g2b internet portals - a benchmarking approach.00.342011
Web 2.0 in healthcare: state-of-the-art in the German health insurance landscape.00.342011
Checking The Semantic Correctness Of Process Models An Ontology-Driven Approach Using Domain Knowledge And Rules10.352011
Eye Tracking Experiments in Business Process Modeling: Agenda Setting and Proof of Concept.80.512011
Web 2.0 in Healthcare: The Rise of a Fashion Wave? Examining the Discourse in the Literature.10.352011
Diffusion of web 2.0 in healthcare: a complete inventory count in the German health insurance landscape.00.342011
IT-Werkzeuge zur Vermittlung von Kenntnissen betriebswirtschaftlicher Anwendungssoftware.00.342011
Towards Automated Financial Process Auditing: Aggregation and Visualization of Process Models.30.392011
Entwicklerunterstützung für einfache Erweiterungen von Eclipse GMF- basierten Editoren.00.342011
Anwendung der Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology zur Akzeptanzbestimmung von Web 2.0-Anwendungen in KMU-Netzwerken.00.342011
What's inside the Box? Prospects and Limitations of Semantic Verification in Process Modeling20.372010
bflow* Toolbox - an Open-Source Business Process Modelling Tool.00.342010
How to Ensure Correct Process Models? A Semantic Approach to Deal with Resource Problems10.362010
Lecture Recording in a Blended Learning Arrangement for Teaching Enterprise Resource Planning Systems - Framework, Prototypical Implementation and Evaluation.00.342010
Elektronische Verfahrensabwicklung von G2B-eServices: Vorgehensmodell und Anwendungs-fall zur Umsetzung der Dienstleistungsrichtlinie.00.342010
Konzeption und Implementierung einer konfigurierbaren Komponente zum Modelldatenaustausch am Beispiel der bflow* Toolbox00.342010
Gebrauchstauglichkeit semiformaler Modellierungssprachen für das Anforderungsmanagement - Untersuchungsrahmen, Anwendungsfall und experimentelle Evaluation mittels Blickbewegungsregistrierung00.342010
Produktivitätssteigerung technischer Kundendienstleistungen durch intelligente mobile Assistenzsysteme00.342010
An Ontology-driven Approach to Support Semantic Verification in Business Process Modeling30.392010
Are Public and Private Health Insurance Companies Going Web 2.0? - A Complete Inventory Count in Germany00.342010
Produktivitätsmanagement hybrider Leistungsbündel.00.342010
Survey of E-Government Portals in European Capitals and Large Cities: A Benchmarking Study of G2B-Services00.342009
Web 2.0 Artifacts in Healthcare Management Portals- State-of-the-Art in German Health Care Companies.00.342009
Benchmarkingstudie "Kommunale Online-Dienstleistungen": Der Mystery-User Ansatz zur Identifikation der Reifegrade von Internet-Portalen am Beispiel deutscher Kommunen10.432009
Mobile Informationsversorgung als Wettbewerbsfaktor im technischen Kundendienst.00.342009
Web 2.0 in SME Networks - A Design Science Approach Considering Multi-perspective Requirements.100.822009
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