Univ Paris 06, F-75006 Paris, France
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Localisation, Personalisation And Delivery Of Best Practice Guidelines On An Integrated Care And Cure Cloud Architecture: The C3-Cloud Approach To Managing Multimorbidity00.342020
Classification Of The Severity Of Adverse Drugs Reactions00.342020
Quantitative analysis of manual annotation of clinical text samples.00.342019
User-Centered Design of the C3-Cloud Platform for Elderly with Multiple Diseases - Functional Requirements and Application Testing.00.342019
A Knowledge-Based Platform for Assessing Potential Adverse Drug Reactions at the Point of Care: User Requirements and Design.00.342019
Mapping the Hyperlink Structure of Diabetes Online Communities.00.342019
Building a Knowledge-Based Tool for Auto-Assessing the Cardiovascular Risk.00.342018
Modular Knowledge-Based Decision Support System Dedicated to a Cooperative Decision to Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases.00.342018
Ontologie et TALN: l'anonymisation au service du repérage conceptuel dans le contexte de la SLA.00.342017
Pharmacovigilance du Web Social par une approche fondée sur les bases de connaissances du Web Sémantique.00.342017
A Collaborative Evaluation Framework for Biometric Connected Devices in Healthcare.00.342017
A Multiagent System for Integrated Detection of Pharmacovigilance Signals.00.342016
Fouille de motifs et CRF pour la reconnaissance de symptômes dans les textes biomédicaux (Pattern mining and CRF for symptoms recognition in biomedical texts)[In French].00.342016
Cross Border Semantic Interoperability for Clinical Research: the EHR4CR Semantic Resources and Services.00.342016
OntoADR a semantic resource describing adverse drug reactions to support searching, coding, and information retrieval.10.352016
Ethical, Legal and Social Issues related to the health data-warehouses: re-using health data in the research and public health research.20.412015
Diagnosis management of gestational Diabetes using a Decision support system based on clinical guidelines.00.342015
A "pivot" Model to set up Large Scale Rare Diseases Information Systems: Application to the Fibromuscular Dysplasia Registry.00.342015
Towards data integration automation for the French rare disease registry.00.342015
Personalized decision support system based on clinical practice guidelines.00.342015
Formalizing mappings to optimize automated schema alignment: application to rare diseases.00.342014
Leveraging Post-marketing Drug Safety Research through Semantic Technologies: The PharmacoVigilance Signal Detectors Ontology.10.352014
An Agent-based Reasoning Scheme for Prioritizing Evidence Obtained from Multiple Pharmacovigilance Signal Detection Methods.00.342014
DebugIT: Ontology-mediated Layered Data Integration for Real-time Antibiotics Resistance Surveillance.20.372014
Towards an automatic harmonization of the representation of medical reports to assess their similarities.00.342014
Diagnosis support system based on clinical guidelines: comparison between case-based fuzzy cognitive maps and Bayesian networks.70.472014
Automatic annotation of ICD-to-MedDRA mappings with SKOS predicates.00.342014
Solutions d'interopérabilité sémantique pour la surveillance de l'antibiorésistance en Europe.00.342013
Clinical Practice Guidelines Formalization for Personalized Medicine10.372013
Noninvasive diagnosis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis disease based on clinical decision support system.10.352013
New Semantic Web rules and new medical reasoning framework10.382013
Application of probabilistic and fuzzy cognitive approaches in semantic web framework for medical decision support101.172013
An Ontological Approach for the Exploitation of Clinical Data.00.342013
Clinical diagnosis support system based on case based fuzzy cognitive maps and semantic web.20.422012
Evaluation of automated term groupings for detecting anaphylactic shock signals for drugs.00.342012
Data Definition Ontology for clinical data integration and querying.00.342012
EHR4CR: A Semantic Web Based Interoperability Approach for Reusing Electronic Healthcare Records in Protocol Feasibility Studies.10.372012
Proof-Based Ontology Matching: Finding Semantic Similarities between Ancestor Graph Structures00.342012
Automatic generation of MedDRA terms groupings using an ontology.40.462012
Integrating clinical research with the Healthcare Enterprise: From the RE-USE project to the EHR4CR platform151.782011
Case Based Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (CBFCM): New method for medical reasoning: Comparison study between CBFCM/FCM.40.552011
Grouping pharmacovigilance terms with semantic distance.10.352011
Partage de Données Biomédicales sur le Web Sémantique.00.342010
Ensuring HL7-based information model requirements within an ontology framework.00.342010
Bridging the semantics gap between terminologies, ontologies, and information models.70.722010
Un modèle de connaissances pour mesurer la qualité d'une source d'information.00.342010
Documentation in pharmacovigilance: using an ontology to extend and normalize Pubmed queries.40.522010
Choix méthodologiques pour la construction d'une ontologie de domaine en médecine prénatale00.342010
The Information Quality Triangle: a methodology to assess clinical information quality.50.482010
Apprentissage de patrons lexico-syntaxiques à partir de textes00.342010
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