Dept. of Comput. Sci. & Eng., Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA|c|
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Direct Voxel Grid Optimization: Super-fast Convergence for Radiance Fields Reconstruction.00.342022
CLA-NeRF: Category-Level Articulated Neural Radiance Field00.342022
Data Efficient 3D Learner via Knowledge Transferred from 2D Model.00.342022
Semiconductor Defect Detection by Hybrid Classical-Quantum Deep Learning00.342022
Autoregressive 3D Shape Generation via Canonical Mapping.00.342022
Toward Robust Long Range Policy Transfer00.342021
LED2-Net - Monocular 360deg Layout Estimation via Differentiable Depth Rendering.00.342021
HoHoNet: 360 Indoor Holistic Understanding with Latent Horizontal Features00.342021
Indoor Panorama Planar 3D Reconstruction via Divide and Conquer00.342021
Robust 360-8PA: Redesigning The Normalized 8-point Algorithm for 360-FoV Images00.342021
360SD-Net: 360° Stereo Depth Estimation with Learnable Cost Volume00.342020
360-Indoor: Towards Learning Real-World Objects in 360° Indoor Equirectangular Images00.342020
Mitigating Forgetting in Online Continual Learning via Instance-Aware Parameterization00.342020
BiFuse: Monocular 360 Depth Estimation via Bi-Projection Fusion30.362020
Visual Question Answering on 360° Images.10.342020
Learning a Multi-Modal Policy via Imitating Demonstrations with Mixed Behaviors.00.342019
Radiotherapy Target Contouring with Convolutional Gated Graph Neural Network.00.342019
Flat2Layout: Flat Representation for Estimating Layout of General Room Types.00.342019
Horizonnet: Learning Room Layout With 1d Representation And Pano Stretch Data Augmentation20.362019
3d Lidar And Stereo Fusion Using Stereo Matching Network With Conditional Cost Volume Normalization00.342019
Self-Supervised Learning of Depth and Camera Motion from 360° Videos.10.352018
Dula-Net: A Dual-Projection Network For Estimating Room Layouts From A Single Rgb Panorama30.382018
Cube Padding for Weakly-Supervised Saliency Prediction in 360° Videos.20.362018
A Unified Model For Extractive And Abstractive Summarization Using Inconsistency Loss90.452018
Instanas: Instance-Aware Neural Architecture Search00.342018
Self-view Grounding Given a Narrated 360° Video.10.352018
Searching Toward Pareto-Optimal Device-Aware Neural Architectures.30.372018
Tell Me Where to Look: Investigating Ways for Assisting Focus in 360° Video.210.972017
Semantic Highlight Retrieval and Term Prediction.40.392017
Anticipating Daily Intention Using On-wrist Motion Triggered Sensing10.362017
Tactics of Adversarial Attack on Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents.341.252017
Leveraging Video Descriptions to Learn Video Question Answering.20.362017
Summarizing Unconstrained Videos Using Salient Montages.10.352017
Detecting Adversarial Attacks on Neural Network Policies with Visual Foresight.60.472017
Show, Adapt and Tell: Adversarial Training of Cross-Domain Image Captioner190.662017
Learning to Compose with Professional Photographs on the Web.130.552017
Extracting Driving Behavior: Global Metric Localization from Dashcam Videos in the Wild.00.342016
Recognition From Hand Cameras: A Revisit With Deep Learning30.382016
Proactive Sensing for Improving Hand Pose Estimation.10.382016
Anticipating Accidents In Dashcam Videos10.402016
Title Generation For User Generated Videos150.592016
Ranking Highlights in Personal Videos by Analyzing Edited Videos.30.432016
Recognition from Hand Cameras00.342015
Ranking Domain-Specific Highlights By Analyzing Edited Videos381.022014
Salient Montages From Unconstrained Videos70.462014
Relating Things and Stuff via ObjectProperty Interactions20.372014
Object detection, shape recovery, and 3D modelling by depth-encoded hough voting50.472013
Find the Best Path: An Efficient and Accurate Classifier for Image Hierarchies140.512013
Mobile object detection through client-server based vote transfer60.542012
Relating things and stuff by high-order potential modeling100.742012
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