Texas A&M University
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Planning under periodic observations: bounds and bounding-based solutions.00.342022
Charting the trade-off between design complexity and plan execution under probabilistic actions00.342022
Accelerating combinatorial filter reduction through constraints00.342021
Experiments with Tractable Feedback in Robotic Planning Under Uncertainty - Insights over a Wide Range of Noise Regimes.00.342021
Every Action-Based Sensor.00.342021
Sensor selection for detecting deviations from a planned itinerary00.342021
Cover Combinatorial Filters and Their Minimization Problem.10.372021
Planning to Chronicle.00.342021
Conditioning Style on Substance: Plans for Narrative Observation00.342021
On the Design of Minimal Robots That Can Solve Planning Problems20.402021
Multiplexing Robot Experiments: Theoretical Underpinnings, Conditions for Existence, and Demonstrations00.342021
Unifying Consensus and Covariance Intersection for Efficient Distributed State Estimation Over Unreliable Networks00.342021
A POMDP Treatment of Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction: Implicit Coordination via Uncertainty-Aware Planning00.342020
Reality as a simulation of reality: robot illusions, fundamental limits, and a physical demonstration10.392020
Robots in the Huddle: Upfront Computation to Reduce Global Communication at Run Time in Multirobot Task Allocation.10.352020
Abstractions for computing all robotic sensors that suffice to solve a planning problem00.342020
Efficient recursive distributed state estimation of hidden Markov models over unreliable networks00.342020
Eliminating the Invariance on the Loss Landscape of Linear Autoencoders00.342020
Toward a language-theoretic foundation for planning and filtering20.392019
Achieving Non-Uniform Densities in Vibration Driven Robot Swarms Using Phase Separation Theory.00.342019
Non-Uniform Robot Densities In Vibration Driven Swarms Using Phase Separation Theory00.342019
Complete characterization of a class of privacy-preserving tracking problems30.442019
The Hardness of Minimizing Design Cost Subject to Planning Problems.00.342018
What does my knowing your plans tell me?00.342018
Bound to help: cooperative manipulation of objects via compliant, unactuated tails.00.342018
Space-Efficient Filters For Mobile Robot Localization From Discrete Limit Cycles00.342018
Robot Design: Formalisms, Representations, and the Role of the Designer.10.352018
Finding plans subject to stipulations on what information they divulge.00.342018
Delineating boundaries of feasibility between robot designs10.352018
Concise Planning and Filtering: Hardness and Algorithms.10.362017
Efficient distributed state estimation of hidden Markov Models over unreliable networks00.342017
Robots going round the bend - A comparative study of estimators for anticipating river meanders.00.342017
Analyzing the Sensitivity of the Optimal Assignment in Probabilistic Multi-Robot Task Allocation.10.362017
Hark! Who goes there? Concurrent association of communication channels for multiple mobile robots.00.342017
Using a Compliant, Unactuated Tail to Manipulate Objects.10.352017
Minimalist Robot Navigation and Coverage Using a Dynamical System Approach10.352017
Helping Novices Avoid the Hazards of Data: Leveraging Ontologies to Improve Model Generalization Automatically with Online Data Sources.10.362016
Beyond the Planning Potpourri - Reasoning About Label Transformations on Procrustean Graphs.00.342016
Decentralized State Estimation via a Hybrid of Consensus and Covariance intersection.00.342016
You Can't Save all the Pandas - Impossibility Results for Privacy-Preserving Tracking.00.342016
Bundling Policies for Sequential Stochastic Tasks in Multi-robot Systems00.342016
A man-packable unmanned surface vehicle for radiation localization and forensics10.352015
Automatic design of discreet discrete filters40.462015
Communication constrained task allocation with optimized local task swaps.70.432015
Leveraging Ontologies To Improve Model Generalization Automatically With Online Data Sources20.412015
When to do your own thing: Analysis of cost uncertainties in multi-robot task allocation at run-time70.572015
Assignment Algorithms for Modeling Resource Contention in Multirobot Task Allocation30.392015
Distributed robotic sampling of non-homogeneous spatio-temporal fields via recursive geometric sub-division20.382014
From selfish auctioning to incentivized marketing10.352014
Computing cell-based decompositions dynamically for planning motions of tethered robots20.432014
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