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Robust Frame Duplication Detection For Degraded Videos00.342021
Cnn Spatiotemporal Features And Fusion For Surveillance Video Forgery Detection00.342021
Fault-tolerant quantum error correction code preparation in UBQC00.342020
Exposing video inter-frame forgery via histogram of oriented gradients and motion energy image10.352020
Frame duplication and shuffling forgery detection technique in surveillance videos based on temporal average and gray level co-occurrence matrix10.352020
SHERPA: A Lightweight Smartphone Heterogeneity Resilient Portable Indoor Localization Framework10.362019
Analysis Of Associative Memories Based On Cellular Neural Networks With Value-Varying Templates00.342019
Analysis Of Associative Memories Based On Cellular Neural Networks With Value-Varying Templates00.342019
High-throughput and low-cost LDPC reconciliation for quantum key distribution.10.412019
High-Speed and Adaptive FPGA-Based Privacy Amplification in Quantum Key Distribution.10.412019
An Aeromagnetic Compensation Method Based on a Multimodel for Mitigating Multicollinearity.00.342019
Modeling and Simulation of Practical Quantum Secure Communication Network10.342019
Fine Grained Group Gesture Detection Using Wearable Devices00.342019
Distributed consensus-based multi-agent convex optimization via gradient tracking technique10.352019
Inter-frame forgery detection based on differential energy of residue.00.342019
UAV Assisted Bridge Defect Inspection System.00.342018
JPEG image width estimation for file carving.00.342018
CrowdNavi: Last-mile Outdoor Navigation for Pedestrians Using Mobile Crowdsensing.20.402018
Research on Face Recognition Method by Autoassociative Memory Based on RNNs.00.342018
SIRPSS - Sustainable Industrial Site Redevelopment Planning Support System.00.342018
BtPDR: Bluetooth and PDR-Based Indoor Fusion Localization Using Smartphones.00.342018
Surveillance Video Authentication Using Universal Image Quality Index Of Temporal Average00.342018
A Modified Tolles-Lawson Model Robust to the Errors of the Three-Axis Strapdown Magnetometer.30.552017
Monolithic Integrated Mems Phased Array Antenna Scanning In Two Dimensions00.342017
A Novel Framework for Fault Diagnosis Using Kernel Partial Least Squares Based on an Optimal Preference Matrix.10.352017
A Keypoint-Based Region Duplication Forgery Detection Algorithm00.342016
An Adaptive Filter for Aeromagnetic Compensation Based on Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis.20.492016
Exposing frame deletion by detecting abrupt changes in video streams.30.392016
PCET based copy-move forgery detection in images under geometric transforms120.502016
Feature point-based copy-move forgery detection: covering the non-textured areas.150.552016
Reassembling fragmented BMP files based on padding bytes.00.342016
Quality Assessment for Reassembled Image Files00.342016
An Aeromagnetic Compensation Coefficient-Estimating Method Robust to Geomagnetic Gradient.30.772016
Detection of Copy-Scale-Move Forgery in Digital Images Using SFOP and MROGH.00.342016
Identify the Copy & Paste Frames in Compressed Surveillance Video Based on Stream Parameters.00.342015
Co-Saliency Detection Linearly Combining Single-View Saliency And Foreground Correspondence20.352015
Improving Weights for Graph-Based Image Fragment Reassembly00.342015
An Adaptive Improved Winnow Algorithm00.342015
Qualified matching feature collection for feature point-based copy-move forgery detection00.342015
Detecting Duplicated Frames by Mapping Frames to 3D Skeletons00.342015
Fragmented JPEG File Recovery Using Pseudo Headers.00.342015
A passive technique for detecting copy-move forgery with rotation based on polar complex exponential transform00.342015
Background contrast based salient region detection.20.382014
Copy-Rotation-Move Forgery Detection Using the MROGH Descriptor00.342014
An adaptive transfer scheme based on sparse representation for figure-ground segmentation00.342014
Algebraic criteria for second-order global consensus in multi-agent networks with intrinsic nonlinear dynamics and directed topologies180.702014
Saliency detection based on integrated features30.382014
An improved contraction-based method for mesh skeleton extraction00.342014
Lag synchronization of two different delay chaotic system00.342014
A Novel Real-Time Aeromagnetic Compensation Method Based on RLSQ00.342014
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