Univ Politecn Cataluna, Dept Arquitectura Comp, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain
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Transfer-Learning-Based Intrusion Detection Framework in IoT Networks00.342022
A Real-Time Error Detection (RTD) Architecture and Its Use for Reliability and Post-Silicon Validation for F/F Based Memory Arrays00.342022
SafeX: Open Source Hardware and Software Components for Safety-Critical Systems00.342022
A Survey of Deep Learning Techniques for Cybersecurity in Mobile Networks00.342021
2D Error Correction for F/F based Arrays using In-Situ Real-Time Error Detection (RTD)00.342020
Cross-Layer Soft-Error Resilience Analysis of Computing Systems00.342020
Protecting RSA Hardware Accelerators against Differential Fault Analysis through Residue Checking00.342019
Challenges in Deeply Heterogeneous High Performance Systems00.342019
Modem Gain-Cell Memories in Advanced Technologies00.342018
Optimization of FinFET-Based Gain Cells for Low Power Sub-V T Embedded DRAMs.00.342018
MeRLiN: Exploiting Dynamic Instruction Behavior for Fast and Accurate Microarchitecture Level Reliability Assessment.20.362017
Suitability of FinFET introduction into eDRAM cells for operate at sub-threshold level00.342017
Feasibility of Embedded DRAM Cells on FinFET Technology.10.362016
Statistical analysis and comparison of 2T and 3T1D e-DRAM minimum energy operation.10.362016
MASkIt: Soft error rate estimation for combinational circuits10.362016
SRAM memory margin probability failure estimation using Gaussian Process regression00.342016
A detailed methodology to compute Soft Error Rates in advanced technologies.20.362016
Variability Influence On Finfet-Based On-Chip Memory Data Paths00.342015
Cross-layer early reliability evaluation: Challenges and promises20.372014
DRAM-based coherent caches and how to take advantage of the coherence protocol to reduce the refresh energy10.352014
REEM: Failure/non-failure region estimation method for SRAM yield analysis00.342014
SSFB: a highly-efficient and scalable simulation reduction technique for SRAM yield analysis20.402014
Strategies to enhance the 3T1D-DRAM cell variability robustness beyond 22 nm.00.342014
Combining RAM technologies for hard-error recovery in L1 data caches working at very-low power modes50.432013
An energy-efficient and scalable eDRAM-based register file architecture for GPGPU421.122013
Effectiveness Of Hybrid Recovery Techniques On Parametric Failures20.402013
Enhancing Performance and Energy Consumption of HER Caches by Adding Associativity.00.342013
Thread Row Buffers: Improving Memory Performance Isolation and Throughput in Multiprogrammed Environments60.452013
Distributed Cooperative Caching: An Energy Efficient Memory Scheme for Chip Multiprocessors60.512012
A novel variation-tolerant 4T-DRAM cell with enhanced soft-error tolerance10.372012
Enhancing 3T DRAMs for SRAM replacement under 10nm tri-gate SOI FinFETs00.342012
Dynamic fine-grain body biasing of caches with latency and leakage 3T1D-based monitors10.372011
TRAMS Project: Variability and Reliability of SRAM Memories in sub-22 nm Bulk-CMOS Technologies.00.342011
Impact of positive bias temperature instability (PBTI) on 3T1D-DRAM cells10.392011
Elastic cooperative caching: an autonomous dynamically adaptive memory hierarchy for chip multiprocessors280.912010
Power-efficient spilling techniques for chip multiprocessors20.372010
MODEST: a model for energy estimation under spatio-temporal variability20.642010
Using Coherence Information and Decay Techniques to Optimize L2 Cache Leakage in CMPs50.432009
An hybrid eDRAM/SRAM macrocell to implement first-level data caches181.052009
Power/Performance/Thermal Design-Space Exploration for Multicore Architectures411.592008
Distributed cooperative caching210.832008
Replacing 6T SRAMs with 3T1D DRAMs in the L1 Data Cache to Combat Process Variability171.172008
Process Variation Tolerant 3T1D-Based Cache Architectures2199.652007
Design space exploration for multicore architectures: a power/performance/thermal view581.852006
Value compression for efficient computation10.352005
Power- and Complexity-Aware Issue Queue Designs130.672003
Dynamic code partitioning for clustered architectures100.852001
Reducing the complexity of the issue logic401.552001
Dynamic Cluster Assignment Mechanisms734.112000
Very low power pipelines using significance compression593.592000
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