Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 7-105 NHH, 312 Church St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
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Task-Related Systemic Artifacts In Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy00.342020
A Variable Parameter Zeroing Neural Network for Resolving Time-Variant Quadratic Minimization with Preferable Performance00.342020
Channel-Wise Characterization of High Frequency Oscillations for Automated Identification of the Seizure Onset Zone.00.342020
Superficial Fluctuations In Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy00.342019
A new noise-tolerant and predefined-time ZNN model for time-dependent matrix inversion.70.432019
Reconstructing Cortical Intrinsic Connectivity Networks Using A Regression Method Combining Eeg Data From Sensor And Source Levels00.342019
In-Fiber Mach-Zehnder Interferometer Based on Three-Core Fiber for Measurement of Directional Bending.00.342019
Dynamic Activation Patterns Of The Motor Brain Revealed By Diffuse Optical Tomography00.342019
Automated Detection of High Frequency Oscillations in Intracranial EEG Using the Combination of Short-Time Energy and Convolutional Neural Networks.00.342019
An Improved Complex-Valued Recurrent Neural Network Model for Time-Varying Complex-Valued Sylvester Equation.00.342019
An Automatic Algorithm to Generate a Reachability Tree for Large-Scale Fuzzy Petri Net by And/Or Graph.00.342018
3D Copper Foam-Supported CuCo2O4 Nanosheet Arrays as Electrode for Enhanced Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensing.10.412018
Effect of Body Positions on EEG signals in Mal de Debarquement Syndrome.00.342018
Effect of Vigilance Changes on the Incidence of High Frequency Oscillations in the Epileptic Brain.00.342018
Solving Quadratic Minimization Problem By Finite-Time Recurrent Neural Network Using Two Different Nonlinear Activation Functions00.342018
A New RNN Model With a Modified Nonlinear Activation Function Applied to Complex-Valued Linear Equations.00.342018
A Novel Architecture for Automatic Document Classification for Effective Security in Edge Computing Environments10.352018
Design and Analysis of FTZNN Applied to the Real-Time Solution of a Nonstationary Lyapunov Equation and Tracking Control of a Wheeled Mobile Manipulator.180.562018
Resting-state Gamma-band EEG Abnormalities in Autism*.00.342018
Characterization of infant mu rhythm immediately before crawling: A high-resolution EEG study.00.342017
Relationship Between Amplitude Of Resting-State Fnirs Global Signal And Eeg Vigilance Measures00.342017
Predicting phenotypes from microarrays using amplified, initially marginal, eigenvector regression.10.482017
A finite-time convergent dynamic system for solving online simultaneous linear equations.50.412017
Computation Of Surface Laplacian For Tri-Polar Ring Electrodes On High-Density Realistic Geometry Head Model10.372017
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Share Your Real-Time View on the Road00.342017
Optimal Sliding Mode Robust Control for Fractional-Order Systems with Application to Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Tracking Control10.382017
A Velocity-Level Bi-Criteria Optimization Scheme for Coordinated Path Tracking of Dual Robot Manipulators Using Recurrent Neural Network.10.362017
A Complex Gradient Neural Dynamics for Fast Complex Matrix Inversion.20.362017
Ica On Sensor Or Source Data: A Comparison Study In Deriving Resting State Networks From Eeg00.342017
Eeg Fluctuations Of Wake And Sleep In Mild Cognitive Impairment00.342017
Identifying The Effects Of Microsaccades In Tripolar Eeg Signals00.342017
Fuzzy Logic Algorithm Of Hovering Control For The Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial System00.342017
Research And Optimization Of The Cluster Server Load Balancing Technology Based On Centos 700.342017
An Arctan-Activated WASD Neural Network Approach to the Prediction of Dow Jones Industrial Average.00.342017
Assessing Rtms Effects In Mdds: Cross-Modal Comparison Between Resting State Eeg And Fmri Connectivity00.342017
Internet traffic classification based on expanding vector of flow.00.342017
Network Traffic Prediction Based On Wavelet Transform And Genetic Algorithm00.342017
A comparison study of nonlinear and linear metrics in probing intrinsic brain networks from EEG data00.342017
An Improved Recurrent Neural Network for Complex-Valued Systems of Linear Equation and Its Application to Robotic Motion Tracking.20.362017
Novel Complex-Valued Neural Network for Dynamic Complex-Valued Matrix Inversion.40.402016
Reconstructing Large-Scale Brain Resting-State Networks from High-Resolution EEG: Spatial and Temporal Comparisons with fMRI.20.422016
Performance analyses of recurrent neural network models exploited for online time-varying nonlinear optimization.20.362016
Optimizing rTMS treatment of a balance disorder with EEG neural synchrony and functional connectivity00.342016
Exploring spatiotemporal dynamics of the human brain by multimodal imaging00.342016
Minimize Congestion for Random-Walks in Networks via Local Adaptive Congestion Control.00.342016
Monitoring Mental States of the Human Brain in Action: From Cognitive Test to Real-World Simulations00.342015
Novel Assistive Device for Teaching Crawling Skills to Infants.20.722015
Robotic Crawling Assistance for Infants with Cerebral Palsy.30.732015
Reconstructing spatially extended brain sources via enforcing multiple transform sparseness.80.482014
Classification of finger pairs from one hand based on spectral features in human EEG.00.342014
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