Kobe University, Nada-ku, Japan 6578501
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Cluster-wise learning network for multi-person pose estimation.10.352020
Learning Flexible Latent Representations via Encapsulated Variational Encoders00.342019
Coarse-to-fine online learning for hand segmentation in egocentric video00.342018
Improvement of Multi-Body Simulation Model for Comparative Study of Cervical Traction Therapy - Comparison Between Inclined and Sitting Traction00.342018
Automatic domain terminology extraction and its evaluation for domain knowledge graph construction.00.342018
Unsupervised Online Learning for Fine-Grained Hand Segmentation in Egocentric Video10.362017
Intelligent Taxi Dispatching Based On Improved Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm00.342017
Analysis Of Human Autonomic Nervous Activity Based On Big Data Measurement Via Smartphone00.342016
Optimal timing of dolphin kick during breaststroke underwater swimming movement00.342015
Estimation Of An Object'S Physical Parameter By Force Sensors Of A Dual-Arm Robot00.342015
Biomechanical measurement and analysis of human two-step test00.342014
Cooperative stochastic position estimation of multiple mobile robots equipped with omnidirectional cameras00.342013
Stability results for impulsive pantograph equations.30.382013
On energy-based robust passive control of a robot manipulator00.342013
An adaptive treadmill-style locomotion interface and its application in 3-D interactive virtual market system20.432012
Development of an adaptive cognitive training method using Near-InfraRed spectroscopy00.342012
Adaptive control scheme with parameter adaptation - from human motor control to humanoid robot locomotion control00.342011
Human factor affects eye movement pattern during riding motorcycle on the mountain00.342011
Real-time estimation of human's intended walking speed for treadmill-style locomotion interfaces.20.472011
Adaptive Attitude Control Of Redundant Time-Varying Complex Model Of Human Body In The Nursing Activity00.342010
Novel Information Matrix Sparsification Approach for Practical Implementation of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping10.362010
On efficiency and optimality of asymmetric dynamic bipedal gait70.612009
Sparsing of information matrix for practical application of a robot's slam00.342009
Efficiency and symmetry of ballisitic gait20.482008
Behavior Design Of A Human-Interactive Robot Through Parallel Tasks Optimization00.342008
Development of the Tactile Sensor System of a Human-Interactive Robot “RI-MAN”624.452008
Sparsing Of Information Matrix For Practical Application Of Slam For Autonomous Robots00.342008
On Control for "Blind Touching" by Human-Like Thumb Robots50.532007
Port-Representation Of Bi-Hamiltonian Structure For Infinite-Dimensional Symmetry00.342007
Incremental Motion Compression for Telepresent Walking Subject to Spatial Constraints.10.442005
Evolving optimal feature set by interactive reinforcement learning for image retrieval00.342005
Biped Gait Generation and Control Based on a Unified Property of Passive Dynamic Walking473.472005
Feedback-error Learning for Explicit Force Control of a Robot Manipulator Interacting with Unknown Dynamic Environment60.772004
Full-DOF Calibration-Free Robotic Hand-Eye Coordination Based on Fuzzy Neural Network10.372004
Optimal trajectory formation of constrained human arm reaching movements.121.012004
Optimality of human movements in constrained and unconstrained manipulations00.342003
Development Of Pc-Based 3d Dynamic Human Interactive Robot Simulator30.532003
Hierarchical control structure of a multilegged robot for environmental adaptive locomotion20.642002
On the stiffness and stiffness control of redundant manipulators10.372002
Stabilization of acrobat robot in upright position on a horizontal bar101.592002
A novel gait generation for biped walking robots based on mechanical energy constraint373.232002
Spatial generalization of optimal control for robot manipulators00.342001
Diffusion-based learning theory for organizing visuo-motor coordination.20.521998
Estimation Of Environment Models Using Vector Field And Its Application To Robot'S Contact Tasks10.601995
Adaptive hybrid control of manipulators on uncertain flexible objects40.451995
On cooperative manipulation of dynamic object.30.561995
Self-Organization of an Uniformly Distributed Visuo-Motor Map through Controlling the Spatial Variation.10.371994
Multiple robot manipulators' cooperative compliant manipulation on dynamical environments61.251993