ASTAR Singapore, Dept Neural & Biomed Technol, Inst Infocomm Res, Singapore 138632, Singapore
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EEG-Video Emotion-Based Summarization: Learning With EEG Auxiliary Signals00.342022
Generative Adversarial Networks-Based Data Augmentation for Brain–Computer Interface50.482021
Prefrontal Cortical Activation While Doing Mindfulness Task: A Pilot Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Study00.342020
EEG-based Emotion Recognition Using Spatial-Temporal Representation via Bi-GRU20.362020
Investigating Different Stress-Relief Methods Using Electroencephalogram (Eeg)00.342020
Weighted Transfer Learning Of Dynamic Time Warped Data For Motor Imagery Based Brain Computer Interfaces00.342020
Decoding Movement Direction From Cortical Microelectrode Recordings Using An Lstm-Based Neural Network00.342020
Brain-Computer Interface-Based Soft Robotic Glove Rehabilitation for Stroke60.502020
Assessment of the Efficacy of EEG-based MI-BCI with Visual Feedback and EEG Correlates of Mental Fatigue for Upper-Limb Stroke Rehabilitation.30.412020
Towards EEG Generation Using GANs for BCI Applications00.342019
Rapid Detection of Inactive Channels during Multi-unit Intracranial Recordings00.342019
Image-based Motor Imagery EEG Classification using Convolutional Neural Network00.342019
A Subject-To-Subject Transfer Learning Framework Based On Jensen-Shannon Divergence For Improving Brain-Computer Interface00.342019
Modeling EEG-based Motor Imagery with Session to Session Online Adaptation.00.342018
EEG-based discrimination of different cognitive workload levels from mental arithmetic.10.342018
EEG Channel Selection Based on Correlation Coefficient for Motor Imagery Classification: A Study on Healthy Subjects and ALS Patient.00.342018
Spectrum and Phase Adaptive CCA for SSVEP-based Brain Computer Interface00.342018
Robust Local Field Potential-based Neural Decoding by Actively Selecting Discriminative Channels.00.342018
Quantitative EEG as Biomarkers for the Monitoring of Post-Stroke Motor Recovery in BCI and tDCS Rehabilitation.00.342018
Increased Theta Oscillations During Motor Imagery in a Subject with Late-stage ALS.00.342018
Differential Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations in brain networks after BCI Training with and without tDCS in Stroke.00.342018
Data Space Adaptation for Multiclass Motor Imagery-based BCI.00.342018
Boosting Performance In Brain-Machine Interface By Classifier-Level Fusion Based On Accumulative Training Models From Multi-Day Data00.342017
Facilitating motor imagery-based brain-computer interface for stroke patients using passive movement.10.372017
Reject Option To Reduce False Prediction Rates For Eeg-Motor Imagery Based Bci00.342017
Stop State Classification In Intracortical Brain-Machine-Interface00.342017
Discriminative Ocular Artifact Correction for Feature Learning in EEG Analysis.40.402017
Personalized Features For Attention Detection In Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder00.342017
Correlation Of Reaction Time And Eeg Log Bandpower From Dry Frontal Electrodes In A Passive Fatigue Driving Simulation Experiment10.342017
A Unified Fisher's Ratio Learning Method for Spatial Filter Optimization.30.372017
Prefrontal Cortical Activation While Viewing Urban And Garden Scenes: A Pilot Fnirs Study00.342017
ieRSPOP: A novel incremental rough set-based pseudo outer-product with ensemble learning.50.382016
Motor cortical adaptation induced by closed-loop BCI00.342015
Towards improvement of MI-BCI performance of subjects with BCI deficiency10.352015
Dynamic screening of autistic children in various mental states using pattern of connectivity between brain regions10.352015
An ocular artefacts correction method for discriminative EEG analysis based on logistic regression00.342015
Quality assessment of EEG signals based on statistics of signal fluctuations00.342014
Cortical activation of passive hand movement using Haptic Knob: a preliminary multi-channel fNIRS study.10.382014
Mutual information-based optimization of sparse spatio-spectral filters in brain---computer interface30.382014
Selection of effective EEG channels in brain computer interfaces based on inconsistencies of classifiers.30.432014
Single-Trial Classification Of Nirs Data From Prefrontal Cortex During Working Memory Tasks10.382014
ERNN: A Biologically Inspired Feedforward Neural Network to Discriminate Emotion From EEG Signal120.572014
Discriminative channel addition and reduction for filter bank common spatial pattern in motor imagery BCI.00.342014
Spatial Filter Adaptation Based On The Divergence Framework For Motor Imagery Eeg Classification00.342014
Spatial filter adaptation based on geodesic-distance for motor EEG classification00.342014
Connectivity pattern modeling of motor imagery EEG10.352013
Maximum dependency and minimum redundancy-based channel selection for motor imagery of walking EEG signal detection20.362013
Motor imagery BCI for upper limb stroke rehabilitation: An evaluation of the EEG recordings using coherence analysis50.522013
A novel hand strength assessment method integrated into haptic knob for stroke rehabilitation00.342013
Neural Representation And Identification Of Reaching Targets By Spike Trains In Motor Cortex00.342013
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