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Conceptualising value creation in data-driven services: The case of vehicle data10.362021
Towards an Architecture for Assistive Process Execution Environments.00.342021
Anwendung des Konzepts der "Customer Journey" zur Gestaltung von bürgerzentrierten Bürgerhaushalten.00.342021
Towards a Content-Based Process Mining Approach in Personal Services.00.342021
A System Dynamics Model-Based Simulation Of The Data-Driven Automotive Service Ecosystem00.342021
Towards Participatory Design Spaces for Explainable AI Interfaces in Expert Domains (Short Paper).00.342020
Towards Intelligent Personal Task and Time Management - Requirements and Opportunities for Advanced To-do Lists.00.342020
Stand, Herausforderungen und Impulse des Geschäftsprozessmanagements.00.342020
Digitalisierung personennaher Dienstleistungen in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe: Entwurf und Evaluation eines Informationssystemdesigns.00.342020
Effektive und effiziente Abläufe mit Prozess- und Stategischem IT-Management.00.342019
> Design Principles for Supporting Rigorous Search Strategies in Literature Reviews.00.342018
Business Processes Modeling Recommender Systems: User Expectations and Empirical Evidence.00.342018
Process Modeling Recommender Systems - A Generic Data Model and Its Application to a Smart Glasses-based Modeling Environment.00.342018
Introduction to the Special Issue on Smart Service Engineering.00.342018
Evaluation automatisierter Ansätze für die Bewertung von Modellierungsaufgaben.00.342016
Shaping the future of mobile service support systems - ex-ante evaluation of smart glasses in technical customer service processes.30.442016
A Pattern-Based Approach to Transform Natural Text From Laws Into Compliance Controls in the Food Industry.10.342015
A Survey on Compliance Standards and their IT-Support in the Nutrition Industry.00.342014
Additional Information in Business Processes: A Pattern-Based Integration of Natural Language Artefacts.00.342014
Enterprise Wikis and Enterprise Modelling Environments: An Integrative Framework for Purposefully Using Both20.452013
Where to Find the Creativity? A Case Study from the Public Sector using an Integrative Approach of an Enterprise Wiki and an Enterprise Modelling Environment.00.342013
Wissens- und Erfahrungsaustausch im Technischen Kundendienst mittels semantischer Wikis: Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Systeme, Erfolgsfaktoren.00.342013
Synthese aus Prozessmodellierungswerkzeug und Semantic Wiki: Nutzensystematisierung und Forschungsagenda.00.342013
Ontology-Based Assistance for Semi-Formal Process Modeling.00.342013
Do we need a Standard of EPC Modelling? The State of Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Quality.00.342013
Managing Changes in Collaborative Networks: A Conceptual Approach.50.412011
Supporting Technical Customer Services with Mobile Devices: Towards an Integrated Information System Architecture.50.422011
Process Model Verification with SemQuu.10.372011
Design and Usage of a Process-Centric Collaboration Methodology for Virtual Organizations in Hybrid Environments70.452011
Informationssystemarchitekturen zur Unterstützung technischer Kundendienstleistungen.20.532011
Checking The Semantic Correctness Of Process Models An Ontology-Driven Approach Using Domain Knowledge And Rules10.352011
A Query-Driven Approach for Checking the Semantic Correctness of Ontology-Based Process Representations.30.392011
What's inside the Box? Prospects and Limitations of Semantic Verification in Process Modeling20.372010
How to Ensure Correct Process Models? A Semantic Approach to Deal with Resource Problems10.362010
Dynamische Prozesse und deren Abbildung auf ausführbare Workflows00.342010
Management of Model Relations Using Semantic Wikis40.432010
Produktivitätssteigerung technischer Kundendienstleistungen durch intelligente mobile Assistenzsysteme00.342010
Towards Dependency-based Alignment for Collaborative Businesses10.352010
An Ontology-driven Approach to Support Semantic Verification in Business Process Modeling30.392010
Vorgehensmodelle des Product-Service Systems Engineering.00.342010
Produktivitätsmanagement hybrider Leistungsbündel.00.342010
Management von Modellbeziehungen mit semantischen Wikis00.342009
Process Oriented Collaboration in Grid-Environments: A Case Study in the Construction Industry.00.342009
Documenting Models and their Relations with Semantic Wikis.00.342009
Semantic Business Process Management: Ontology-Based Process Modeling Using Event-Driven Process Chains.321.222007
Semantische Integration von Ontologien und Ereignisgesteuerten Prozessketten30.402006