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A Tool to Analyze Potential I/O Attacks against PCs00.342014
A model-driven approach for experimental evaluation of intrusion detection systems00.342014
Low-Level Attacks on Avionics Embedded Systems00.342013
Security of embedded automotive networks: state of the art and a research proposal.00.342013
Potential Attacks on Onboard Aerospace Systems30.472012
The challenges raised by the privacy-preserving identity card00.342012
AMORES: an architecture for mobiquitous resilient systems30.422012
Protecting critical infrastructures while preserving each organization's autonomy00.342011
I/O Attacks in Intel PC-based Architectures and Countermeasures100.512011
Tolerance of design faults20.422011
Enforcing kernel constraints by hardware-assisted virtualization50.612011
Exploiting an I/OMMU vulnerability221.552010
A Proposal for a Privacy-preserving National Identity Card40.432010
The Design of a Generic Intrusion-Tolerant Architecture for Web Servers281.592009
Enhancing dependability in avionics using virtualization10.352009
Manipulation of Network Traffic Traces for Security Evaluation20.392009
Towards a privacy-preserving national identity card10.362009
CRiSIS 2009, Post-Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, Toulouse, France, October 19-22, 2009192.102009
Critical Infrastructures Security Modeling, Enforcement and Runtime Checking20.392008
Execution Patterns in Automatic Malware and Human-Centric Attacks20.412008
Collaborative Access Control For Critical Infrastructures40.452008
Efficient Remote Data Possession Checking in Critical Information Infrastructures953.322008
Closed-Circuit Unobservable Voice over IP70.462007
The CRUTIAL Architecture for Critical Information Infrastructures130.772007
Defining categories to select representative attack test-cases10.402007
Access Control for Collaborative Systems: A Web Services Based Approach50.532007
Empirical analysis and statistical modeling of attack processes based on honeypots191.342007
Current and future privacy enhancing technologies for the Internet120.732006
Intrusion-Tolerant Middleware: The Road to Automatic Security401.952006
Internet security: an intrusion-tolerance approach120.642006
From DC-Nets to pMIXes: Multiple Variants for Anonymous Communications60.462006
Single-Database private information retrieval schemes: overview, performance study, and usage with statistical databases30.462006
Le projet européen PRIME: protection de la vie privée et gestion des identités pour l'Europe.00.342006
Personal data anonymization for security and privacy in collaborative environments40.512005
Privacy Requirements Implemented with a JavaCard20.452005
pMIX: Untraceability for Small Hiding Groups.30.392005
Smartcard-based Anonymization30.652004
Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications VI, IFIP 18th World Computer Congress, TC8/WG8.8 & TC11/WG11.2 Sixth International Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications (CARDIS), 22-27 August 2004, Toulouse, France204.672004
A generic approach for healthcare data anonymization30.512004
Modèle de sécurité pour le secteur de la santé.00.342004
Information Security Management, Education and Privacy, IFIP 18th World Computer Congress, TC11 19th International Information Security Workshops, 22-27 August 2004, Toulouse, France2428.662004
Intrusion Tolerance for Internet Applications30.402004
Security and Protection in Information Processing Systems, IFIP 18th WorldComputer Congress, TC11 19th International Information Security Conference, 22-27 August 2004, Toulouse, France343.592004
Security Model for Health Care Computing and Communication Systems10.372003
Remote Integrity Checking - How to Trust Files Stored on Untrusted Servers.70.542003
An intrusion tolerant architecture for dynamic content internet servers30.462003
Organization based access control29712.582003
Dependable Intrusion Tolerance: Technology Demo20.382003
An Architecture for an Adaptive Intrusion-Tolerant Server232.182002
An Internet Authorization Scheme Using Smart-Card-Based Security Kernels00.342001
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