Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
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A framework for employing longitudinally collected multicenter electronic health records to stratify heterogeneous patient populations on disease history00.342022
MiMIR: R-shiny application to infer risk factors and endpoints from Nightingale Health's H-1-NMR metabolomics data00.342022
Unsupervised Protein Embeddings Outperform Hand-Crafted Sequence And Structure Features At Predicting Molecular Function10.352021
Snpxplorer: A Web Application To Explore Human Snp-Associations And Annotate Snp-Sets00.342021
ImSpectR - R package to quantify immune repertoire diversity in spectratype and repertoire sequencing data.00.342020
Metric learning on expression data for gene function prediction.00.342020
Improving Protein Function Prediction Using Protein Sequence and GO-term Similarities.10.362019
PRECISE: a domain adaptation approach to transfer predictors of drug response from pre-clinical models to tumors00.342019
CyTOFmerge: Integrating mass cytometry data across multiple panels.00.342019
Bioinformatics in the Netherlands: the value of a nationwide community.00.342018
Continuous infusion of manganese improves contrast and reduces side effects in manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging studies.30.422017
ECCB 2016: The 15th European Conference on Computational Biology.00.342016
Unbiased Quantitative Models of Protein Translation Derived from Ribosome Profiling Data20.402015
Integration of gene expression and DNA-methylation profiles improves molecular subtype classification in acute myeloid leukemia.10.372015
Proteny: discovering and visualizing statistically significant syntenic clusters at the proteome level20.442015
Genomic connectivity networks based on the BrainSpan atlas of the developing human brain00.342014
SPiCE: a web-based tool for sequence-based protein classification and exploration.70.402014
Local topological signatures for network-based prediction of biological function10.362013
Efficient calculation of compound similarity based on maximum common subgraphs and its application to prediction of gene transcript levels70.482013
Ibidas: Querying Flexible Data Structures to Explore Heterogeneous Bioinformatics Data.10.362013
Detecting recurrent gene mutation in interaction network context using multi-scale graph diffusion.130.602013
Using predictive models to engineer biology: a case study in codon optimization00.342013
Exploring variation-aware contig graphs for (comparative) metagenomics using MaryGold.40.562013
Topology of molecular interaction networks.200.842013
Pattern recognition in bioinformatics.80.482013
Conditional random fields for protein function prediction00.342013
Prior Biological Knowledge And Epigenetic Information Enhances Prediction Accuracy Of Bayesian Wnt Pathway.00.342013
De novo detection of copy number variation by co-assembly50.532012
GRASS: a generic algorithm for scaffolding next-generation sequencing assemblies.130.672012
Integrating Protein-Protein Interaction Networks With Gene-Gene Co-Expression Networks Improves Gene Signatures For Classifying Breast Cancer Metastasis70.622011
CytoscapeRPC: a plugin to create, modify and query Cytoscape networks from scripting languages.21.022011
Human-inspired search for redundancy in automatic sign language recognition20.432011
Personalised Travel Recommendation based on Location Co-occurrence80.532011
Predicting Metabolic Fluxes Using Gene Expression Differences As Constraints40.432011
Personalization of tagging systems210.762010
Sequence-based prediction of protein secretion success in Aspergillus niger10.362010
HAT: hypergeometric analysis of tiling-arrays with application to promoter-GeneChip data.100.372010
Delineation of amplification, hybridization and location effects in microarray data yields better-quality normalization.100.372010
Finding wormholes with flickr geotags80.852010
The task-dependent effect of tags and ratings on social media access200.762010
Inferring combinatorial association logic networks in multimodal genome-wide screens10.482010
Subtype specific breast cancer event prediction00.342010
Integrating genome assemblies with MAIA150.912010
A comprehensive sensitivity analysis of microarray breast cancer classification under feature variability200.552009
Analysis of mass spectrometry data using sub-spectra.170.422009
Fewer permutations, more accurate P-values271.722009
Influence of handshape information on automatic sign language recognition40.422009
2D/3D registration of micro-CT data to multi-view photographs based on a 3D distance map60.592009
Metabolite and reaction inference based on enzyme specificities60.482009
Sign language perception research for improving automatic sign language recognition00.342009
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