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39th Annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, Eurographics 2018 - Education Papers, Delft, The Netherlands, April 16-20, 2018.00.342018
Image-based rendering of intersecting surfaces for dynamic comparative visualization190.682011
Data Visualization: Featuring Interactive Visual Analysis10.372011
Example-based interactive illustration of multi-field datasets10.362010
Over Two Decades of Integration-Based, Geometric Flow Visualization1493.832010
Combined surface and volume processing for fused joint segmentation.00.342010
Dynamic multi-view exploration of shape spaces210.762010
Visual analysis of multi-joint kinematic data60.452010
Spatial navigation for context-aware video surveillance.10.442010
Electronic Cleansing for Computed Tomography (CT) Colonography Using a Scale-Invariant Three-Material Model.100.882010
Articulated planar reformation for change visualization in small animal imaging.130.702010
Pre-operative Planning and Intra-operative Guidance for Shoulder Replacement Surgery00.342010
Combining mesh, volume, and streamline representations for polyp detection in CT colonography50.492009
Egocentric navigation for video surveillance in 3D Virtual Environments110.702009
StateStream: a developer-centric approach towards unifying interaction models and architecture30.392009
Direct visualization of deformation in volumes40.382009
Hybrid Scheduling in the DeVIDE Dataflow Visualisation Environment141.412008
Surface curvature line clustering for polyp detection in CT colonography10.382008
Using the Wii Balance Board™ as a low-cost VR interaction device120.902008
Interactive visualization of fused fMRI and DTI for planning brain tumor resections30.372007
Flexible Abstraction Layers For Vr Application Development30.432007
Visual consistency in rotational manipulation tasks in sheared-perceived virtual environments10.382007
Classifying CT Image Data Into Material Fractions by a Scale and Rotation Invariant Edge Model170.912007
PDRIVE: the projector-based, desktop, reach-in virtual environment10.432007
Interactive visualization of multi-field medical data using linked physical and feature-space views190.892007
Consistent Viewing And Interaction For Multiple Users In Projection-Based Vr Systems30.382007
A Pipeline for Image Processing and Visualization in Medicine00.342007
Integrated visualization of multi-angle bioluminescence imaging and micro CT30.422007
Digitisation and 3d reconstruction of 30 year old microscopic sections of human embryo, foetus and orbit10.452006
Hybrid interfaces in VEs: intent and interaction50.502006
Interactive simulation and comparative visualisation of the bone-determined range of motion of the human shoulder71.102006
Interactive out-of-core isosurface visualisation in time-varying data sets00.342006
Navigation and Interaction in a Multi-Scale Stereoscopic Environment40.402005
Improved perspective visibility ordering for object-order volume rendering00.342005
IntenSelect: using dynamic object rating for assisting 3D object selection341.332005
Fast And Reproducible Fiber Bundle Selection In Dti Visualization90.702005
Fast time-dependent isosurface extraction and rendering.30.412004
The State Of The Art In Flow Visualization: Dense And Texture-Based Techniques1836.082004
Data Visualization: The State of the Art424.532003
ShellSplatting: interactive rendering of anisotropic volumes70.662003
Computed Cleansing for Virtual Colonoscopy Using a Three-Material Transition Model191.512003
Feature tracking with skeleton graphs20.402003
The State Of The Art In Flow Visualisation: Feature Extraction And Tracking2067.052003
Interactive matching of ultrasound and MRI for visualization during resection of myomata10.382002
The Responsive Workbench Simulator: a Tool for Application Development10.562002
Interactive previewing for transfer function specification in volume rendering00.342002
Virtual Spring Manipulators for Particle Steering in Molecular Dynamics on the ResponsiveWorkbench.00.342002
Towards intuitive exploration tools for data visualization in VR160.772002
New technique for transfer function specication in direct volume rendering using real-time visual feedback70.492002
Accurate and High Quality Triangle Models from 3D Grey Scale Images30.422002
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