kobe university
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Locating Evacuation Centers Optimally in Path and Cycle Networks.00.342021
Almost Linear Time Algorithms For Minsum K-Sink Problems On Dynamic Flow Path Networks00.342021
Minmax Regret 1-Sink Location Problems on Dynamic Flow Path Networks with Parametric Weights00.342021
Improving Upper and Lower Bounds for the Total Number of Edge Crossings of Euclidean Minimum Weight Laman Graphs00.342021
Minsum k-sink problem on path networks00.342020
Almost Linear Time Algorithms for Minsum k-Sink Problems on Dynamic Flow Path Networks.00.342020
Minmax-Regret Evacuation Planning for Cycle Networks.00.342019
Preface for the Special Issue on the Project “Foundation of Innovative Algorithms for Big Data”00.342019
The Mixed Evacuation Problem.10.372018
Minmax Regret 1-Sink for Aggregate Evacuation Time on Path Networks.00.342018
An O(n2 log2 n) Time Algorithm for Minmax Regret Minsum Sink on Path Networks.00.342018
A population-based algorithm for solving linear assignment problems with two objectives.00.342017
Improved Algorithms for Computing k-Sink on Dynamic Flow Path Networks.00.342017
Characterizing redundant rigidity and redundant global rigidity of body-hinge graphs00.342016
Optimal Evacuation Flows on Dynamic Paths with General Edge Capacities.10.362016
Improved Algorithms for Computing k-Sink on Dynamic Path Networks.00.342016
Polynomial-time approximability of the k-Sink Location problem.00.342015
Geometric k-Center Problems with Centers Constrained to Two Lines00.342015
Minimax Regret 1-Median Problem in Dynamic Path Networks10.402015
The universally quickest transshipment problem in a certain class of dynamic networks with uniform path-lengths.00.342014
An inductive construction of minimally rigid body-hinge simple graphs.00.342014
Rooted-tree Decompositions with Matroid Constraints and the Infinitesimal Rigidity of Frameworks with Boundaries50.642013
An Inductive Construction of Minimally Rigid Body-Hinge Simple Graphs.00.342013
Independent arborescences in directed graphs.00.342013
A Linear-Time Algorithm for Testing Outer-1-Planarity.120.562013
A rooted-forest partition with uniform vertex demand20.402012
Online exploration of all vertices in a simple polygon10.362012
Testing Maximal 1-Planarity of Graphs with a Rotation System in Linear Time - (Extended Abstract).60.462012
An Emergency Evacuation Planning Model Using the Universally Quickest Flow.20.372012
Collision probability in an in-line machines model10.402011
A Geometric Spanner Of Segments00.342010
A proof of the molecular conjecture181.272009
On the Infinitesimal Rigidity of Bar-and-Slider Frameworks20.382009
An efficient algorithm for the evacuation problem in a certain class of networks with uniform path-lengths120.892009
Fast enumeration algorithms for non-crossing geometric graphs90.562008
Enumerating Constrained Non-crossing Minimally Rigid Frameworks80.832008
The Minimum Weight In-Tree Cover Problem10.372008
Risk discovery of car-related crimes from urban spatial attributes using emerging patterns10.352007
Applying graph mining to discover substructures of room layouts which affect the rent of apartments10.372007
Enumerating constrained non-crossing geometric spanning trees10.352007
Voronoi Diagram with Respect to Criteria on Vision Information30.412007
Is this brand ephemeral? A multivariate tree-based decision analysis of new product sustainability131.922007
Inserting Points Uniformly at Every Instance91.352006
Finding a Triangular Mesh with a Constant Number of Different Edge Lengths00.342006
Angular Voronoi Diagram with Applications91.002006
An Efficient Algorithm for Evacuation Problem in Dynamic Network Flows with Uniform Arc Capacity171.082006
Polygonal curve approximation using grid points with application to a triangular mesh generation with small number of different edge lengths10.352006
Optimal spanners for axis-aligned rectangles50.512005
Triangulating a convex polygon with small number of non-standard bars10.372005
The structure and number of global roundings of a graph50.642004
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