N Carolina State Univ, Dept Ind Engn, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA
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Robust kernel-free support vector regression based on optimal margin distribution00.342022
Fast computation of global solutions to the single-period unit commitment problem00.342022
A kernel-free double well potential support vector machine with applications00.342021
A novel kernel-free least squares twin support vector machine for fast and accurate multi-class classification00.342021
Selecting green third party logistics providers for a loss-averse fourth party logistics provider in a multiattribute reverse auction00.342021
A Prime-Logarithmic Method for Optimal Reliability Design00.342021
Sparse Solutions By A Quadratically Constrained L(Q) (0 < Q < 1) Minimization Model00.342021
Structured linear reformulation of binary quadratically constrained quadratic programs00.342020
Multiplicative Data Envelopment Analysis Cross-efficiency and Stochastic Weight Space Acceptability Analysis for Group Decision Making with Interval Multiplicative Preference Relations00.342020
Robust Regression Models for Load Forecasting00.342019
Reverse auctions with regret-anticipated bidders.10.352018
Argument division based branch-and-bound algorithm for unit-modulus constrained complex quadratic programming.10.352018
Inventory centralization with risk-averse newsvendors.00.342018
Conic approximation to quadratic optimization with linear complementarity constraints.10.372017
Best L 1 approximation of Heaviside-type functions from Chebyshev and weak-Chebyshev spaces.00.342017
Linear Reformulation Of Polynomial Discrete Programming For Fast Computation00.342017
On linear conic relaxation of discrete quadratic programs10.362016
A kernel-free quadratic surface support vector machine for semi-supervised learning.10.362016
Soft Quadratic Surface Support Vector Machine for Binary Classification.30.392016
Expanded model of the project portfolio selection problem with divisibility, time profile factors and cardinality constraints40.462015
On shape-preserving capability of cubic L1 spline fits.20.682015
L(1) Major Component Detection And Analysis (L(1) Mcda) In Three And Higher Dimensional Spaces00.342014
L(1) Major Component Detection And Analysis (L(1) Mcda): Foundations In Two Dimensions30.402013
Pricing policies for substitutable products in a supply chain with Internet and traditional channels.271.162013
Transport costs and China's exports: Some empirical evidences.20.832013
A Logarithmic Method for Reducing Binary Variables and Inequality Constraints in Solving Task Assignment Problems80.472013
Selecting optimal selling format of a product in B2C online auctions with boundedly rational customers.80.522013
Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical Networks from Maximum Edge-Disjoint Paths.00.342013
Global optimal solutions to a class of quadrinomial minimization problems with one quadratic constraint00.342012
Improved Power Budgets Of End-To-End Real-Time Optical Ofdm Pon Systems Using Wavelength-Offset Optical Filtering00.342012
Univariate cubic L 1 interpolating splines based on the first derivative and on 5-point windows: Analysis, algorithm and shape-preserving properties10.392012
Canonical dual approach to solving the maximum cut problem120.722012
Randomly generating test problems for fuzzy relational equations40.472012
A canonical dual approach for solving linearly constrained quadratic programs.00.342012
A selfish routing based network improvement problem.00.342011
A selfish routing based network improvement problem.00.342011
A selfish routing based network improvement problem.00.342011
Set covering-based surrogate approach for solving sup-T equation constrained optimization problems.00.342011
KKT Solution and Conic Relaxation for Solving Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programming Problems100.532011
On the unique solvability of fuzzy relational equations120.552011
Inverse data envelopment analysis model to preserve relative efficiency values: The case of variable returns to scale70.702011
Two-group knapsack game20.432010
Univariate Cubic L1 Interpolating Splines: Analytical Results for Linearity, Convexity and Oscillation on 5-PointWindows.40.502010
A survey on fuzzy relational equations, part I: classification and solvability441.342009
A note on solution sets of interval-valued fuzzy relational equations50.472009
Global optimization for a class of fractional programming problems181.332009
Latticized linear optimization on the unit interval120.532009
Approximating term structure of interest rates using cubic L00.342008
Risk pooling strategy in a multi-echelon supply chain with price-sensitive demand00.342008
A tabu search algorithm for maximum parsimony phylogeny inference30.402007
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