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Translating Omega-Regular Specifications to Average Objectives for Model-Free Reinforcement Learning.00.342022
Model-Free Reinforcement Learning for Lexicographic Omega-Regular Objectives00.342021
Formal Controller Synthesis for Continuous-Space MDPs via Model-Free Reinforcement Learning10.352020
Good-for-MDPs Automata for Probabilistic Analysis and Reinforcement Learning.00.342020
Model-Free Reinforcement Learning for Stochastic Parity Games.00.342020
Omega-Regular Objectives in Model-Free Reinforcement Learning.00.342019
Global Almost-Sure Reachability in Stochastic Constant-Rate Multi-Mode Systems.00.342018
Omega-Regular Objectives in Model-Free Reinforcement Learning.30.382018
The Reach-Avoid Problem for Constant-Rate Multi-Mode Systems.10.342017
Sparse statistical model inference for analog circuits under process variations30.432014
Statistically Sound Verification and Optimization for Complex Systems.60.612014
Efficient handling of obligation constraints in synthesis from omega-regular specifications00.342013
From statistical model checking to statistical model inference: characterizing the effect of process variations in analog circuits30.542013
Safety first: a two-stage algorithm for the synthesis of reactive systems.140.622013
An incremental approach to model checking progress properties221.002011
A Study of Sweeping Algorithms in the Context of Model Checking.00.342011
Safety first: A two-stage algorithm for LTL games201.002009
On-the-Fly Clause Improvement190.692009
Application of Formal Word-Level Analysis to Constrained Random Simulation100.702008
Improved visibility in one-to-many trace concretization10.372008
Alembic: An Efficient Algorithm For Cnf Preprocessing140.782007
Disequality Management in Integer Difference Logic via Finite Instantiations00.342007
Efficient abstraction refinement in interpolation-based unbounded model checking120.742006
Guiding simulation with increasingly refined abstract traces251.182006
Decomposing Image Computation for Symbolic Reachability Analysis Using Control Flow Information50.502006
Strong Conflict Analysis for Propositional Satisfiability80.622006
Compositional SCC Analysis for Language Emptiness60.412006
An Incremental Algorithm to Check Satisfiability for Bounded Model Checking311.432005
Prime clauses for fast enumeration of satisfying assignments to boolean circuits241.332005
Efficient conflict analysis for finding all satisfying assignments of a boolean circuit251.642005
Abstraction refinement in symbolic model checking using satisfiability as the only decision procedure150.712005
Efficient computation of small abstraction refinements40.452004
Fine-Grain Abstraction and Sequential Don't Cares for Large Scale Model Checking40.432004
Refining the SAT decision ordering for bounded model checking140.732004
Computer Aided Verification, 15th International Conference, CAV 2003, Boulder, CO, USA, July 8-12, 2003, Proceedings101.002003
The compositional far side of image computation60.582003
Analysis of Symbolic SCC Hull Algorithms180.872002
Fine-Grain Conjunction Scheduling for Symbolic Reachability Analysis150.722002
Efficient manipulation of decision diagrams201.092001
Divide and Compose: SCC Refinement for Language Emptiness60.572001
Optimizing sequential verification by retiming transformations80.692000
Power and delay reduction via simultaneous logic and placement optimization in FPGAs60.672000
Symbolic guided search for CTL model checking381.842000
A Comparative Study of Symbolic Algorithms for the Computation of Fair Cycles502.202000
To split or to conjoin: the question in image computation472.162000
Border-Block Triangular Form and Conjunction Schedule in Image Computation391.942000
Fundamental CAD algorithms50.522000
Efficient Decision Procedures for Model Checking of Linear Time Logic Properties412.451999
Lazy group sifting for efficient symbolic state traversal of FSMs60.481999
Symbolic State Exploration30.621999
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