Univ Genoa, Dept Biophys & Elect Engn, I-16145 Genoa, Italy
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Semantic Segmentation of SAR Images Through Fully Convolutional Networks and Hierarchical Probabilistic Graphical Models.00.342022
A CNN-Transformer Knowledge Distillation for Remote Sensing Scene Classification.00.342022
Multimodal Fusion of Mobility Demand Data and Remote Sensing Imagery for Urban Land-Use and Land-Cover Mapping00.342022
A Semisupervised CRF Model for CNN-Based Semantic Segmentation With Sparse Ground Truth00.342022
Optical-SAR Decision Fusion with Markov Random Fields for High-Resolution Large-Scale Land Cover Mapping.00.342022
Registration of Multisensor Images through a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network and a Correlation-Type Similarity Measure00.342022
A Tiling-Based Strategy for Large-Scale Multisensor Optical-Sar Image Registration00.342022
Deep Image Translation With an Affinity-Based Change Prior for Unsupervised Multimodal Change Detection00.342022
Multisensor And Multiresolution Remote Sensing Image Classification Through A Causal Hierarchical Markov Framework And Decision Tree Ensembles00.342021
Experimental Comparison of Registration Methods for Multisensor Sar-Optical Data.00.342021
Traffic Zones Discretization and Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation by means of Transport Demand and Satellite Data Fusion.00.342021
Road Extraction and Road Width Estimation Via Fusion of Aerial Optical Imagery, Geospatial Data, and Street-Level Images.00.342021
Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images Combining Hierarchical Probabilistic Graphical Models and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.00.342021
Hierarchical Probabilistic Graphical Models and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Remote Sensing Image Classification00.342021
Urban Land-Use And Land-Cover Mapping Based On The Classification Of Transport Demand And Remote Sensing Data00.342020
Automatic Area-Based Registration Of Optical And Sar Images Through Generative Adversarial Networks And A Correlation-Type Metric00.342020
Heterogeneous Change Detection With Self-Supervised Deep Canonically Correlated Autoencoders00.342020
Change Detection With Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Data: From Semi-Parametric Regression To Deep Learning00.342020
Crater Detection and Registration of Planetary Images Through Marked Point Processes, Multiscale Decomposition, and Region-Based Analysis00.342020
Unsupervised Image Regression for Heterogeneous Change Detection10.352019
Multiresolution and Multimodality Sar Data Fusion Based on Markov and Conditional Random Fields for Unsupervised Change Detection00.342019
Joint Classification of Multiresolution and Multisensor Data Using a Multiscale Markov Mesh Model.00.342019
DCNN for Tactile Sensory Data Classification based on Transfer Learning00.342019
Open Data for Global Multimodal Land Use Classification: Outcome of the 2017 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest.90.712018
Decision Fusion With Multiple Spatial Supports by Conditional Random Fields.00.342018
Land use modeling in North Rhine-Westphalia with interaction and scaling laws00.342017
Classification of Multisensor and Multiresolution Remote Sensing Images Through Hierarchical Markov Random Fields.10.352017
Multitemporal Very High Resolution From Space: Outcome of the 2016 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest.80.472017
Natural Disaster Monitoring: Multi-Source Image Analysis with Hierarchical Markov Models.00.342017
Monitoring of green, open and sealed urban space00.342017
Fault Diagnosis Strategies for SOFC-Based Power Generation Plants.10.362016
False Discovery Rate Approach to Unsupervised Image Change Detection.20.372016
Unsupervised Change Detection On Synthetic Aperture Radar Images With Generalized Gamma Distribution00.342016
Processing of Extremely High-Resolution LiDAR and RGB Data: Outcome of the 2015 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest-Part A: 2-D Contest.20.392016
Processing of Extremely High Resolution LiDAR and RGB Data: Outcome of the 2015 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest - Part B: 3-D Contest.00.342016
A New Cascade Model for the Hierarchical Joint Classification of Multitemporal and Multiresolution Remote Sensing Data.20.382016
Large Urban Zone Classification On Spot-5 Imagery With Convolutional Neural Networks10.632016
Supervised Classification Of Thermal Infrared Hyperspectral Images Through Bayesian, Markovian, And Region-Based Approaches00.342016
Getting Pixels And Regions To Agree With Conditional Random Fields00.342016
Polarimetric SAR Change Detection With the Complex Hotelling-Lawley Trace Statistic.60.472016
Estimation of Air Surface Temperature From Remote Sensing Images and Pixelwise Modeling of the Estimation Uncertainty Through Support Vector Machines10.452015
Parameter Optimization For Markov Random Field Models For Remote Sensing Image Classification Through Sequential Minimal Optimization00.342015
Processing of Multiresolution Thermal Hyperspectral and Digital Color Data: Outcome of the 2014 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest301.042015
New hierarchical joint classification method for SAR-optical multiresolution remote sensing data00.342015
Multimodal Classification of Remote Sensing Images: A Review and Future Directions391.382015
Classification of urban structural types with multisource data and structured models20.452015
New Cascade Model For Hierarchical Joint Classification Of Multisensor And Multiresolution Remote Sensing Data00.342015
An Active Learning Heuristic Using Spectral And Spatial Information For Mrf-Based Classification00.342015
New cascade model for hierarchical joint classification of multitemporal, multiresolution and multisensor remote sensing data40.462014
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