Harbin Inst Technol, Shenzhen Grad Sch, Shenzhen, Peoples R China
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Multiple similarity drug-target interaction prediction with random walks and matrix factorization00.342022
Correction to: PHR-search: a search framework for protein remote homology detection based on the predicted protein hierarchical relationships00.342022
iDRBP-ECHF: Identifying DNA- and RNA-binding proteins based on extensible cubic hybrid framework00.342022
DeepIDP-2L: protein intrinsically disordered region prediction by combining convolutional attention network and hierarchical attention network00.342022
PHR-search: a search framework for protein remote homology detection based on the predicted protein hierarchical relationships00.342022
PreRBP-TL: prediction of species-specific RNA-binding proteins based on transfer learning00.342022
iDRNA-ITF: identifying DNA- and RNA-binding residues in proteins based on induction and transfer framework00.342022
SelfAT-Fold: Protein Fold Recognition Based on Residue-Based and Motif-Based Self-Attention Networks00.342022
AMPpred-EL: An effective antimicrobial peptide prediction model based on ensemble learning00.342022
iPiDA-LTR: Identifying piwi-interacting RNA-disease associations based on Learning to Rank00.342022
TPpred-ATMV: therapeutic peptide prediction by adaptive multi-view tensor learning model00.342022
IDRBP-PPCT: Identifying Nucleic Acid-Binding Proteins Based on Position-Specific Score Matrix and Position-Specific Frequency Matrix Cross Transformation00.342022
iLncDA-LTR: Identification of lncRNA-disease associations by learning to rank00.342022
ProtFold-DFG: protein fold recognition by combining Directed Fusion Graph and PageRank algorithm00.342021
Idp-Seq2seq: Identification Of Intrinsically Disordered Regions Based On Sequence To Sequence Learning10.352021
NCBRPred: predicting nucleic acid binding residues in proteins based on multilabel learning00.342021
DeepDRBP-2L: A New Genome Annotation Predictor for Identifying DNA-Binding Proteins and RNA-Binding Proteins Using Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory10.362021
Rfpr-Idp: Reduce The False Positive Rates For Intrinsically Disordered Protein And Region Prediction By Incorporating Both Fully Ordered Proteins And Disordered Proteins00.342021
Protein Fold Recognition Based on Auto-Weighted Multi-View Graph Embedding Learning Model00.342021
PL-search: a profile-link-based search method for protein remote homology detection00.342021
iLncRNAdis-FB: Identify lncRNA-Disease Associations by Fusing Biological Feature Blocks Through Deep Neural Network30.382021
Idenpc-Miip: Identify Protein Complexes From Weighted Ppi Networks Using Mutual Important Interacting Partner Relation20.352021
MLDH-Fold: Protein fold recognition based on multi-view low-rank modeling10.342021
FoldRec-C2C: protein fold recognition by combining cluster-to-cluster model and protein similarity network00.342021
iCircDA-LTR: identification of circRNA-disease associations based on Learning to Rank20.372021
iPiDi-PUL: identifying Piwi-interacting RNA-disease associations based on positive unlabeled learning20.402021
S2L-PSIBLAST: a supervised two-layer search framework based on PSI-BLAST for protein remote homology detection00.342021
PreTP-EL: prediction of therapeutic peptides based on ensemble learning10.362021
Smi-Blast: A Novel Supervised Search Framework Based On Psi-Blast For Protein Remote Homology Detection10.352021
Protein Fold Recognition by Combining Support Vector Machines and Pairwise Sequence Similarity Scores00.342021
Ipida-Shn: Identification Of Piwi-Interacting Rna-Disease Associations By Selecting High Quality Negative Samples20.402020
Icircda-Mf: Identification Of Circrna-Disease Associations Based On Matrix Factorization10.362020
Fold-Ltr-Tcp: Protein Fold Recognition Based On Triadic Closure Principle10.352020
HITS-PR-HHblits: protein remote homology detection by combining PageRank and Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search.00.342020
Deepsvm-Fold: Protein Fold Recognition By Combining Support Vector Machines And Pairwise Sequence Similarity Scores Generated By Deep Learning Networks30.372020
Motifcnn-Fold: Protein Fold Recognition Based On Fold-Specific Features Extracted By Motif-Based Convolutional Neural Networks20.362020
A Comprehensive Review And Evaluation Of Computational Methods For Identifying Protein Complexes From Protein-Protein Interaction Networks10.352020
Protein Fold Recognition based on Multi-view Modeling.50.422019
Protein remote homology detection and fold recognition based on Sequence-Order Frequency Matrix00.342019
A comprehensive review and comparison of existing computational methods for intrinsically disordered protein and region prediction.20.362019
ProtDet-CCH: Protein remote homology detection by combining Long Short-Term Memory and ranking methods.20.402019
Iesgene-Zcpseknc: Identify Essential Genes Based On Z Curve Pseudo K-Tuple Nucleotide Composition00.342019
BioSeq-Analysis: a platform for DNA, RNA and protein sequence analysis based on machine learning approaches.70.432019
Protein Remote Homology Detection Based On Profiles00.342019
ProtDec-LTR3.0: Protein Remote Homology Detection by Incorporating Profile-Based Features Into Learning to Rank.00.342019
Irbp-Motif-Pssm: Identification Of Rna-Binding Proteins Based On Collaborative Learning00.342019
iRO-3wPseKNC: identify DNA replication origins by three-window-based PseKNC.40.392018
IPromoter-2L: A two-layer predictor for identifying promoters and their types by multi-window-based PseKNC160.662018
iEnhancer-EL: identifying enhancers and their strength with ensemble learning approach.30.382018
A comprehensive review and comparison of different computational methods for protein remote homology detection120.512018
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