Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
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Estimation of central pulse wave velocity from radial pulse wave analysis00.342022
Feasibility of waveform separation of central aortic pressure pulse based on lognormal flow wave approximation00.342022
Ultrasound-based method for individualized estimation of central aortic blood pressure from flow velocity and diameter00.342022
Statistical Analysis of the Consistency of HRV Analysis Using BCG or Pulse Wave Signals00.342022
Simultaneous adaption of the gain and phase of a generalized transfer function for aortic pressure waveform estimation00.342022
A strategy to personalize a 1D pulse wave propagation model for estimating subject-specific central aortic pressure waveform00.342022
Estimation of coronary artery movement using a non-rigid registration with global-local structure preservation00.342022
Noninvasive estimation of aortic pressure waveform based on simplified Kalman filter and dual peripheral artery pressure waveforms00.342022
A Cascaded Fc-Densenet And Level Set Method (Fcdl) For Fully Automatic Segmentation Of The Right Ventricle In Cardiac Mri00.342021
Analysis of the Radial Pulse Wave and its Clinical Applications: A Survey00.342021
Aortic Pressure Waveform Reconstruction Using A Multi-Channel Newton Blind System Identification Algorithm00.342021
A Part-Aware Multi-Scale Fully Convolutional Network for Pedestrian Detection10.382021
Mitigation of Instrument-Dependent Variability in Ballistocardiogram Morphology: Case Study on Force Plate and Customized Weighing Scale.00.342020
Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Convolutional Neural Network for Concurrent Segmentation of Left Ventricle and Myocardium in Cardiac MR Images00.342020
Continuous estimation of upper limb joint angle from sEMG signals based on SCA-LSTM deep learning approach.30.402020
Hardhat-Wearing Detection Based on a Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network with Multi-Scale Features and a Top-Down Module.20.522020
Automatic Detection of Arrhythmia Based on Multi-Resolution Representation of ECG Signal.00.342020
Conditional Convolution Generative Adversarial Network for Bi-ventricle Segmentation in Cardiac MR Images10.342019
Automatic Detection Of Atrial Fibrillation From Ballistocardiogram (Bcg) Using Wavelet Features And Machine Learning00.342019
Local Motion Intensity Clustering (LMIC) Model for Segmentation of Right Ventricle in Cardiac MRI Images.00.342019
Unobtrusive Estimation of Cardiovascular Parameters with Limb Ballistocardiography.00.342019
Adaboost Based ECG Signal Quality Evaluation00.342019
Appropriate Mother Wavelets for Continuous Gait Event Detection Based on Time-Frequency Analysis for Hemiplegic and Healthy Individuals.30.502019
An Approach to Extraction Midsagittal Plane of Skull From Brain CT Images for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.00.342019
Development Of A Biosensor Based On Graphene For Detection Of Physiological Signals00.342019
An Unobtrusive Stress Recognition System For The Smart Office00.342019
A novel framework for the NMF methods with experiments to unmixing signals and feature representation00.342019
Coronary Artery Motion Tracking Using Landmark Guided Point Set Registration00.342019
Cascaded Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks With Multi-Scale Attention Fusion For Automated Bi-Ventricle Segmentation In Cardiac Mri00.342019
A Transfer Learning Approach to Detect Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Automatically Based on Ballistocardiogram Signal10.342019
Detection of Physiological Signals Based on Graphene Using a Simple and Low-Cost Method.00.342019
Estimation of wave reflection in aorta from radial pulse waveform by artificial neural network: a numerical study.00.342019
A Piezoelectret-based Flexible Sensor for Pulse Monitoring00.342018
An Extracting Method Of Symmetry Plane From Head Ct Images For Surgery Based On Obb And Image Mutual Information00.342018
Segmentation of the left ventricle in cardiac MRI using a hierarchical extreme learning machine model.70.482018
Design and implementation of a pulse wave generator based on Windkessel model using field programmable gate array technology.00.342017
A High Capacity Spatial Domain Data Hiding Scheme for Medical Images.30.382017
Regression Analysis And Transfer Function In Estimating The Parameters Of Central Pulse Waves From Brachial Pulse Wave00.342017
Semi-supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Commonness Extraction.00.342017
Online Multiple Object Tracking Via Flow And Convolutional Features20.362017
The Study of Pulse Condition of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Information Age.00.342017
Acute Effects Of Incremental Exercise On Central Hemodynamics In Young Basketball Athletes00.342017
The Intelligent Monitoring for the Elderly Based on WiFi Signals.00.342017
Comparison of Regression Analysis and Transfer Function in Estimating the Parameters of Central Pulse Waves from Brachial Pulse Wave.00.342017
Validation of an Adaptive Transfer Function Method to Estimate the Aortic Pressure Waveform.00.342017
Noninvasive Estimation Of Pressure Difference Of Left And Right Ventricle Based On Young - Laplace Model00.342016
Improving Object Visual Tracking Performance By Scene Occluder Estimation For Video Surveillance00.342016
Pancreatic Malformations As Seen In Congenital Syndromes - Developmental Perspective With An Alternative View00.342016
FPGA-based design and implementation of arterial pulse wave generator using piecewise Gaussian-cosine fitting20.402015
Variation of radial pulse wave contour influenced by contact pressure.00.342014
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