Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington , Seattle, WA, USA
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How Fast You Will Drive? Predicting Speed of Customized Paths By Deep Neural Network10.362022
Illumination and Temperature-Aware Multispectral Networks for Edge-Computing-Enabled Pedestrian Detection00.342022
Truck Parking Pattern Aggregation and Availability Prediction by Deep Learning00.342022
Optimizing Signal Timing Control for Large Urban Traffic Networks Using an Adaptive Linear Quadratic Regulator Control Strategy00.342022
Toward a real-time Smart Parking Data Management and Prediction (SPDMP) system by attributes representation learning00.342022
Estimating crowd density with edge intelligence based on lightweight convolutional neural networks00.342022
A Novel Framework for Road Side Unit Location Optimization for Origin-Destination Demand Estimation00.342022
Posture Calibration Based Cross-View & Hard-Sensitive Metric Learning for UAV-Based Vehicle Re-Identification.00.342022
An Incremental Learning-based Framework for Non-stationary Traffic Representations Clustering and Forecasting.00.342022
Traffic-Informed Multi-Camera Sensing (TIMS) System Based on Vehicle Re-Identification00.342022
Multimodal Traffic Speed Monitoring: A Real-Time System Based on Passive Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Sensing Technology00.342022
Reinforcement Learning for Curbside Space Management with Infrastructure Autonomy and Mixed Vehicle Connectivity.00.342022
Combining Individual Travel Preferences Into Destination Prediction: A Multi-Module Deep Learning Network00.342022
Forecasting Transportation Network Speed Using Deep Capsule Networks With Nested LSTM Models10.362021
Integrated Optimization for Commuting Customized Bus Stop Planning, Routing Design, and Timetable Development With Passenger Spatial-Temporal Accessibility20.412021
Monitoring Public Transit Ridership Flow by Passively Sensing Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Mobile Devices30.382021
CANet: Context Aware Network for Brain Glioma Segmentation.10.362021
Speed Prediction Based on a Traffic Factor State Network Model10.352021
A Data-Driven Timetable Optimization of Urban Bus Line Based on Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm00.342021
Multivariate Long And Short Term LSTM-Based Network for Traffic Forecasting Under Interference - Experiments During COVID-19.00.342021
Missing data imputation for traffic flow based on combination of fuzzy neural network and rough set theory00.342021
A Comprehensive Comparison Study Of Four Classical Car-Following Models Based On The Large-Scale Naturalistic Driving Experiment20.442021
Customized bus route design with pickup and delivery and time windows: Model, case study and comparative analysis20.392021
Full Bayesian Before-After Analysis of Safety Effects of Variable Speed Limit System20.362021
Comparative Analysis & Modelling for Riders’ Conflict Avoidance Behavior of E-Bikes and Bicycles at Un-Signalized Intersections00.342021
A Mixed Path Size Logit-Based Taxi Customer-Search Model Considering Spatio-Temporal Factors in Route Choice00.342020
A Mixed Path Size Logit-Based Taxi Customer-Search Model Considering Spatio-Temporal Factors in Route Choice00.342020
Attention-Enabled Network-level Traffic Speed Prediction00.342020
Traffic Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network: A Deep Learning Framework for Network-Scale Traffic Learning and Forecasting331.032020
Daily long-term traffic flow forecasting based on a deep neural network.20.372019
Two-Stream Multi-Channel Convolutional Neural Network (TM-CNN) for Multi-Lane Traffic Speed Prediction Considering Traffic Volume Impact.10.372019
Human-Like Autonomous Car-Following Model with Deep Reinforcement Learning.60.552019
Machine Vision Based Traffic Sign Detection Methods: Review, Analyses and Perspectives.10.352019
Safe, Efficient, and Comfortable Velocity Control based on Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving.00.342019
Extracting Global Shipping Networks from Massive Historical Automatic Identification System Sensor Data: A Bottom-Up Approach.10.402019
Real-Time Traffic Flow Parameter Estimation From UAV Video Based on Ensemble Classifier and Optical Flow.130.712019
Phenotypic Profiling of High Throughput Imaging Screens with Generic Deep Convolutional Features00.342019
Urban spatial structure and travel patterns: Analysis of workday and holiday travel using inhomogeneous Poisson point process models.00.342019
Forecasting Transportation Network Speed Using Deep Capsule Networks with Nested LSTM Models.00.342018
An autonomous dynamic trust management system with uncertainty analysis.00.342018
Collaboration and transportation resource sharing in multiple centers vehicle routing optimization with delivery and pickup.00.342018
Collaboration and transportation resource sharing in multiple centers vehicle routing optimization with delivery and pickup.00.342018
Multistep Speed Prediction on Traffic Networks: A Graph Convolutional Sequence-to-Sequence Learning Approach with Attention Mechanism.00.342018
Two-echelon location-routing optimization with time windows based on customer clustering.20.362018
Two-echelon location-routing optimization with time windows based on customer clustering.20.362018
A Match‐Then‐Predict Method for Daily Traffic Flow Forecasting Based on Group Method of Data Handling00.342018
Connected vehicle-based red-light running prediction for adaptive signalized intersections60.602018
Deep Bidirectional and Unidirectional LSTM Recurrent Neural Network for Network-wide Traffic Speed Prediction.40.412018
Two-echelon logistics delivery and pickup network optimization based on integrated cooperation and transportation fleet sharing.00.342018
Two-echelon logistics delivery and pickup network optimization based on integrated cooperation and transportation fleet sharing.00.342018
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