Department of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering, IIT Kharagpur, Kharagpur, West Bengal, 721302, India
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Localized multiple kernel learning using graph modularity00.342022
Automatic Lung Sound Cycle Extraction From Single And Multichannel Acoustic Recordings00.342021
Speech Frame Selection For Spoofing Detection With An Application To Partially Spoofed Audio-Data00.342021
Robust kernelized graph-based learning00.342021
Influence Of Music Liking On Eeg Based Emotion Recognition10.372021
Improved Speech-Signal Based Frequency Warping Scale for Cepstral Feature in Robust Speaker Verification System00.342020
Smartphone-Based Point-of-Care System Using Continuous-Wave Portable Doppler00.342020
Analysis and classification of acoustic scenes with wavelet transform-based mel-scaled features10.362020
Optimization of data-driven filterbank for automatic speaker verification10.362020
Detection Of Coronary Artery Atherosclerotic Disease Using Novel Features From Synchrosqueezing Transform Of Phonocardiogram20.402020
A Low-Error, Memory-Based Fast Binary Logarithmic Converter00.342020
An instance voting approach to feature selection.00.342019
A machine learning approach to predict perceptual decisions: an insight into face pareidolia.10.382019
Detection of peripheral arterial disease using Doppler spectrogram based expert system for Point-of-Care applications.00.342019
Quality measures for speaker verification with short utterances.00.342019
Improved computerized cardiac auscultation by discarding artifact contaminated PCG signal sub-sequence.20.382018
Multichannel lung sound analysis for asthma detection.20.382018
Improved i-vector extraction technique for speaker verification with short utterances.10.342018
Speaker verification with short utterances: a review of challenges, trends and opportunities.50.432018
Classification of audio scenes with novel features in a fused system framework.00.342018
Synthetic speech detection using fundamental frequency variation and spectral features.40.392018
Spectral Mapping Using Prior Re-Estimation of i-Vectors and System Fusion for Voice Conversion.00.342017
Spectral Features for Synthetic Speech Detection.100.532017
Novel Speech Features for Improved Detection of Spoofing Attacks.40.382016
Overview of BTAS 2016 speaker anti-spoofing competition20.372016
Lung sound classification using cepstral-based statistical features.190.872016
On robustness of speech based biometric systems against voice conversion attack70.442015
Classification of emotions induced by music videos and correlation with participants' rating.190.742014
Automatic recognition of major language families in India00.342012
A Novel Windowing Technique for Efficient Computation of MFCC for Speaker Recognition130.692012
Diagnosing of the lungs status using morphological anomalies of the signals in transformed domain00.342012
A novel approach in feature level for robust text-independent speaker identification system40.432012
A system for behavior prediction based on neural signals00.342012
Design, analysis and experimental evaluation of block based transformation in MFCC computation for speaker recognition773.202012
Bayesian marginal statistics for speech enhancement using log Gabor wavelet10.352011
Real time implementation of speaker identification system with frame picking algorithm50.452010
Detection of cardiac abnormality from PCG signal using LMS based least square SVM classifier211.082010
Feature selection using singular value decomposition and QR factorization with column pivoting for text-independent speaker identification130.782010
Spectral entropy and spectral shape based pre-quantization for real time speaker identification system10.372010
On the use of perceptual Line Spectral pairs Frequencies and higher-order residual moments for Speaker Identification60.602010
In search of an optimization technique for Artificial Neural Network to classify abnormal heart sounds130.742009
Classification of heart sounds using empirical mode decomposition based features70.632008
Speech enhancement by joint statistical characterization in the Log Gabor Wavelet domain30.382008
Capturing Complementary Information via Reversed Filter Bank and Parallel Implementation with MFCC for Improved Text-Independent Speaker Identification50.462007
A Comparative Study of Feature Extraction Algorithms on ANN Based Speaker Model for Speaker Recognition Applications30.432004
On robust nonlinear modeling of a complex process with large number of inputs using m-QRcp factorization and Cp statistic20.381999