Univ Balear Isl, Comp Graph Vis & Artificial Intelligence Grp, Palma De Mallorca, Balearic Island, Spain
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Computing Technologies For Wellness00.342021
Aprehab: A Methodology For Serious Games Design Oriented To Psychomotor Rehabilitation In Children With Hearing Impairments00.342021
Multimedia And Human-Computer Interaction (Interaccion 2018) [Si 1141t]00.342020
Towards a Model for Implicit Evaluation in the Wild on a Large Scale00.342019
Therapeutic Exercise Based on Videogames to Improve Neck Pain00.342019
Mobile accessibility: natural user interface for motion-impaired users00.342019
Vibrotactile and vibroacoustic communications: pairs in interaction and play - an interactive structure and bodies in an urban environment.00.342018
Scoping Review of Systems to Train Psychomotor Skills in Hearing Impaired Children.00.342018
Validation of methodological proposal for serious games design oriented to psychomotor rehabilitation in children with hearing impairment.00.342018
Reflections on ESM in the Wild: the Case of a Mobile Head-Gesture Game.00.342018
Sensations on the Body: Varying Duration, Overlap, Ratios and Placement on Dynamic Vibrotactile Patterns.10.362018
Juego serio para entrenar habilidades auditivas en niños con discapacidad auditiva.00.342018
Head-tracking interfaces on mobile devices: Evaluation using Fitts' law and a new multi-directional corner task for small displays.00.342018
Vibrotactile and vibroacoustic interventions into health and well-being.10.352018
Ley de Fitts: Sobre el Cálculo del Rendimiento y Tareas No ISO.00.342018
Proposal of a model for the analysis of requirements and activities for the design of interactive experiences aimed at the psychomotor rehabilitation of children with hearing impairments.10.392017
Evaluating fitts' law performance with a non-ISO task.10.372017
Game to develop rhythm and coordination in children with hearing impairments.20.412017
Validation of navigation guidelines for improving usability in the mobile web.30.382017
Serious game to train auditory discrimination and identification in children with hearing impairments.00.342017
Designing an accessible low-cost interactive multi-touch surface10.362016
Review of systems to train psychomotor skills in hearing impaired children00.342016
Principles of Design for Serious Games to Teaching of Literacy for Children with Hearing Disabilities.10.412016
Interactive Systems Proposal for Psychomotor Rehabilitation in Hearing Impaired Children.00.342016
A Robust Camera-Based Interface for Mobile Entertainment.50.462016
Mobile Accessibility: A Head-tracker for Users with Motor Disabilities.00.342016
First Insights with a Vibrotactile Interface for Children with Multiple Disabilities40.412015
CamScan, an Application to Identify Everyday Objects for Users with Vision Impairments00.342015
Face Me! Head-Tracker Interface Evaluation on Mobile Devices70.562015
Designing a Vibrotactile Language for a Wearable Vest50.452015
Vibrotactile Vest and The Humming Wall: I like the hand down my spine20.372015
Observing the use of an input device for rehabilitation purposes10.352014
A Vibrotactile Interface to Motivate Movement for Children with Severe to Profound Disabilities20.452014
Let me Listen to Poetry, Let me See Emotions.00.342014
A Usability Study Case of a Vision-Based Gesture Interface10.402014
Analyzing the Importance of Marking Links to Special Targets in Mobile Web00.342014
From a Serious Training Simulator for Ship Maneuvering to an Entertainment Simulator.00.342014
Design recommendations for camera-based head-controlled interfaces that replace the mouse for motion-impaired users80.552014
Finding Optimal Strategies In Tennis From Video Sequences00.342013
A tennis training application using 3d gesture recognition00.342012
An avatar acceptance study for home automation scenarios00.342012
A study of the human-system interface complexity sources in wastewater treatment plants00.342012
User experience to improve the usability of a vision-based interface130.962010
Experiences using a hands-free interface131.082008
Hands-free vision-based interface for computer accessibility351.962008
Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition for Natural Interaction70.672007
Towards hands-free interfaces based on real-time robust facial gesture recognition60.602006