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Benefits of Linear Conditioning for Segmentation using Metadata.00.342021
SoftSeg: Advantages of soft versus binary training for image segmentation10.402021
Stacked Hourglass Network with a Multi-level Attention Mechanism - Where to Look for Intervertebral Disc Labeling.00.342021
Cortico-spinal imaging to study pain10.402021
Construction of a rat spinal cord atlas of axon morphometry.00.342019
Axons morphometry in the human spinal cord.10.352019
U-Net Fixed-Point Quantization for Medical Image Segmentation.00.342019
Arterial stiffness and white matter integrity in the elderly: A diffusion tensor and magnetization transfer imaging study.00.342019
Deep Semi-Supervised Segmentation With Weight-Averaged Consistency Targets30.392018
Promise and pitfalls of g-ratio estimation with MRI.110.522018
Microstructural imaging in the spinal cord and validation strategies.50.422018
Unsupervised domain adaptation for medical imaging segmentation with self-ensembling.130.692018
Automatic spinal cord localization, robust to MRI contrasts using global curve optimization.20.402018
SCT: Spinal Cord Toolbox, an open-source software for processing spinal cord MRI data.80.482017
OptiC: Robust and Automatic Spinal Cord Localization on a Large Variety of MRI Data Using a Distance Transform Based Global Optimization.00.342017
AxonPacking: An Open-Source Software to Simulate Arrangements of Axons in White Matter.10.352017
g-Ratio weighted imaging of the human spinal cord in vivo.10.362017
Axondeepseg: Automatic Axon And Myelin Segmentation From Microscopy Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks50.492017
Spinal Cord Gray Matter Segmentation Using Deep Dilated Convolutions60.552017
Fully-integrated framework for the segmentation and registration of the spinal cord white and gray matter.50.432017
AxonSeg: Open Source Software for Axon and Myelin Segmentation and Morphometric Analysis.70.502016
White matter atlas of the human spinal cord with estimation of partial volume effect.120.722015
The impact of gradient strength on in vivo diffusion MRI estimates of axon diameter.170.792015
In vivo histology of the myelin g-ratio with magnetic resonance imaging.371.222015
In vivo mapping of human spinal cord microstructure at 300 mT/m.80.502015
Automatic segmentation of the spinal cord and spinal canal coupled with vertebral labeling130.772015
Multivariate combination of magnetization transfer, T2* and B0 orientation to study the myelo-architecture of the in vivo human cortex.160.642015
Real diffusion-weighted MRI enabling true signal averaging and increased diffusion contrast.140.602015
A reliable spatially normalized template of the human spinal cord - Applications to automated white matter/gray matter segmentation and tensor-based morphometry (TBM) mapping of gray matter alterations occurring with age.60.492015
The current state-of-the-art of spinal cord imaging: Methods.231.232014
Automatic 3D segmentation of spinal cord MRI using propagated deformable models00.342014
The current state-of-the-art of spinal cord imaging: Applications.180.852014
Robust, accurate and fast automatic segmentation of the spinal cord.221.012014
The Human Connectome Project and beyond: Initial applications of 300 mT/m gradients.431.662013
Pushing the limits of in vivo diffusion MRI for the Human Connectome Project.783.022013
Improving diffusion MRI using simultaneous multi-slice echo planar imaging.271.102012
Accelerated diffusion spectrum imaging with compressed sensing using adaptive dictionaries.110.822012
Reduction of physiological noise with independent component analysis improves the detection of nociceptive responses with fMRI of the human spinal cord.20.392012
T* mapping and B orientation-dependence at 7 T reveal cyto- and myeloarchitecture organization of the human cortex.241.632012
Wallerian degeneration after spinal cord lesions in cats detected with diffusion tensor imaging.50.602011
In vivo evidence of disseminated subpial T2* signal changes in multiple sclerosis at 7 T: A surface-based analysis.60.582011
Demyelination and degeneration in the injured human spinal cord detected with diffusion and magnetization transfer MRI.191.152011
Detection of multiple pathways in the spinal cord white matter using q-ball imaging10.352008