School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
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Operating Systems and Hypervisors for Network Functions: A Survey of Enabling Technologies and Research Studies00.342022
X-MAN: A Non-Intrusive Power Manager for Energy-Adaptive Cloud-Native Network Functions00.342022
Federated Edge Network Utility Maximization for a Multi-Server System: Algorithm and Convergence00.342022
DynNetSLAM: Dynamic Visual SLAM Network Offloading.00.342022
An Sdn Architecture For Time Sensitive Industrial Iot70.422021
FedCo: A Federated Learning Controller for Content Management in Multi-party Edge Systems20.412021
Hardware Accelerations for Container Engine to Assist Container Migration on Client Devices00.342020
Ultra-Low Latency (ULL) Networks: The IEEE TSN and IETF DetNet Standards and Related 5G ULL Research351.852019
Reconfiguration Algorithms for High Precision Communications in Time Sensitive Networks: Time-Aware Shaper Configuration with IEEE 802.1Qcc (Extended Version).00.342019
Performance Comparison of IEEE 802.1 TSN Time Aware Shaper (TAS) and Asynchronous Traffic Shaper (ATS).00.342019
Progressive Multicore RLNC Decoding With Online DAG Scheduling00.342019
Reducing Latency in Virtual Machines: Enabling Tactile Internet for Human-Machine Co-Working70.472019
Reinforcing the Edge: Autonomous Energy Management for Mobile Device Clouds40.412019
Transport SDN at the Dawn of the 5G Era10.352019
SMFrWF: Segmented Modified Fractional Wavelet Filter: Fast Low-Memory Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT).00.342019
Device-Enhanced MEC: Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) Aided by End Device Computation and Caching: A Survey30.372019
LayBack: SDN Management of Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) for Network Access Services and Radio Resource Sharing.30.382018
Caterpillar RLNC With Feedback (CRLNC-FB): Reducing Delay in Selective Repeat ARQ Through Coding.00.342018
FiWi network throughput-delay modeling with traffic intensity control and local bandwidth allocation.00.342018
Ultra-Low Latency (ULL) Networks: A Comprehensive Survey Covering the IEEE TSN Standard and Related ULL Research.00.342018
Fulcrum: Flexible Network Coding for Heterogeneous Devices.00.342018
Efficient Multi-Rate Video Encoding for HEVC-Based Adaptive HTTP Streaming.30.402018
Performance Comparison of R-PHY and R-MACPHY Modular Cable Access Network Architectures.00.342018
On the Minimization of Glass-to-Glass and Glass-to-Algorithm Delay in Video Communication.40.482018
Guest Editorial Scalability Issues and Solutions for Software Defined Networks.00.342018
PACE: Redundancy Engineering in RLNC for Low-Latency Communication.20.362017
Network Coding in Heterogeneous Multicore IoT Nodes With DAG Scheduling of Parallel Matrix Block Operations.110.512017
Requirements, Design Challenges, and Review of Routing and MAC Protocols for CR-Based Smart Grid Systems.100.542017
Guest Editorial Special Section On Smart Grid And Renewable Energy Resources: Information And Communication Technologies With Industry Perspective40.382017
LATMAPA: Load-Adaptive Throughput- MAximizing Preamble Allocation for Prioritization in 5G Random Access.100.552017
Software Defined Optical Networks (SDONs): A Comprehensive Survey.391.902016
Scalable line-based wavelet image coding in wireless sensor networks.00.342016
Grouping by Cycle Length (GCL) for Long-Range FiWi Networks00.342016
Cognitive radio based smart grid: The future of the traditional electrical grid.80.552016
Control Plane Latency With SDN Network Hypervisors: The Cost of Virtualization.100.512016
Impact of Retransmission Limit on Preamble Contention in LTE-Advanced Network200.952015
WVSNP-DASH: Name-Based Segmented Video Streaming100.482015
Color Coding of Circuit Quantities in Introductory Circuit Analysis Instruction30.442015
Supporting multimedia learning with visual signalling and animated pedagogical agent: moderating effects of prior knowledge100.662015
Transitional feedback schedules during computer-based problem-solving practice.00.342015
Improved Polling Strategies For Efficient Flow Control For Buffer Reduction In Pon/Xdsl Hybrid Access Networks10.352015
Representation sequencing in computer-based engineering education60.512014
Impact of report message scheduling (RMS) in 1G/10G EPON and GPON70.502014
FiWi access networks based on next-generation PON and gigabit-class WLAN technologies: a capacity and delay analysis401.272014
Passive optical network (PON) supported networking.10.362014
Traffic and Statistical Multiplexing Characterization of 3D Video Representation Formats (Extended Version).00.342013
Animated agents in K-12 engineering outreach: Preferred agent characteristics across age levels.70.592013
Learning from abstract and contextualized representations: The effect of verbal guidance10.362013
Erratum to "Low-Memory Wavelet Transforms for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Tutorial"00.342013
Analytical framework for the capacity and delay evaluation of next-generation FiWi network routing algorithms20.462013
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