Institute of Computer Science, FORTH
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Public and private healthcare organisations - a socio-technical model for identifying cybersecurity aspects.00.342020
Cyber-Attacks And Threats For Healthcare - A Multi-Layer Thread Analysis00.342020
Single-Channel Ssvep-Based Bci For Robotic Car Navigation In Real World Conditions00.342019
Resilient Network services for critical mHealth applications over 5G Mobile Network Technologies.00.342019
PharmActa: Personalized pharmaceutical care eHealth platform for patients and pharmacists.00.342019
A framework linking glycolytic metabolic capabilities and tumor dynamics.00.342019
High resolution volumetric imaging of primary and secondary tumor spheroids using multi-angle Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM).00.342018
Low Cost Brain-Controlled Telepresence Robot: A Brain-Computer Interface for Robot Car Navigation.00.342018
Congestive Heart Failure Risk Assessment Monitoring through Internet of things and mobile Personal Health Systems.00.342018
PDCA: An eHealth service for the management of drug interactions with complementary and alternative medicines.00.342018
Emotional State Recognition Using Advanced Machine Learning Techniques on EEG Data20.402017
A computational platform for continuous seizure anticipitation, monitoring and clinical evaluation.00.342016
A DCE-MRI analysis workflow.10.412016
Visual fatigue effects on Steady State Visual Evoked Potential-based Brain Computer Interfaces10.362015
Dr Eye.00.342015
MyHealthAvatar: Personalized and empowerment health services through Internet of Things technologies10.382014
Cross Layer Interference Management in Wireless Biomedical Networks.30.382014
Computational horizons in cancer (CHIC): Developing meta- and hyper-multiscale models and repositories for in Silico Oncology - A brief technical outline of the project00.342014
The importance of grid size and boundary conditions in discrete tumor growth modeling00.342014
Web-Based Workflow Planning Platform Supporting the Design and Execution of Complex Multiscale Cancer Models40.512014
An Approach To Absence Epileptic Seizures Detection Using Approximate Entropy30.472013
Exploitation Of Patient Avatars Towards Stratified Medicine Through The Development Of In Silico Clinical Trials Approaches00.342013
Absence seizure epilepsy detection using linear and nonlinear EEG analysis methods.60.522013
Employing In-Vivo Molecular Imaging In Simulating And Validating Tumor Growth10.402013
Bridging Social Media Technologies and Scientific Research: A Twitter-Enabled Platform for VPH Modeling.00.342012
Enhancing health care delivery through ambient intelligence applications.60.542012
Clinical evaluation of DoctorEye platform in nephroblastoma00.342012
A Software Prototype For The Assessment Of Tumor Treatment Response Using Diffusion And Perfusion Mr Imaging00.342012
Solving the PIHNA model while accounting for radiotherapy00.342012
An innovative mathematical analysis of routine MRI scans in patients with glioblastoma using DoctorEye00.342012
An architecture for integrating cancer model repositories.30.452012
The effects of near optimal growth solutions in genome-scale human cancer metabolic model00.342012
Hybrid model for tumor spheroids with intratumoral oxygen supply heterogeneity00.342012
High-grade glioma diffusive modeling using statistical tissue information and diffusion tensors extracted from atlases.70.942012
In-Depth Analysis and Evaluation of Diffusive Glioma Models70.842012
Scientific workflows to support in silico modeling in cancer research00.342012
BrainNetVis: An Open-Access Tool to Effectively Quantify and Visualize Brain Networks.10.432011
Towards an Accessible Personal Health Record.30.462011
Review of advanced techniques for the estimation of brain connectivity measured with EEG/MEG.241.242011
Ontology-driven monitoring of patient's vital signs enabling personalized medical detection and alert.80.622011
Spatially adaptive active contours: a semi-automatic tumor segmentation framework.50.802010
Modelling The Growth Of A Malignant Brain Tumour00.342010
Assessment of linear and nonlinear synchronization measures for analyzing EEG in a mild epileptic paradigm.61.632009
Decomposition Methods for Detailed Analysis of Content in ERP Recordings10.352009
Translating Cancer Research into Clinical Practice: A Framework for Analyzing and Modeling Cancer from Imaging Data00.342009
User profiling based on multi-criteria analysis: the role of utility functions70.682009
Parametric and nonparametric EEG analysis for the evaluation of EEG activity in young children with controlled epilepsy50.602008
Brain Network Analyzer00.342008
Modelling The Pathophysiological Human Brain Function00.342007
Searching and visualizing brain networks in schizophrenia10.382006
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