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State-of-the-Art and Future Direction of UAV Technologies00.342021
Blockchain-Assisted Secure Fine-Grained Searchable Encryption for a Cloud-Based Healthcare Cyber-Physical System50.402021
Botnet Defense System: Concept, Design, And Basic Strategy00.342020
Drone Fleet Rental Decision Support Based on Iterative Resource-Constrained Scheduling.00.342020
Soft computing techniques for big data and cloud computing00.342020
IoT Service Development and Deployment Platform "Elgar" and Its Application to Smart Parking.00.342020
Young Professionals Event at GCCE 201900.342020
Young Professionals Activities at GCCE 2018 [Society News].00.342019
Analysis Of Option To Complete, Proper Completion And No Dead Tasks For Acyclic Free Choice Workflow Nets00.342019
Modeling ACC with Cloud, Clouldlet for Autonomous Vehicle Platoon using Petri nets00.342019
Young Professionals Events at the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Berlin 2018 [Society News].00.342019
Random Sampling And. Inductive Ability Evaluation Of Word Embedding In Medical Literature00.342019
Hajime Worm With Lifespan And Its Mitigation Evaluation Against Mirai Malware Based On Agent-Oriented Petri Net Pn200.342019
IoT Device Management using Semantics for Distinguishing Device Compatibility00.342019
The Young Professionals Event at ICCE 2019 [Society News]00.342019
Semantic Interoperability Test Method for Data Schema Comparison with Constrained Application Protocol.00.342019
Technical Writing Course Offered to YPs [Society News].00.342018
Advances in Security and Privacy of Multimedia Big Data in Mobile and Cloud Computing.50.432018
Consideration of IoT Structure in Mitigation against Mirai Malware00.342018
Computational Complexity And Polynomial Time Procedure Of Response Property Problem In Workflow Nets00.342018
Resolution Mechanism Model for Heterogeneous Systems in Smart Home Environment.00.342018
Evaluation of Rough Sets Data Preprocessing on Context-Driven Semantic Analysis with RNN.00.342018
Recent research in computational intelligence paradigms into security and privacy for online social networks (OSNs).00.342018
Petri Net-Based Verification Of Security Protocol Implementation In Software Evolution10.352018
User Workflow Preference Analysis Based on Confidence and Lift Value of Association Rule.00.342018
A Design Method of Consumer Electronics Products Based on Supervisory Control and Model Checking00.342018
Sensor Fusion and Adaptive Cruise Control for Self Driving Platoon.00.342018
A Model Checking-Based Analysis Method of Cyber Attack in IoT System by Agent-Oriented Petri Net.00.342018
Recent Advances in Mobile Cloud Computing.10.372018
Gaining Experience and Skills at GCCE [Society News].00.342018
Flying Animals and the Art of Presentation [Society News].00.342018
Ontology-Supported Verification Method for Implementation of IoT Service Design with Petri Net00.342018
Guest Editorial Deep Learning Models for Industry Informatics.10.372018
Young Professionals Event at GCCE 2017: Synergy of Automotive and Consumer Electronics [Society News].00.342018
Advances in applying soft computing techniques for big data and cloud computing.20.382018
A tailor-made service design support tool based on aspect-oriented timed Petri net.00.342017
Modeling of stalkers' behavior and development of simulated experience game for education.00.342017
A supervisory control method of upper limit constraints for workflow nets.00.342017
Elgar framework: Context-aware service orchestration with data Petri net.00.342017
Editorial security, privacy, and forensics in the critical infrastructure: advances and future directions.20.362017
Reduction of redundant tasks and its application to refactoring in consumer electronics software.00.342017
IoT based activity recognition among smart home residents.00.342017
A Repeat Performance: Flying Animals And The Art Of Presentation00.342017
Toward personalized learning in JPLAS: Generating and scoring functions for debugging questions00.342016
XSS detection with automatic view isolation on online social network00.342016
On Verification Of Implementation Of Security Specification With Petri Nets' Protocol Inheritance00.342016
On Privacy Verification In The Iot Service Based On Pn200.342016
On Service Personalization Analysis For The Internet Of Me Based On Pn200.342016
On Service Orchestration Of Cyber Physical System And Its Verification Based On Petri Net00.342016
An Interest-Based Tour Planning Tool By Process Mining From Twitter00.342016
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