Univ Twente, IEBIS Dept, Enschede, Netherlands
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Exploring Recommendations For Circular Supply Chain Management Through Interactive Visualisation00.342021
Short Text Similarity Measurement Methods: A Review00.342021
The promises and perils of Automatic Identification System data10.632021
Analysing the trend of Islamophobia in Blog Communities using Machine Learning and Trend Analysis.00.342020
The recommender canvas: A model for developing and documenting recommender system design20.372019
The influence of knowledge in the design of a recommender system to facilitate industrial symbiosis markets.00.342018
Effectiveness of Test-Driven Development and Continuous Integration: A Case Study.00.342018
A qualitative study of DevOps usage in practice70.622017
Predictive Analytics For Truck Arrival Time Estimation: A Field Study At A European Distribution Centre40.422017
Identifying child abuse through text mining and machine learning.50.452017
The Effects of Modularity on Effective Communication and Collaboration: [Best Paper Nominee]00.342017
Using text mining and machine learning for detection of child abuse.00.342016
Clustering The Results Of Brainstorm Sessions: Applying Word Similarity Techniques To Cluster Dutch Nouns00.342016
Reducing Waste in Administrative Services with Lean Principles.00.342016
Information Waste on the World Wide Web and Combating the Clutter20.382015
Using E-markets for Globally Distributed Work.00.342015
Towards understanding the understandability of UML models00.342014
Innovation diffusion in open source software: preliminary analysis of dependency changes in the gentoo portage package database10.352014
Cooperation between information system development and operations: a literature review90.672014
Gentoo package dependencies over time90.552014
Value-Based File Retention: File Attributes as File Value and Information Waste Indicators30.422014
A Mapping Study On Cooperation Between Information System Development And Operations110.602014
Involving End Users to Mitigate Risk in IS Development Projects20.372013
Can Agile Software Tools Bring the Benefits of a Task Board to Globally Distributed Teams?40.532013
How Healthy Is My Project? Open Source Project Attributes as Indicators of Success.10.362013
Agile requirements prioritization in large-scale outsourced system projects: An empirical study341.682013
Identifying Coordination Problems in Software Development: Finding Mismatches between Software and Project Team Structures20.362012
Process Prediction in Noisy Data Sets: A Case Study in a Dutch Hospital.130.612012
Information Waste, the Environment and Human Action: Concepts and Research.20.362012
Can Anybody Help?: Mitigating IS Development Project Risk with User Involvement10.352012
The applicability of a use value-based file retention method.10.352011
Exploring the Impact of Socio-Technical Core-Periphery Structures in Open Source Software Development130.532010
Coordination Implications of Software Coupling in Open Source Projects00.342010
Detecting Coordination Problems in Collaborative Software Development Environments130.662010
In Search of Paradigms: Identifying the Theoretical Foundations of the IS Field.70.472010
Coordination in Open Source versus Commercial Software Development.10.352009
Desperately Avoiding Bureaucracy: Modularity as a Strategy for Organisational Innovation.00.342008
Matrix Based Problem Detection in the Application of Software Process Patterns30.412007
Mapping Social Network to Software Architecture to Detect Structure Clashes in Agile Software Development.20.442007
1st International Workshop on Tools for Managing Globally Distributed Software Development (TOMAG 2007)10.352007
A Process Pattern Language for Coordinated Software Development00.342007
Application of Social Network Theory to Software Development: The problem of Task Allocation00.342005
Coordination in software development: the problem of task allocation60.422005