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Managing Knowledge Distance: IT-Enabled Inter-Firm Knowledge Capabilities in Collaborative Innovation00.342020
Increase the Effectiveness of Online Distracting Advertisement - Examining the Effects of Location-based Personalization with Eye Tracking Technology.00.342019
The Dynamic Impacts of Online Healthcare Community on Physician Altruism - A Hidden Markov Model.00.342019
Examining the Theoretical Mechanisms Underlying Health Information Exchange Impact on Healthcare Outcomes - A Physician Agency Perspective.00.342019
Interruptions are not all Bad! The Case of Choice Overload.00.342019
Development and Validation of a Representational Fluency Test for Primary School Students00.342019
Friending Acceptance on Social Media Apps - Does Tactile Interface Matter?00.342018
Better Inpatient Health Quality at Lower Cost - Should I Participate in the Online Healthcare Community First?00.342018
Let Our Mind Wander: Employing IT-Induced Incubations to Enhance Creativity.00.342017
Optimal Design of Gamified Incentive Hierarchies in Online Fitness Communities.10.352017
Decision Confidence and Purchase Intention in Software Trials: A Cognitive Stopping Rule Perspective.00.342017
How do users cope with trial restrictions? A field experiment on free trial software.00.342017
Direct and Indirect Information System Use: A Multimethod Exploration of Social Power Antecedents in Healthcare10.352017
Touch Makes You Think Concretely: The Effects of Computer Interfaces on Product Evaluation.00.342017
Understanding Young People's Use of Danmaku Websites: the effect of Perceived Coolness and subcultural Identi.00.342016
Investigating Consumers' Redemption responses through the Interplay between Message Framing and Psychological Distance in Mobile Advertisement Design.00.342016
Productpedia – A Collaborative Electronic Product Catalog for Ecommerce 3.000.342015
Building a Culturally-Competent Web Site: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Web Site Structure.10.362015
Stated Choice Analysis of Conditional Purchase and Information Cue Effects in Online Group Purchase.00.342015
Comparing Potential and Actual Innovators: An Empirical Study of Mobile Data Services Innovation110.512015
Fostering Fast-response Spontaneous Virtual Team: Effects of Member Skill Awareness and Shared Governance on Team Cohesion and Outcomes.00.342015
Effects of Interruptions on Creative Thinking.00.342014
Search in Open Innovation: How Does It Evolve with the Facilitation of Information Technology?00.342014
When Two Is Better Than One - Product Recommendation with Dual Information Processing Strategies.00.342014
Data Modeling: An Ontological Perspective of Pointers10.362014
An empirical study of information contribution to online feedback systems: A motivation perspective80.442013
MOOCs and Beyond.00.342013
Defining Boundaries of Web Ads' Perceptual Fluency Effect: Cognitive Resources and Presentation Formats.00.342013
Can Information Technology Bridge Knowledge Distance in Organizational Open Innovation? An Absorptive Capacity Perspective.50.422012
Effects of product learning aids on the breadth and depth of recall40.392012
Leadership characteristics and developers' motivation in open source software development140.642012
Effects of Cultural Cognitive Styles on Users' Evaluation of Website Complexity.10.352012
Research Note---Effects of Individual Self-Protection, Industry Self-Regulation, and Government Regulation on Privacy Concerns: A Study of Location-Based Services611.382012
Consumer-based decision aid that explains which to buy: Decision confirmation or overconfidence bias?100.512012
Perceptual and Conceptual Effects of Incidental Exposure to Web Ads.10.432012
Relational Antecedents of Information Visibility in Value Networks.10.352012
Open source software adoption: motivations of adopters and amotivations of non-adopters60.522011
Achieving High Performing Supply Networks Through Value Network Transparency.20.372011
Value co-creation with customers through design toolkits: the importance of preference fit and psychological ownership.00.342011
Impact of blog design features on blogging satisfaction: an impression management perspective10.362011
How to Display Branded and Non-Branded Products in the Online Shopping Website.10.362010
Online auction: the effects of transaction probability and listing price on a seller's decision-making behavior40.392010
Engaging Consumers with Advergames: an Experimental Evaluation of Interactivity, Relevancy and Expectancy.10.342010
Consumer Value Co-creation in a Hybrid Commerce Service-Delivery System230.982010
Turnover intentions of IT employees in non-IT organizations: effects of organizational and professional identification20.372010
Designing An Information Systems Development Course To Incorporate Agility, Flexibility, And Adaptability10.352010
Assessing Screening and Evaluation Decision Support Systems: A Resource-Matching Approach210.752010
Effects of Product Learning Aids on Breadth and Depth of Recall: An Empirical Investigation.00.342010
To Blow or not to Blow: An Experimental Study on the Intention to Whistleblow on Software Piracy20.372010
Decision-Maker Mindfulness in IT Adoption: The Role of Informed Culture and Individual Personality.100.462009
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