European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus Hinxton UK
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KNIME workflow for retrieving causal drug and protein interactions, building networks, and performing topological enrichment analysis demonstrated by a DILI case study00.342022
Addressing barriers in comprehensiveness, accessibility, reusability, interoperability and reproducibility of computational models in systems biology00.342022
IntAct App: a Cytoscape application for molecular interaction network visualization and analysis00.342021
Identifiers.Org: Compact Identifier Services In The Cloud00.342021
A decoupled, modular and scriptable architecture for tools to curate data platforms00.342021
The Minimum Information About A Molecular Interaction Causal Statement (Mi2cast)00.342021
BioModels—15 years of sharing computational models in life science10.352020
The Proteomexchange Consortium In 2020: Enabling 'Big Data' Approaches In Proteomics00.342020
The reactome pathway knowledgebase20.362020
Biomodels Parameters: A Treasure Trove Of Parameter Values From Published Systems Biology Models10.352020
The first 10 years of the international coordination network for standards in systems and synthetic biology (COMBINE).10.352020
PhaSepDB: a database of liquid-liquid phase separation related proteins.00.342020
The omics discovery REST interface.00.342020
Reactome and ORCID-fine-grained credit attribution for community curation.00.342019
Complex Portal 2018: extended content and enhanced visualization tools for macromolecular complexes.20.352019
Iprox: An Integrated Proteome Resource20.372019
CausalTAB: the PSI-MITAB 2.8 updated format for signalling data representation and dissemination.00.342019
Encompassing new use cases - level 3.0 of the HUPO-PSI format for molecular interactions.60.752018
BioModels: expanding horizons to include more modelling approaches and formats.30.382018
Reactome graph database: Efficient access to complex pathway data.40.382018
The Reactome pathway Knowledgebase.70.582018
Reactome diagram viewer: Data structures and strategies to boost performance.20.512018
A Pipeline For Identifying Endogenous Neuropeptides From Spectral Archives00.342018
Reactome pathway analysis: a high-performance in-memory approach.50.492017
Open Targets: A Platform For Therapeutic Target Identification And Validation170.872017
AAgAtlas 1.0: a human autoantigen database.10.382017
ComplexViewer: visualization of curated macromolecular complexes.30.422017
The Proteomexchange Consortium In 2017: Supporting The Cultural Change In Proteomics Public Data Deposition100.732017
Reactome enhanced pathway visualization.10.372017
Organizational principles of the Reactome human BioPAX model using graph theory methods.00.342016
Accurate estimation of isoelectric point of protein and peptide based on amino acid sequences.30.652016
Gene regulation knowledge commons: community action takes care of DNA binding transcription factors.10.362016
Merging and scoring molecular interactions utilising existing community standards: tools, use-cases and a case study.60.512015
The Complex Portal - An Encyclopaedia Of Macromolecular Complexes141.042015
The Reactome Pathway Knowledgebase1204.712014
The Mintact Project-Intact As A Common Curation Platform For 11 Molecular Interaction Databases1273.942014
BioModels linked dataset.80.522014
BioJS: an open source JavaScript framework for biological data visualization.301.712013
The HUPO proteomics standards initiative- mass spectrometry controlled vocabulary.90.782013
Towards the collaborative curation of the registry underlying
A New Reference Implementation Of The Psicquic Web Service141.052013
The Proteomics Identifications (Pride) Database And Associated Tools: Status In 2013333.262013
Path2Models: large-scale generation of computational models from biochemical pathway maps.270.772013
The Apoptosis Gene Ontology Project And The Intact-Apoptosis Dataset: Updating The Conceptual Representation Of Apoptosis00.342013
Capturing cooperative interactions with the PSI-MI format.40.582013
iAnn: an event sharing platform for the life sciences.30.522013
The EBI enzyme portal.40.522013
The Intact Molecular Interaction Database In 20122298.802012
Delivering 'Cool URIs' That Do Not Change.00.342012
Hydra: a scalable proteomic search engine which utilizes the Hadoop distributed computing framework.180.912012
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