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Diagnosing the coexistence of Poissonity and self-similarity in memory workloads00.342022
Accelerate Hardware Logging for Efficient Crash Consistency in Persistent Memory00.342022
DM-Pages: Improving Energy Efficiency of Disk Storage Systems and Cache Performance Using Deduplication-based Mixed Pages00.342022
Improving the Performance of Deduplication-Based Backup Systems via Container Utilization Based Hot Fingerprint Entry Distilling00.342021
Parallel Multi-split Extendible Hashing for Persistent Memory.00.342021
Efficient NVM Crash Consistency by Mitigating Resource Contention00.342021
Tensor Action Spaces for Multi-agent Robot Transfer Learning.00.342020
Improving the Performance of NVM Crash Consistency under Multicore00.342020
RFPL: A Recovery Friendly Parity Logging Scheme for Reducing Small Write Penalty of SSD RAID00.342019
Rafs: A Raid-Aware File System To Reduce The Parity Update Overhead For Ssd Raid00.342019
Towards High Level Skill Learning: Learn to Return Table Tennis Ball Using Monte-Carlo Based Policy Gradient Method10.352018
Cap: Exploiting Data Correlations to Improve the Performance and Endurance of SSD RAID00.342018
Zero Shot Transfer Learning For Robot Soccer10.352018
Learning Skills for Small Size League RoboCup.00.342018
A learning framework towards real-time detection and localization of a ball for robotic table tennis system00.342017
Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Shingled Write Disk System50.472016
Optrix: Energy aware cross layer routing using convex optimization in wireless sensor networks00.342015
SANE: Semantic-Aware Namespacein Ultra-Large-Scale File Systems70.452014
Predictively booting nodes to minimize performance degradation of a power-aware web cluster170.612014
A New Parity-Based Migration Method to Expand RAID-580.522014
Exploiting subarrays inside a bank to improve phase change memory performance190.632013
Accelerating write by exploiting PCM asymmetries561.302013
RO-BURST: A Robust Virtualization Cost Model for Workload Consolidation over Clouds30.372012
C-IRR: An Adaptive Engine for Cloud Storage Provisioning Determined by Economic Models with Workload Burstiness Consideration00.342012
High Performance and High Capacity Hybrid Shingled-Recording Disk System80.612012
Temporal characterization of SPEC CPU2006 workloads: Analysis and synthesis30.442012
Effective Stochastic Modeling Of Energy-Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks40.442012
Making Write Less Blocking for Read Accesses in Phase Change Memory130.532012
Semantic-Aware Metadata Organization Paradigm in Next-Generation File Systems170.672012
Design of Hadoop-based Framework for Analytics of Large Synchrophasor Datasets.30.472012
Supporting Scalable and Adaptive Metadata Management in Ultralarge-Scale File Systems230.952011
Hot Random Off-Loading: A Hybrid Storage System with Dynamic Data Migration140.782011
Energy Efficient Buffer Cache Replacement for Data Servers00.342011
A study of self-similarity in parallel I/O workloads50.462010
A Novel Weighted-Graph-Based Grouping Algorithm for Metadata Prefetching80.482010
Energy Modeling of Wireless Sensor Nodes Based on Petri Nets80.622010
Energy and thermal aware buffer cache replacement algorithm30.382010
SmartStore: a new metadata organization paradigm with semantic-awareness for next-generation file systems180.822009
A Novel And Generic Model For Synthesizing Disk I/O Traffic Based On The Alpha-Stable Process20.362008
Scalable and Adaptive Metadata Management in Ultra Large-Scale File Systems261.052008
AMP: An Affinity-Based Metadata Prefetching Scheme in Large-Scale Distributed Storage Systems90.612008
A novel model for synthesizing parallel I/O workloads in scientific applications80.492008
Energy Modeling of Processors in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Petri Nets70.562008
RACE: A Robust Adaptive Caching Strategy for Buffer Cache150.722008
An Energy-Oriented Evaluation of Buffer Cache Algorithms Using Parallel I/O Workloads40.432008
Impacts of Indirect Blocks on Buffer Cache Energy Efficiency20.372008
Localization using neural networks in wireless sensor networks221.242008
An Energy-Efficient Buffer Cache Replacement10.352008
HBA: Distributed Metadata Management for Large Cluster-Based Storage Systems401.552008
Evaluating memory energy efficiency in parallel I/O workloads130.612007
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