Telematics Institute
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Multiple Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes for anomaly detection in traffic.10.342018
A Crowd-Powered System for Fashion Similarity Search.00.342016
The influence of image descriptors’ dimensions’ value cardinalities on large-scale similarity search40.442015
Automatic generation of 3D outdoor and indoor building scenes from a single image30.432014
A Data-Driven Approach for Social Event Detection.40.422013
Brain structures segmentation using optimum global and local weights on mixing active contours and neighboring constraints20.352011
3D reconstruction of indoor and outdoor building scenes from a single image10.352010
A Statistical Learning Approach to Spatial Context Exploitation for Semantic Image Analysis10.352010
3-D Model Search and Retrieval From Range Images Using Salient Features110.482010
Biometric template protection in multimodal authentication systems based on error correcting codes10.362010
Similarity content search in content centric networks111.102010
A system for the semantic multimodal analysis of news audio-visual content60.462010
A Practical Approach For Applying Non-Linear Dynamics To Particle Systems00.342010
Enhancing Haptic Rendering through Predictive Collision Detection00.342009
Interactive mixed reality white cane simulation for the training of the blind and the visually impaired60.452009
Blind robust 3-D mesh watermarking based on oblate spheroidal harmonics100.502009
Statistical motion information extraction and representation for semantic video analysis110.592009
Combining multimodal and temporal contextual information for semantic video analysis00.342009
A First Approach to Contact-Based Biometrics for User Authentication20.412009
Semantic Video Analysis Based on Estimation and Representation of Higher-Order Motion Statistics.00.342008
Using Fuzzy DLs to Enhance Semantic Image Analysis110.492008
Accumulated motion energy fields estimation and representation for semantic event detection70.582008
Recognition of Human Actions using Layered Hidden Markov Models.00.342008
A 3D face and hand biometric system for robust user-friendly authentication120.632007
A novel peer-to-peer payment protocol70.572007
3D volume watermarking using 3D krawtchouk moments20.452007
3D model search and retrieval using the spherical trace transform481.722007
A novel active contour model for fully automated segmentation of intravascular ultrasound images: In vivo validation in human coronary arteries181.292007
Video System for Surface Movement Surveillance at Airports30.452007
Multimedia Reasoning with Natural Language Support100.702007
Capturing MPEG-7 Semantics50.462007
Snapshots: a novel local surface descriptor and matching algorithm for robust 3D surface alignment.230.812007
Multiple description wavelet coding of layered video using optimal redundancy allocation10.362006
Masterpiece: Physical Interaction and 3D Content-Based Search in VR Applications50.452006
Robust Transmission Of H.264/Avc Video Using Adaptive Slice Grouping And Unequal Error Protection241.282006
A Fuzzy Expert System for the Early Warning of Accidents Due to Driver Hypo-Vigilance30.582006
Robust transmission of H.264/AVC streams using adaptive group slicing and unequal error protection110.722006
A Geometry Education Haptic VR Application Based on a New Virtual Hand Representation30.562005
Robust face recognition using 2D and 3D data: Pose and illumination compensation271.182005
Robust real-time 3D head pose estimation from range data492.092005
3D content-based search and retrieval using the 2D polar wavelet transform10.352005
Semantic annotation of images and videos for multimedia analysis1035.062005
Mobile tele-echography: user interface design30.522005
Combining Multiple Segmentation Algorithms and the MPEG-7 eXperimentation Model in the Schema Reference System30.482004
A Knowledge-Based Approach To Domain-Specific Compressed Video Analysis10.352004
Fast watermarking of MPEG-1/2 streams using compressed-domain perceptual embedding and a generalized correlator detector60.502004
Exploitation of 3D Images for Face Authentication Under Pose and Illumination Variations10.362004
Knowledge Representation for Semantic Multimedia Content Analysis and Reasoning422.642004
3D Human Walking Modeling00.342004
Shape Matching using the 3D Radon Transform100.682004
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