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A Spatio-Temporal-Semantic Environment Representation for Autonomous Mobile Robots equipped with various Sensor Systems00.342022
Overview of a route-planning tool for capacitated field processes in arable farming.00.342021
The Mesh Tools Package - Introducing Annotated 3d Triangle Maps In Ros00.342021
Wissensverarbeitung in der Landwirtschaft mit regelbasierten Inferenzsystemen und Begründungsverwaltung.00.342021
YCB-M: A Multi-Camera RGB-D Dataset for Object Recognition and 6DoF Pose Estimation10.392020
Efficient Planning Under Uncertainty with Incremental Refinement.00.342019
Compressing ROS Sensor and Geometry Messages with Draco10.382019
"Digitale Zwillinge" als Werkzeug für die Entwicklung von Feldrobotern in landwirtschaftlichen Prozessen.00.342019
Tools for Visualizing, Annotating and Storing Triangle Meshes in ROS and RViz00.342019
Move Base Flex.00.342018
Planning Under Uncertainty Through Goal-Driven Action Selection.00.342018
Towards Domain-independent Biases for Action Selection in Robotic Task-planning under Uncertainty.10.352018
Context-aware 3D object anchoring for mobile robots.20.362018
Architektur einer offenen Software-Plattform für landwirtschaftliche Dienstleistungen.00.342017
Practical Assumptions for Planning Under Uncertainty.00.342017
Plant classification with In-Field-Labeling for crop/weed discrimination using spectral features and 3D surface features from a multi-wavelength laser line profile system.70.572017
Model-based furniture recognition for building semantic object maps80.482017
AI, Kitsch, and Communication.00.342017
Online context-based object recognition for mobile robots20.372017
Hierarchical Hybrid Planning in a Mobile Service Robot.10.352015
Abducing Hypotheses About Past Events from Observed Environment Changes00.342015
Finding Ways to Get the Job Done: An Affordance-Based Approach.60.402014
Automatic Creation And Application Of Texture Patterns To 3d Polygon Maps20.502013
Encoding HTN Heuristics in PDDL Planning Instances - (Extended Abstract).00.342013
An evaluation of open source surface reconstruction software for robotic applications20.362013
Infield Path Planning for Autonomous Unloading Vehicles.00.342013
Building semantic object maps from sparse and noisy 3D data130.562013
Leuchttürme und Durchlauferhitzer.00.342013
Spatio-Temporally Constrained Planning for Cooperative Vehicles in a Harvesting Scenario.60.742013
Hybrid Reasoning in Perception: A Case Study.20.422012
Interpreting Observed Action (Dagstuhl Seminar 12491).10.352012
What Language Do You Use to Create Your AI Programs and Why?00.342012
On the impact of embedded knowledge-based systems.00.342011
Unter Modulhandbuchhaltern und Sprintstudierenden - Wer studiert heute KI? Und warum?00.342011
Neue Bücher in der Reihe DISKI: Dissertationen zur Künstlichen Intelligenz Editor-in-Chief:  Wolfgang Bibel - Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft AKA Heidelberg In Ko-Publikation mit IOS Press Amsterdam00.342011
LiSA: Auf dem Weg zur sicheren Assistenzrobotik00.342010
On the benefit of fusing DL-reasoning with HTN-planning20.522009
Virtual range scan for avoiding 3D obstacles using 2D tools20.542009
Evaluation of 3D registration reliability and speed - A comparison of ICP and NDT551.942009
Towards semantic maps for mobile robots1635.892008
Towards affordance-based robot control : international seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 5-9, 2006 : revised papers00.342008
Globally consistent 3D mapping with scan matching1104.902008
Fusing DL Reasoning with HTN Planning130.922008
Benchmarking urban six-degree-of-freedom simultaneous localization and mapping281.612008
Recent Progress in Flow Visualization Techniques toward the Generation of Fluid Art132.042007
Sicheres Navigieren in dynamischen Umgebungen mit 3D-Kollisionsvermeidung00.342007
KI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 30th Annual German Conference on AI, KI 2007, Osnabrück, Germany, September 10-13, 2007, Proceedings505.122007
KI 2007 Ankündigung00.342007
Cached k-d tree search for ICP algorithms593.362007
Ground Truth Evaluation Of Large Urban 6d Slam202.292007
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