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Managing Change With The Support Of Smart Technology: A Field Investigation Of Ride-Hailing Services00.342020
Security Policy Opt-in Decisions in Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) – A Persuasion and Cognitive Elaboration Perspective00.342019
Followership in an Open-Source Software Project and its Significance in Code Reuse.00.342019
A Conceptual Cognitive Model for Understanding the Coexistence of Trust and Distrust in Health Information Websites.00.342018
ICT Challenges and Opportunities in Building a "Bright Society".00.342018
Mobile Initiative and Firm Equity Value.00.342017
Sellers Versus Buyers: Differences In User Information Sharing On Social Commerce Sites30.372016
Identify the Antecedents of Distrust in a Website00.342015
An Exploratory Study of Website Localization Strategies: The Effect of Exogenous Factors00.342015
Critical Examination of Online Group-Buying Mechanisms.00.342014
The impact of early XBRL adoption on analysts' forecast accuracy - empirical evidence from China.20.362014
Accelerating Individual Innovation: Evidence from a Multinational Corporation.00.342014
The impact of XBRL adoption in PR China30.442014
Timing and basis of online product recommendation: the preference inconsistency paradox00.342013
Leveraging social grouping for trust building in foreign electronic commerce firms: An exploratory study.90.572013
Impact of informational factors on online recommendation credibility: The moderating role of source credibility250.812013
Computer-Mediated Communication And Social Networking Tools At Work40.392013
Inducing Intrinsic Motivation to Explore the Enterprise System: The Supremacy of Organizational Levers.310.732013
Is This Review Believable? A Study of Factors Affecting the Credibility of Online Consumer Reviews from an ELM Perspective.100.482012
Understanding Factors Influencing a SME to Continue Adopting the B2B Marketplace to Maintain its Presence.10.352012
Towards Collaboration Virtualization Theory.00.342012
Consumer's decision to shop online: The moderating role of positive informational social influence521.382011
The process of RFID assimilation by supply chain participants in China: A technology diffusion perspective on RFID technology.60.432011
Consumer trust and distrust: An issue of website design311.112010
Effects of Product Learning Aids on Breadth and Depth of Recall: An Empirical Investigation.00.342010
Credibility of Electronic Word-of-Mouth: Informational and Normative Determinants of On-line Consumer Recommendations1936.462009
Choice of Knowledge Source in Situations of Equivocality: Impact of Cultural Traits.10.352009
To trust or to distrust, that is the question: investigating the trust-distrust paradox140.552009
Managing Uncertainty: An Exploratory Study of Information Seeking Strategies of Online Consumers.10.362009
Impact of Organisational Resources on implementaion of ERP by an SME Firm: An Exploratory Study.10.352008
Adopting organizational virtualization in B2B firms: An empirical study in Singapore291.072008
Understanding the Motivations of Consumer Knowledge Sharing in Online Community.10.352008
Organisational Adoption of Mobile Distributed Work: An Empirical Examination.00.342007
Organizational learning capacity and attitude toward complex technological innovations: An empirical study50.512006
Understanding Customer Knowledge Sharing In Web-Based Discussion Boards - An Exploratory Study521.962006
Do I Trust You Online, and If So, Will I Buy? An Empirical Study of Two Trust-Building Strategies1283.252006
How Positive Informational Social Influence Affects Consumers' Decision of Internet Shopping?110.692006
An Overview of CRM Adoption and Implementation Strategy in China.10.352004
Understanding of Organizational Intention to Distributed Work Adoption.00.342004
Effects of Environmental Uncertainty on Organizational Intention to Adopt Distributed Work Arrangements261.022004
Customer Loyalty Strategy in the Internet Era.10.352003
A preliminary assessment of different trust formation models: the effect of third party endorsements on online shopping100.562003
Are Values a Good Predictor of Innovativeness toward Online Service Adoption? An Empirical Study00.342003
Effects of learning capacity and knowledge base on executive decision formation for IT adoption: an empirical study of small and medium-sized organizations10.352003
Group Polarization and Computer-Mediated Communication: Effects of Communication Cues, Social Presence, and Anonymity1004.702002
The Impact of Bureaucratic Control on Organizational Predisposition Towards Distributed Work Arrangements: An Empirical Study.00.342001
Information Instruments for Creating Awareness in IT Innovations: An Exploratory Study of Organizational Adoption Intentions of ValuNet80.532001
Virtual Organizations: The Business Design for the Twenty-First Century10.362000
A partial test of the task-medium fit proposition in a group support system environment100.771999
Can a GSS stimulate group polarization? an empirical study60.731999
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