Institute of Computing Science, Poznan University of Technology, Piotrowo 2, 60-965 Poznan, Poland and Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Z. Noskowskiego 12/14, 61-704 ...
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Two-machine flow shop scheduling with a common due date to maximize total early work00.342022
In memoriam Moshe Dror00.342022
RNAloops: a database of RNA multiloops00.342022
RNA World Modeling: A Comparison of Two Complementary Approaches00.342022
Alternative algorithms for identical machines scheduling to maximize total early work with a common due date00.342022
New Perspectives In Scheduling Theory00.342021
Semi-Online Scheduling On Two Identical Machines With A Common Due Date To Maximize Total Early Work00.342021
Genome-Scale De Novo Assembly Using Alga00.342021
Virxicon: A Lexicon Of Viral Sequences00.342021
Fully polynomial time approximation scheme to maximize early work on parallel machines with common due date00.342020
Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Scheduling on Two Identical Machines with Early Work Maximization00.342020
Searching for the Origins of Life - Detecting RNA Life Signatures Using Learning Vector Quantization.00.342019
RNApdbee 2.0: multifunctional tool for RNA structure annotation.20.392018
An integrated model for the transshipment yard scheduling problem.30.382017
Modeling of the catalytic core of Arabidopsis thaliana Dicer-like 4 protein and its complex with double-stranded RNA.00.342017
Complexity of late work minimization in flow shop systems and a particle swarm optimization algorithm for learning effect.20.362017
Good Laboratory Practice for optimization research.180.852016
Scheduling on parallel identical machines with late work criterion: Offline and online cases40.432016
Novel dual discounting functions for the Internet shopping optimization problem: new algorithms60.512016
New in silico approach to assessing RNA secondary structures with non-canonical base pairs60.542015
New perspectives in scheduling theory.20.382015
Cloud Brokering: Current Practices and Upcoming Challenges171.292015
Building the Library of Rna 3D Nucleotide Conformations Using the Clustering Approach30.432015
The Orderly Colored Longest Path Problem - a survey of applications and new algorithms.20.402014
Erratum to: Internet shopping with price-sensitive discounts.10.352014
Internet shopping with price sensitive discounts.90.672014
Multi-agent model of hepatitis C virus infection.40.412014
Rnapdbee-A Webserver To Derive Secondary Structures From Pdb Files Of Knotted And Unknotted Rnas80.622014
Unified encoding for hyper-heuristics with application to bioinformatics.30.412014
MLP accompanied beam search for the resonance assignment problem40.452013
New algorithms for coupled tasks scheduling - a survey.40.432012
Editorial: new branches, old roots00.342012
A simulated annealing hyper-heuristic methodology for flexible decision support.260.902012
Poseidon: An information retrieval and extraction system for metagenomic marine science.20.392012
Combinatorial optimization issues in scheduling10.392011
RNA partial degradation problem: motivation, complexity, algorithm.30.422011
Adaptive memory programming: local search parallel algorithms for phylogenetic tree construction00.342011
The simplified partial digest problem: Approximation and a graph-theoretic model00.342011
Protein alignment algorithms with an efficient backtracking routine on multiple GPUs.361.282011
RNA FRABASE 2.0: an advanced web-accessible database with the capacity to search the three-dimensional fragments within RNA structures.230.852010
Operations Research Models for Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Medicine10.372010
Guest editorial - Special issue "New challenges in scheduling theory" (Marseilles Workshop, May 12-16, 2008)00.342010
E-Commerce Evaluation - Multi-Item Internet Shopping. Optimization and Heuristic Algorithms.90.632010
Modeling the process of human body iron homeostasis using a variant of timed Petri nets00.342009
New insights into the human body iron metabolism analyzed by a Petri net based approach.10.362009
On the approximability of the Simplified Partial Digest Problem00.342009
Whole genome assembly from 454 sequencing output via modified DNA graph concept.60.522009
An assignment walk through 3D NMR spectrum50.462009
Parallel Implementation of the Novel Approach to Genome Assembly20.452008
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