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Collaboration Tool Choices and Use in Remote Software Teams: Emerging Results from an Ongoing Study00.342022
Summary of the 12th Brazilian Conference on Software and the 1st Latin American School on Software Engineering.00.342022
Extending the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) for Data Visualization in Software Project Management00.342022
User Experience Practices in Early-Stage Software Startups - An Exploratory Study00.342021
Status Quo in Requirements Engineering - A Theory and a Global Family of Surveys.00.342021
Behavioral Science and Diversity in Software Engineering00.342021
Strategies for Crowdworkers to Overcome Barriers in Competition-based Software Crowdsourcing Development00.342020
Towards Specific Software Engineering Practices for Early-Stage Startups.00.342020
Trends in Agile: Business Agility00.342020
Agile Accelerator Program - From Industry-Academia Collaboration to Effective Agile Training.00.342020
Towards a model for Managing Diversity and Inclusion in Software Development Teams.00.342020
Perceived Benefits and Challenges of Learning Startup Methodologies for Software Engineering Students00.342019
Incorporating real projects into a software engineering undergraduate curriculum00.342019
Integrating Challenge Based Learning Into a Smart Learning Environment: Findings From a Mobile Application Development Course (P).00.342018
An anatomy of requirements engineering in software startups using multi-vocal literature and case survey.30.382018
Industry-Academia Collaboration in Software Engineering.00.342018
From Voice of Evidence to Redirections.00.342018
Diversity in software engineering.20.362018
Challenge based startup learning: a framework to teach software startup.00.342018
Empirical evidence in follow the Sun software development: A systematic mapping study.00.342018
A collaborative approach to teaching software startups: findings from a study using challenge based learning.00.342018
Startup software development education: a systematic mapping study.00.342018
Applying customer development for software requirements in a startup development program00.342017
Barriers Faced by Newcomers to Software-Crowdsourcing Projects80.592017
The Best Software Development Teams Might be Temporary00.342017
CHASE 2017 Workshop Summary.00.342017
An empirical study on software engineering and software startups: Findings from cases in an innovation ecosystem.10.352017
Naming the pain in requirements engineering140.762017
Virtual Team Configurations that Promote Better Product Quality.10.372016
Preventing incomplete/hidden requirements: reflections on survey data from Austria and Brazil60.482016
On the randori training dynamics.00.342016
ADAPT: A Framework for Agile Distributed Software Development.00.342016
The Future of Software Engineering10.392016
Trends in Agile: Perspectives from the Practitioners.00.342016
Breaking Collaboration Barriers through Communication Practices in Software Crowdsourcing50.512016
Global Software Engineering: An Industry Perspective70.572016
Global Software Engineering: Evolution and Trends80.612016
Software Crowdsourcing Platforms.20.402016
Identifying Code Smells with Collaborative Practices: A Controlled Experiment30.392016
Assessing the impact of real-time machine translation on multilingual meetings in global software projects00.342016
Evaluating Collaborative Practices in Acquiring Programming Skills: Findings of a Controlled Experiment40.522015
Characteristics of High Performance Software Development Teams.20.382015
Adopting Agile Methods in the Public Sector: A Systematic Literature Review.00.342015
Towards building knowledge on causes of critical requirements engineering problems50.452015
What Do We Know about High Performance Teams in Software Engineering? Results from a Systematic Literature Review30.392015
Towards Successful Software Process Improvement Initiatives: Experiences from the Battlefield00.342015
Reporting Empirical Evidence in Distributed Software Development: An Extended Taxonomy40.392015
Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering: Comparing Practices in Brazil and Germany.80.532015
Software engineering research in Brazil from the perspective of young researchers: a panorama of the last decade00.342015
Evaluating the Use of Pair Programming and Coding Dojo in Teaching Mockups Development: An Empirical Study20.402015
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