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Complexity reduction in the HEVC/H265 standard based on smooth region classification.40.402018
A CPU-GPU Parallel Ant Colony Optimization Solver for the Vehicle Routing Problem.00.342018
SWIFOLD: Smith-Waterman implementation on FPGA with OpenCL for long DNA sequences.60.412018
Portable real-time DCT-based steganography using OpenCL.20.362018
Contention-Aware Fair Scheduling for Asymmetric Single-ISA Multicore Systems.40.422018
Robust motion estimation on a low-power multi-core DSP.80.422013
System-level memory management based on statistical variability compensation for frame-based applications10.362013
High Speed Fragile Object Manipulation.00.342013
Acceleration of block-matching algorithms using a custom instruction-based paradigm on a Nios II microprocessor.240.772013
Non-negative matrix factorization on low-power architectures: a comparative study10.362013
Multi-GPU based on multicriteria optimization for motion estimation system.140.642013
Biclustering and classification analysis in gene expression using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization on multi-GPU systems60.482011
Parallelism on the Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.00.342011
Hybrid timing-address oriented load-store queue filtering for an x86 architecture.00.342011
Improving face recognition by combination of natural and Gabor faces80.472010
Statistical approach in a system level methodology to deal with process variation00.342010
System-level process variability compensation on memory organizations: on the scalability of multi-mode memories20.372009
Endmember Extraction from Hyperspectral Imagery using a Parallel Ensemble Approach with Consensus Analysis00.342009
Parallel Implementation of the 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform on Graphics Processing Units: Filter Bank versus Lifting562.682008
GPU for Parallel On-Board Hyperspectral Image Processing261.432008
Combining system scenarios and configurable memories to tolerate unpredictability30.402008
Parallel Morphological Endmember Extraction Using Commodity Graphics Hardware341.902007
Multigrid Smoothers on Multicore Architectures00.342007
Enhancing the Performance of Multigrid Smoothers in Simultaneous Multithreading Architectures 10.472006
A Load-Store Queue Design Based On Predictive State Filtering30.402006
Substituting Associative Load Queue with Simple Hash Tables in Out-of-Order Microprocessors50.422006
Energy-aware fetch mechanism: trace cache and BTB customization60.552005
A Speculative Parallel Algorithm for Self-Organizing Maps20.412005
Improving superword level parallelism support in modern compilers90.722005
Load-Store Queue Management: an Energy-Efficient Design Based on a State-Filtering Mechanism.70.522005
A power-efficient and scalable load-store queue design40.422005
Pack Transposition: Enhancing Superword Level Parallelism Exploitation50.592005
JPEG2000 Optimization in General Purpose Microprocessors.10.362005
Branch prediction on demand: an energy-efficient solution230.892003
Hybrid Parallelization of a Compact Genetic Algorithm40.442003
A parallel multigrid solver for viscous flows on anisotropic structured grids40.582003
Wavelet transform for large scale image processing on modern microprocessors50.732002
A parallel cloth simulator using multilevel algorithms00.342002
Parallel wavelet transform for large scale image processing121.062002
-D Wavelet Transform Enhancement on General-Purpose Microprocessors: Memory Hierarchy and SIMD Parallelism Exploitation100.762002
A multigrid solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on a Beowulf-class system20.452001
Impact of PE Mapping on Cray T3E Message-Passing Performance70.682000
Data locality exploitation in the decomposition of regular domain problems151.182000
An Adaptive, Collaborative Environment to Develop Good Habits in Programming213.082000
Collaborative Knowledge-based Learning Environments and Applications00.341999
Solution of Alternating-Line Processes on Modern Parallel Computers40.591999
Automatic Generation of Parallel Code for Solving PDE Based Problems00.341997
Cooperative Distance Learning with an Integrated System for Computer Assisted Laboratory Work00.341996