Polytechnic University, New York
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‘Are They Doing Better In The Clinic Or At Home?’: Understanding Clinicians’ Needs When Visualizing Wearable Sensor Data Used In Remote Gait Assessments For People With Multiple Sclerosis00.342022
Sounds of New York city.00.342022
Telemedicine And Healthcare Disparities: A Cohort Study In A Large Healthcare System In New York City During Covid-1900.342021
SONYC-UST-V2 - An Urban Sound Tagging Dataset with Spatiotemporal Context.00.342020
Socially-Informed Sorting for Guiding Personal Finance Choices00.342020
Covid-19 Transforms Health Care Through Telemedicine: Evidence From The Field00.342020
The gold miner's dilemma: Use of information scent in cooperative and competitive information foraging00.342020
SONYC: a system for monitoring, analyzing, and mitigating urban noise pollution.100.712019
Crowdsourcing Multi-label Audio Annotation Tasks with Citizen Scientists.20.422019
Matching individual attributes with task types in collaborative citizen science00.342019
Eliciting Users' Demand for Interface Features00.342018
The Persuasive Power of Algorithmic and Crowdsourced Advice.10.352018
Using interactive \"Nutrition labels\" for financial products to assist decision making under uncertainty20.362017
Spatial memory training in a citizen science context.20.432017
Showing People Behind Data: Does Anthropomorphizing Visualizations Elicit More Empathy for Human Rights Data?130.602017
Communicating Personal Genomic Information to Non-experts: A New Frontier for Human-Computer Interaction.20.372017
It was Fun, but Did it Last?: The Dynamic Interplay between Fun Motives and Contributors' Activity in Peer Production00.342017
Investigating the Motivational Paths of Peer Production Newcomers.30.422017
Motivation to share knowledge using wiki technology and the moderating effect of role perceptions70.432016
Using targeted design interventions to encourage extra-role crowdsourcing behavior.00.342016
Turbulent Stability of Emergent Roles: The Dualistic Nature of Self-Organizing Knowledge Coproduction10.362016
Motivational Determinants of Participation Trajectories in Wikipedia.10.352016
Nutrition Labels for Financial Products: A Novel Recommender System for Informing Consumers.00.342015
Functional Roles and Career Paths in Wikipedia190.652015
Asymmetric Recommendations: The Interacting Effects of Social Ratings? Direction and Strength on Users' Ratings10.352015
How Deceptive are Deceptive Visualizations?: An Empirical Analysis of Common Distortion Techniques231.272015
Influencing Retirement Saving Behavior with Expert Advice and Social Comparison as Persuasive Techniques30.382015
Personalityzation: UI Personalization, Theoretical Grounding in HCI and Design Research40.432015
Informing and Improving Retirement Saving Performance using Behavioral Economics Theory-driven User Interfaces90.642015
A Game Theoretic Analysis of Collaboration in Wikipedia00.342014
The [Wikipedia] World is not flat: on the Organizational Structure of Online production Communities.40.392014
Understanding information practices of interactive personal genomics users10.352014
Personalizing behavior change technologies10.392014
Exploring user contributed information in social computing systems: quantity versus quality.10.342013
Personality-targeted design: theory, experimental procedure, and preliminary results200.952013
Exploring personality-targeted UI design in online social participation systems160.902013
Stay on the Wikipedia task: When task-related disagreements slip into personal and procedural conflicts.190.702013
Effect of external events on newcomer participation in open source online communities.00.342013
Motivation-Targeted Personalized UI Design: A Novel Approach to Enhancing Citizen Science Participation.60.502013
Dispositional resistance to change and hospital physicians' use of electronic medical records: A multidimensional perspective.50.432012
A social capital perspective on meta-knowledge contribution and social computing140.552012
Technology-mediated contributions: editing behaviors among new wikipedians160.792012
Information Quality in Wikipedia: The Effects of Group Composition and Task Conflict701.532011
Technology-Mediated Citizen Science Participation: A Motivational Model.201.332011
Facebook Use and Social Capital - A Longitudinal Study.30.412011
Environmental jolts: impact of exogenous factors on online community participation20.402011
"Cool" or "monster"?: company takeovers and their effect on open source community participation20.442011
Trusting Social Location Technologies and Interactions.00.342011
Gender differences in Wikipedia editing120.852011
Dusting for science: motivation and participation of digital citizen science volunteers191.442011
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