Queensland Univ Technol, Brisbane, Qld, Australia
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Discovering data transfer routines from user interaction logs00.342022
Seven Paradoxes Of Business Process Management In A Hyper-Connected World10.352021
Business process variant analysis: Survey and classification30.402021
Structural and Behavioral Biases in Process Comparison Using Models and Logs00.342021
Opportunities and Challenges for Process Mining in Organizations: Results of a Delphi Study00.342021
Robotic Process Mining: Vision And Challenges20.402021
Identifying Candidate Routines for Robotic Process Automation from Unsegmented UI Logs10.352020
Automatic Repair of Same-Timestamp Errors in Business Process Event Logs10.352020
A Framework for Estimating Simplicity of Automatically Discovered Process Models Based on Structural and Behavioral Characteristics00.342020
Scalable Alignment of Process Models and Event Logs: An Approach Based on Automata and S-Components00.342020
Robidium - Automated Synthesis of Robotic Process Automation Scripts from UI Logs.00.342020
Automated Repair of Process Models Using Non-local Constraints.00.342020
Process Mining Meets Causal Machine Learning: Discovering Causal Rules from Event Logs00.342020
Automated discovery of declarative process models with correlated data conditions.20.382020
Detection and removal of infrequent behavior from event streams of business processes10.352020
Robust Drift Characterization from Event Streams of Business Processes20.352020
Business Process Variant Analysis based on Mutual Fingerprints of Event Logs20.372020
Predictive Business Process Monitoring via Generative Adversarial Nets: The Case of Next Event Prediction00.342020
Predicting process performance: A white‐box approach based on process models00.342019
The Rise of Enforceable Business Processes from the Hashes of Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts.00.342019
Discovering Automatable Routines from User Interaction Logs.10.362019
Split miner: automated discovery of accurate and simple business process models from event logs90.512019
Stage-based discovery of business process models from event logs20.362019
Action Logger - Enabling Process Mining for Robotic Process Automation.00.342019
Predictive Process Monitoring in Apromore.10.352018
Filtering Spurious Events from Event Streams of Business Processes.40.492018
Checking Business Process Correctness in Apromore.00.342018
Abstract-and-Compare: A Family of Scalable Precision Measures for Automated Process Discovery.00.342018
Complete and Interpretable Conformance Checking of Business Processes.70.472018
Survey and Cross-benchmark Comparison of Remaining Time Prediction Methods in Business Process Monitoring60.472018
Discovering Process Maps from Event Streams.40.422018
Blockchains for Business Process Management - Challenges and Opportunities.431.712018
Automated discovery of structured process models from event logs: The discover-and-structure approach.30.432018
Interactive and Incremental Business Process Model Repair.00.342017
Outcome-Oriented Predictive Process Monitoring: Review and Benchmark.110.652017
Checking Business Process Modeling Guidelines in Apromore.00.342017
Modeling Business Process Variability: Are We Done Yet?20.482017
Filtering Out Infrequent Behavior from Business Process Event Logs.240.942017
Business process variability modeling : A survey461.452017
Mining Business Process Stages from Event Logs.00.342017
Detecting Sudden and Gradual Drifts in Business Processes from Execution Traces.80.462017
Scalable Conformance Checking of Business Processes.00.342017
Nirdizati: A Web-Based Tool for Predictive Process Monitoring.00.342017
Incremental and Interactive Business Process Model Repair in Apromore.00.342017
Characterizing Drift from Event Streams of Business Processes.70.482017
Predictive Business Process Monitoring with LSTM Neural Networks.110.572017
Discovering Causal Factors Explaining Business Process Performance Variation.10.412017
Business Process Performance Mining with Staged Process Flows.10.372016
Behavior-based Process Comparison in Apromore.00.342016
Business Process Management - Don't Forget to Improve the Process!40.482016
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