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AMCIS 2021 Awards and Closing Ceremony.00.342021
AMCIS 2021 Welcome and Opening Keynote.00.342021
Constraining Opportunism in Information Systems Consulting: A Three Nation Examination.00.342019
Organizing collective action: Does information and communication technology matter?10.352019
Simulation of greenhouse energy use: an application of energy informatics00.342018
Using IOS in a Collaborative Way: A Conceptual Model00.342018
The Sustainability Imperative in Information Systems Research.20.402017
Intergroup Collaboration: An Examination through the Lenses of Identity and IT Affordances.00.342016
A Knowledge-centric Examination of Signaling and Screening Activities in the Negotiation for Information Systems Consulting Services.10.352016
Explaining the unexpected and continued use of an information system with the help of evolved evolutionary mechanisms00.342016
The Nature of Hybrid Community: An Exploratory Study of Open Source Software User Groups20.372015
Shifting to a Sustainability Dominant Logic: The Role of IS00.342015
IT-driven identity work: Creating a group identity in a digital environment30.532014
When Technology Changes the Physical Workplace: The Creation of a New Workplace Identity.00.342014
Indigenous Techniques of Knowledge Creation in Qinea Schools of Ethiopia00.342013
Think Individually, Act Collectively: Studying the Dynamics of a Technologically Enabled Civic Movement.20.412013
Enriching our theoretical repertoire: the role of evolutionary psychology in technology acceptance.90.482013
Design Of A Demand Response System: Economics And Information Systems Alignment.30.382013
Information Asymmetry in Information Systems Consulting: Toward a Theory of Relationship Constraints110.592011
An Empirical Test of the Theory of Relationship Constraints.10.362011
Greenway Medical Technologies: The Pace-Setting David Of Electronic Health Records00.342011
Green projects: An information drives analysis of four cases250.842011
Effects of information system intent of managers on information systems implementation: case of selected e-government projects in two city administrations in ethiopia.00.342011
IT-Driven Organizational Identity Change: A Longitudinal Inquiry.00.342011
An Institutional Perspective On The Adoption Of Green Is & It260.812010
Indigenous Knowledge Creation Practices: The Case of Ethiopia.00.342010
Information systems and environmentally sustainable development: energy informatics and new directions for the is community31713.652010
Telematics At Ups: En Route To Energy Informatics140.682010
Studying the Role of Human Nature in Technology Acceptance.30.422009
Addressing Business Agility Challenges With Enterprise Systems260.902009
Panel: A call for action in tackling environmental sustainability through green information technologies and systems.10.392009
Organizational Adoption of Green IS & IT: An Institutional Perspective.391.532009
Resilience of Professional Open Source Ecosystems.20.392008
Opening the Classroom.81.222008
The business of open source493.712008
Information systems and ecological sustainability935.212008
Ubiquitous access: on the front lines of patient care and safety140.772008
Beyond Development: A Research Agenda for Investigating Open Source Software User Communities60.522007
Greenway Medical Technologies: Challenging The Goliaths In Electronic Medical Records10.382007
The Benefits of Transaction Cost Economics: The Beginning of a New Direction.10.362007
Communicating and Coordinating: Occasions for Information Technology in Loosely Coupled Organizations70.552006
Internet Advertising Strategy Alignment80.642006
A study in forms of organisational change induced by enterprise resource planning00.342006
Quality of Use of a Complex Technology: A Learning-Based Model310.882005
JBOSS: The Evolution of Professional Open Source Software122.382005
Enacting Integrated Information Technology: A Human Agency Perspective3169.942005
Governance, Leadership, And Management In Adaptive And Inventive Digital Communities: A Research Agenda To Reduce Waste In Graduate Education.10.352004
Validation Guidelines for IS Positivist Research60521.882004
Learning to Use ERP Technology: A Causal Model423.032003
Learning to Implement Enterprise Systems: An Exploratory Study of the Dialectics of Change36415.282002
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