Free University of Brussels, Interdisciplinary for Bradband Technology, SMIT
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Designing Recommender Systems for the Common Good00.342020
Interactive Route Personalization Using Regions of Interest.00.342020
Performing smart cities research based on existing datasets: a methodology framework00.342019
5G Business Models: Evolving Mobile Network Operator Roles in New Ecosystems00.342019
The effectiveness of involving users in digital innovation: Measuring the impact of living labs.00.342018
An information system design theory for the comparative judgement of competences20.352018
Policy Recommendations Supporting Smart City Strategies: Towards a New Methodological Tool.00.342017
"Open Government Data" - based Business Models - A Market Consultation on the Relationship with Government in the Case of Mobility and Route-Planning Applications.00.342016
Designing A Smart City Playground: Real-Time Air Quality Measurements And Visualization In The City Of Things Testbed00.342016
City Of Things: An Integrated And Multi-Technology Testbed For Iot Smart City Experiments110.602016
Who manages the manager? Identity management and user ownership in the age of data00.342015
LL-ADR: Action Design Research in Living Labs40.832015
Control & Value Trade-Offs in Handling User-Data: The Example of Location-Based-Services.00.342014
Location data - a trade-off between control and value: Business model implications00.342014
Platform business models for smart cities: from control and value to governance and public value202.782013
Creative Rings for Smart Cities.00.342013
From Loyalty Points to Virtual Currencies: Expanding Loyalty Schemes for Mobile Platforms.00.342013
A Holistic Impact-Assessment Framework for Green ICT30.562013
When Loyalty Points Become Virtual Currencies: Transforming Business Models for Online Platforms.00.342013
Business Impact Assessment of Self-Growing Energy Efficient Systems.10.492012
Economic feasibility of powering on/off cells in heterogeneous networks.00.342012
Evaluating impacts of oversubscription on future internet business models20.522012
The double platform structure of the audiovisual media industry in flanders00.342012
Special issue on business models for mobile platforms: guest editors' introduction10.362011
Techno-economic evaluation of cognitive radio in a factory scenario30.632011
The City as a Platform: Exploring the Potential Role(s) of the City in Mobile Service Provision through a Mobile Service Platform Typology30.582011
Introduction: Mobile service architecture and middleware20.442011
Adding value to the network: Mobile operators' experiments with Software-as-a-Service and Platform-as-a-Service models301.302011
Innovation in a small media market: how to promote what?00.342011
Multi-Actor Analysis for Self-Organizing Energy Efficient Business Ecosystems00.342011
Scenario-based regulatory requirements for cognitive radio20.522011
Flexible spectrum and future business models for the mobile industry61.812009
Standardization and Business Models for Platform Competition: The Case of Mobile Television50.692009
Cooperation models for mobile television in Europe121.102008
Changing business models for Europe's mobile telecommunications industry: The impact of alternative wireless technologies101.632007
Business Modelling as the Configuration of Control and Value00.342007
Business Model Implications of a Cognitive Pilot Channel as enabler of Flexible Spectrum Management20.692007
Changing Content Industry Structures: The Case of Digital Newspapers on ePaper Mobile Devices10.382007
Comparing business models for multimedia content distribution platforms10.522006
Business model scenarios for remote management20.792006
Business Model Scenarios for Seamless Content Distribution and Delivery10.782005
Mobile Internet Services in Japan and Europe: Examining Industrial Organisation in Relation to Interactive Electronic Publishing00.342003
The Impact of Convergence on the Competitiveness of the European Consumer Electronics Industry00.342000